
You Are My Wife

After exiting the hall, Ruby initially thought that Matthew would escort her to her bedroom. However, that man took her to the palace's top floor or the king's private floor instead.

"Your Majesty, my bedroom is on the third floor." Write Ruby on paper.

Matthew, "I know. However, my room is on the top floor."

Ruby looked at Matthew in wonder because she didn't think it had anything to do with Ruby.

As if he could read Ruby's mind, Matthew quickly explained. "Milady, we are married. Therefore, from today onwards, you will sleep in my room."

Ruby gasped. Before Matthew opened the door to his room, the woman suddenly stopped walking and froze like a statue. No matter how hard Matthew tried to get Ruby into the room, the woman didn't move at all, as if her feet were nailed to the floor.

"What's wrong, Milady?" asked Matthew, confused.

Ruby bit her inner lip, feeling hesitant to explain the contents of her thoughts that were filled with worry.

"Your Majesty, wouldn't it be better if we had separate rooms?" write ruby.

Because as far as Ruby knows, most married nobles sleep in different rooms, especially nobles who marry for political reasons, not for love

So, Ruby thought maybe Matthew would feel uncomfortable if he slept with Ruby every day.

"You are my wife, so why should I let you sleep in a different room?" asked Matthew.

Ruby wrote. "Because I thought Your Majesty only needed me when you wanted to make babies."

Ruby's face turned red after she wrote that sentence. Ruby remembers that they married so Matthew could have children while Ruby could heal her mother.

Therefore, Ruby thought Matthew would only meet her when he wanted to have babies with her.

"Milady… I didn't marry you to make you a child-making machine, but as the wife and the queen of my kingdom," Matthew replied, looking at Ruby seriously.

The man's voice was as warm as a fireplace and sweet as honey. It made Ruby's heart beat wildly.

[Why are my feelings consistently erratic today?]

Sometimes Ruby will be hit by feelings of sadness, then suddenly happy and embarrassed. All these mixed feelings made her nervous and worried that she would go crazy if she was around Matthew for a long time.

Especially after Matthew said that Ruby is not just a child-making machine but also a wife that he should treat well.

Ruby's heart was obviously feeling warmer because no one in Wridal had ever appreciated her as much as Matthew.

"If Milady isn't comfortable sharing a bedroom with me, then I can—"

Ruby hastily shook her head and wrote. "I want to sleep with you, Your Majesty!"

If Matthew didn't mind sharing the bedroom with Ruby, then she wouldn't object either. After all, Ruby might be able to take the man's heart deeper so that she can gain an advantage over Matthew.

Matthew smiled as he opened the door for Ruby. "Then please come in, Milady."

Overcome with shame, Ruby finally stepped into Matthew's chamber and was immediately struck by admiration when she saw the interior of the king's chamber, which was so luxurious.

Matthew's chamber looked so spacious and elegant. Ruby even thought that Matthew's bedroom could accommodate twenty people in it.

A king-sized bed is placed in the middle of the room, while the sofa and table are next to a large window that allows sunlight to enter and warms the inside of the room during the day.

The bedroom is also dominated by black, but thanks to the combination of white marble floors and wooden ornaments on the walls, the room's atmosphere doesn't seem gloomy.

"Milady, due to our sudden wedding, I haven't had time to change my room decor yet," said Matthew.

Ruby wrote. "It's all right, Your Majesty. This room already looks good"

Matthew, "But doesn't it look a bit gloomy for you? Let's make it like this. Tomorrow you can ask the palace servants to change the decoration of this room."

Judging from his expression, Ruby could guess that Matthew would still ask the palace servants to change the decoration of his room even though Ruby had refused. Hence, Ruby just nodded in reply.

Even though Ruby didn't think Matthew's room's interior looked terrible, after all, Matthew's room was much nicer than her tiny, shabby bedroom in the Barnette Family Mansion.

"Sit down, Milady. You must be tired after hearing the gossip from the people in the hall earlier." Matthew took Ruby to the sofa and poured her a cup of hot tea.

For the umpteenth time, Ruby was flattered by Matthew's little care. The Lycan King was even willing to pour tea for Ruby using his own hands.

"I'm used to hearing people talk bad of me, Your Majesty." Ruby tried to smile brightly as she wrote. "Therefore, Your Majesty doesn't need to worry about me."

