
I Became an Adjutant in Another World

When I was Transferred to Another World, I Became the Adjutant of a Lady Commander and Beared the Brunt of a Lustful Harem! ~From a Safe Place, Let’s Rise to Greatness! While at it, have Wonderful Sex with Beautiful Women from Another World as Well!~ Yuushin Sanada was taking a shower when he suddenly got transported to another world. Being thrown outside buck-naked, he was more shocked to see that the place he has arrived at was the center of a battlefield, where powerful monsters are running rampant all over the place, and the soldiers, even though they were already strengthened and enhanced by magic, are still struggling to fight them off. Since the ability to use magic was the deciding factor in strength in this world, Yuushin, who has no way to defend himself, decided to approach a person who has the power, grasp their abilities and weaknesses, and secure a safe job to avoid having to fight on the front lines. It was then that he meets Lucy, a timid baroness and the commander of the defending forces, by luck. Showing off the underhanded tactics that he learned in his original world, Yuushin decides to help Lucy, and by giving her all the credit for his accomplishments, he then succeeds in securing a position as her adjutant. Upon investigating further, however, Yuushin discovers Lucy’s fear of powerful monsters, so in order to overcome that mental barrier, he decided to make her immediate superior experience the most wonderful part of being a woman – the incredible taste of s*x with a man. After that, came a series of battles and all sorts of problems, but by utilizing his scheming as the Aide-de-Camp of the Baroness, while also building up trust and affection to his allies and the like – mostly beautiful women of power, Yuushin began aiming to have the most powerful another world harem of his life – also in order for him to stay away from the front lines of course!

Big_Big_0235 · 映画
111 Chs

Chapter 9 – A Visitor in the Night

After finishing my paperwork in the office, I gathered up my documents and left the room.

I don't think I can hold it back anymore.

Although I had successfully acted bravely in front of Lucy, that was still the first time I participated in a real battle. Therefore, I could only do my best to hide my nervousness as I stood amid the fighting army at that time.

Yes, I had already experienced the atmosphere of a battlefield the first time I got here, but watching from afar and watching from up close and center is just so different that I could classify it as a league of its own.

And although the lingering excitement in the battlefield made me feel revved up as well, maybe because of the adrenaline rushing over my head, when it was all over, all I felt was exhaustion in the end.


(Let's get some good rest today. I still have to go to the command center tomorrow.)

I headed towards the barracks and went into my room.

After stepping inside and locking the door, I immediately plopped myself in the chair nearby.

"Phew, finally. I thought my knees were gonna give up midway back there. The battlefield sure is scary."

I muttered tiredly, then looked around my newly assigned room.

Non-commissioned officers in this army were given the benefits of having their own private rooms, far different from the common soldiery.

This is because when I became Lucy's adjutant, I was also formally given the rank of a non-commissioned officer.

While I don't know if it's okay for an aristocrat to have a person of unknown background to be her adjutant, and while I also don't know when that bribe of mine will last, but for now, I am eternally grateful that I now have my own private place.

"To think the first thing I would be grateful of here is a room smaller and more dilapidated than what I had back in Japan. Privacy and safety sure are one hell of a benefit. Nevertheless, I can finally let out my stress without worrying about anyone seeing it."

Ordinary soldiers were made to stay in six-person rooms, throwing privacy and security out of the window. But now that I am a junior officer, I am separated from them and given a room of my own, albeit small.

It was even smaller than the rundown apartment I had in Japan, but it was better than that shared room.

And since the building is built with military commanders in mind, every room in it is well constructed and has even a certain degree of soundproofing. In this aspect, this is already superior to the raggedy apartment I had back there.

"Sigh. It's been a long slog up to this point."

I was naked when I was transferred to another world. Then I had to loot corpses, join an army, suck up to a noble, then fight monsters.

For the first time since coming into this world, I finally have a space where I can truly feel safe, where I can finally have a good rest. If y ou are a ble to re ad this me ssa ge, you are r eadi ng from a n unau thori zed ag greg ate site. Re ad at my Word Pre ss at stab bin g with a syri nge. ho me. b log to sup port me and m y t ransl ati ons.

It's funny that I am feeling this after knowing that I now have a lockable room on my own. I never thought I'd be this simple.

"I still have some money left. Should I go buy some booze? But I don't really feel safe getting drunk in the mess hall. Eh, whatever"

With that thought in mind, I grabbed my purse and keys and got up from my chair.