However, Ruby's smile couldn't affect Matthew because the man's expression worsened after reading Ruby's sentence.

"Getting used to it doesn't mean you don't feel pain anymore." Matthew said firmly, "After I announced you as the Queen of Veritas, I will make sure no one in this world is allowed to gossip about you."

"If they dare to speak ill of you, then they are enemies of Veritas," added Matthew.

The red color trapped Matthew's body, giving the impression that there was a fire burning all over his body.

The man was angry, so angry that he clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white.

[I was the one who was getting insulted, but why are you the one who was angry?] confused Ruby.

No one ever cared when Ruby was insulted in public. Her family even looked away every time Ruby had to get all those insults.

However, how could the Lycan King, in front of her, care about other people's bad words towards Ruby?

"I don't understand, Your Majesty." Ruby wrote. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

Matthew rested his chin on his hands, then looked at Ruby gently. "Is it wrong for me to be kind to you, Milady? Could all the bad rumors about me make you think that I'm a heartless villain?"

Ruby quickly shook her head. She didn't mean it like that. Even the bad rumors about Matthew started to melt in her thought after witnessing how good Matthew had been to her since yesterday.

But when Ruby was about to write her reply, Matthew suddenly touched the back of her hand, making Ruby stop writing.

"I promised you before, Milady." Matthew said, "If you come with me to Veritas, then I will protect you. Not only your body but also your name and reputation."

Matthew's words were convincing, but Ruby felt that wasn't the only reason.

Knock! Knock!

A rough knock on the door startled Ruby, as well as Matthew, who walked straight to the door with an annoyed expression.

"How dare you knock on the door so violently when my wife is inside!" shouted Matthew as soon as he opened the door.

When Matthew opened the bedroom door widely, he saw the royal knight's face that looked terrible. "I beg you pardon, Your Majesty. Actually, I didn't want to disturb your first night, but there's chaos at the border, and it looks like you should come over there right now."

The Knight's tone—Holden Crawford—sounded filled with worry. Either worried about the trouble at the border or concerned about getting a tantrum from Matthew.

"Are all my soldiers already dead to the point you have to ask me to come to the border?!" shouted Matthew.

Holden immediately took a few steps back when he heard Matthew's shout, then replied, "The royal soldiers are still alive, Your Majesty. However, the conditions at the border are horrible, and we need your presence as the highest alpha in this region."

"What happened?" Matthew asked after trying to suppress his irritation.

"There is a group of hellhounds who suddenly want to break through the border. The soldiers on guard were overwhelmed with them because there were so many hellhounds that seemed to be no end."

"Why do they suddenly want to enter the settlement? Don't they usually live in the forest and avoid humans?" wonder Matthew.

Holden, "We don't know the cause either, Your Majesty. However, I can guarantee that if that group of demon beasts isn't stopped immediately, the hellhounds might be able to enter the Capital and infiltrate the Palace's territory."

Holden then fixed his eyes on Ruby as if to remind Matthew that now he had something precious that needed to guard at the Palace.

Matthew quickly took his robe and said seriously. "Prepare reinforcements to the border immediately, then order Sir Diaz to stay on guard at the Palace and ensure Lady Ruby's safety while I'm away."

"As your orders, Your Majesty." Holden hurried away from Matthew's presence after receiving orders.

After the knight's leaving, Ruby immediately approached Matthew and handed him a piece of paper. "Are hellhounds that dangerous? Are you leaving soon? Could it be that you could be seriously injured fighting a hellhound?"

Ruby at least heard all the conversations between Matthew and Holden clearly, so she could tell that Matthew had to go to the border soon.

Matthew chuckled when he knew his little wife was worried about him going to the border.

"Hellhounds are usually not difficult to deal with, but this time they came in large numbers, so my soldiers had a hard time dealing with them."

Matthew then stroked Ruby's golden strands of hair and said, "But the hellhounds can be quickly chased away if they feel the presence of a strong Alpha, and I happen to be the strongest alpha in Veritas who can repel the hellhounds."

"I'll chase them away quickly and head straight back to the palace so that we can have our first night." Matthew kissed the back of Ruby's hand. "Please, wait for me, Milady."

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[Mini Theater]

Matthew: I want to touch my adorable wife and make her feel good tonight!

Holden: *Open the door violently* Sorry, but it looks like you have to spend your time with the dogs tonight.