But as I opened the door, I heard a thud, followed by a small scream.


"Eh? I'm so sorry, Lady Finlay! But why are you here?"

At the front of my door, there was my superior officer with tears in her eyes.

And from the way she's covering her forehead and in pain, she apparently had been hit in that spot by the door I just opened.

"Ow...this is...I'd like to have a little chat with you, Yuushin. Do you have time?"

"I don't mind, but would you please come inside for now? It would be a little awkward if anyone were to see us here."

I went around her and pushed Lucy on her back as I guided her into my room.

After making sure that no one was watching, I closed the door and locked it.

A female noble commander visiting a male commoner's subordinate's room in the middle of the night. It would be a scandal from any angle, even if the other party didn't do anything.

If a word of this were to get out, people would say a lot of bad things about her. And what's more, my reputation would take a hit as well.


"Ah, you even locked it...perhaps, Yuushin has the same intention as well?"

"Hm? Did you say something?"

"N-no! It's nothing."

I couldn't hear her very well because she was whispering the last part, but whatever.

"So, what happened? Was there some kind of incident that happened?"

"An incident? No, it was actually quite peaceful, in fact. Also, why is that the first thing in your mind? isn't wanting to see you already enough of a reason?"

In response to my question, Lucy looked at me with a tinge of loneliness.

Not good. I think I handled it a bit wrong.

"No, no, no. You misunderstood me, milady. There isn't a man who wouldn't be happy to be visited by a beautiful woman of your caliber. Or else they wouldn't be a man at all. In fact, right now, I am already grateful."

"I see...I hope I wasn't intruding on you with something, but Yuushin, you look pretty tired. Are you okay?"

Lucy walks up to me and looks closer to my face.

"You don't look that pale, so it's not a shortage of blood. Still, your eyes seem to lack energy in them."

"Ahahaha, is that so? Well, it must have been because I have loosened up too much after entering this room."

Lucy is indeed correct.

You can say that after coming inside this room, the strings pulling tight on me today have all loosened up.

This time, I sat on the bed and exhaled heavily.

The breath felt as if there was a huge rock I had been carrying on my back, and then it was dumped on the ground all at once. This chapte r tr ans lat io n is ma de p oss ible by sta bbing wi h a sy rin ge transla ti ons. chec k only up-t o-da te transl atio ns on my Wordpr ess s te.

I don't want to look too pathetic in front of Lucy, but I'm almost at my limit.

If I don't take a break at this point, I won't be able to last.

"If you don't mind, you can tell me what's troubling you? Yuushin has been helping me a lot, so I want to do at least something to help you back."

Lucy, too, sat down next to me and then looked me up closer.

Maybe it's because of the height difference that she did it, but now that we're this close, I can't help but get a clear view of the worried look on her face. What's more, I can also feel the sensation as she pushes her bountiful chest against my own.

When I held her before, as I had been concentrating on boosting her courage, I wasn't able to enjoy much, but now that I had taken this closer look at her, even I find her limbs attractive.

Naturally, I was already feeling horny at this point.

"It's okay, Yuushin. Just let it all out. You can even forget that I'm an aristocrat just for today. For you, I am willing to do anything."

Even her usual voice sounded like she was sweetly inviting me to have it with her today.

No, wait. At this point, Lucy might actually be asking me out here. She came all the way to a man's room, on her own, at night and all alone. She is already at that age, and with all that we have done to each other, it won't be a wonder anymore if she has already anticipated the possibility of this happening.

Once I thought of this, I no longer held myself back.

"...Fine. If you're this insisting, then I'll have one request."

With that, I put my hands on her shoulders and pushed Lucy straight with her back onto the bed.

"Ah, Yuushin."


She looked a little surprised at the suddenness of the situation but quickly returned to her usual gentle face. There was not a bit of resistance at all.

"It's okay, Yuushin, it's okay. Also, this may be a small thing, but...actually, I was hoping for this to happen, just a little bit."

When she said that, it felt like all the lust I had been suppressing suddenly burst out.

Now that things have gotten up to this point, it is now too late.

I won't be able to control myself anymore.

"Pardon me, milady. But I think I can no longer hold myself back, unlike the other day. This time, I may even get a bit rougher than usual."

"Un, I don't mind. If that's what Yuushin desires, then get rough with me all you want. I will take it all."

-the moment she said those lines, my body began to move on its own.