
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · ファンタジー
193 Chs

Chapter 96 - 96. The Darkness Thickens (2)


Magredo, who had been following me, sighed at the horrors at the gambling house.

The casino was neatly organized.

I knew what kind of organization they were through the game. Criminal organizations like this were quite common.

With these guys, the warlocks and blood mages can safely grow their strength.

It was a vicious cycle.

The onlookers who were with me gave me break-even and sent me out of the gambling house. It was easy to control, even with the Knights Badge.

I told you not to gamble, but I don't know if you'll listen to me.

All the money left in the gambling hall or the money in the safe was put into the subspace pocket. Calling the knights to retrieve it would be a good way, but there was no way to contact them yet.

There's no such thing as a good job to get that much money.

"...But have you ever run into me?"

Magredo, who was glancing at the corpses of the organization members who had been slashed with a single knife, asked.

Even Sierra had a curious look on his face.

The answer to this was fixed.

There was one big incident he had a few years ago.

"Oh, that's once in the Empire..."

"...You mean the casino. Tsk, that's a bad memory."

"Haha, it was such a big commotion."

I roughly tuned it to the rhythm.

'How did you come up with the idea to commit fraud in such a huge casino...'

I couldn't figure it out.

That's how I got out of the gambling house with Magredo.

Looking at the moon in the sky, it seemed that it was dawn.

Coming out of the gambling house, Magredo breathes in the chilly morning air. He had the look of a person who had dramatically escaped from prison.

'Is it dramatic in its own way?'

Soon, Ma Gredo, who raised his head and looked up at the sky, opened his mouth.

"Yes. You said you wanted to learn sealing. But do you need to learn?"

"I heard that there is no end to learning."

"Sniff, you're greedy. I don't hate it. There's a house nearby, so why don't we talk a little more there?"


I responded with a bright smile.

Well, it was flowing as I had seen in the game.

If you want to learn spirit sealing from Magredo, you have to rescue him from prison.

It was not a very difficult process.

The gambling establishment's criminal organization wasn't that high-level.

However, Magredo was captured because he was too weak to defeat them all.

Did he say that the spirits were stolen by high-ranking spiritists? He had a lot of tangled incidents, and he had many enemies in many ways.

I moved to his house with Magredo.

He was not amused by my blindfolded eyes, which I followed easily. He seems to have guessed himself that he must have some kind of special power since he was able to destroy the organization of a gambling house by himself.

That's how I learned the spirit sealing technique from Magredo.

...As a result, Magredo may not have known as an elementalist, but he was a good person as a teacher.

Not long after he got out of prison, he enthusiastically taught me the art of sealing spirits while immersed in his theories as if he wasn't tired.

Starting with the basic theory of spirits, they went so far as to discuss why spirit sealing techniques are valuable.

Spirit sealing.

Unlike general spirit magic, it is not greatly affected by spirit affinity.

After examining my body, Magredo said that I had poor affinity with spirits and praised my body for being good at learning spirit sealing.

He said that being blind would not be a big problem as long as he could sense the energy of the summoned spirit.

Unlike Spirit Spells, which use spirits as familiars, Spirit Sealing Spells seal part of the spirits into the body, allowing the spirit's power to be used directly.

The benefits that came from it were indescribable.

Basically, the higher the affinity with the spirits, the better they could handle the spirits.

To put it simply, the higher the affinity, the better the spirits will listen.

Then, the key to spirit magicians is how to increase their affinity with spirits.

But there is no such way.

There was no way to intentionally raise affinity.

Spirit affinity was an innate ability.

'In fact, it's not like there's no way at all, but...'

Anyway, that's usually the case.

As you can see from the fact that Magredo was dealing with a bizarre elemental technique called elemental sealing, his affinity with spirits was low.

Feeling very dissatisfied with this, he found the spirit magic, the spirit sealing technique, which had been lost in the past.

A spirit technique that recites the 'true name' of the summoned spirit and forcibly seals the spirit's power in the body.

Through the spirit sealing technique, regardless of affinity, the power of the spirit can be fully handled.

The spirit sealing process itself was fairly easy and simple. Maybe that's why I was able to acquire the skill quickly.

However, it was a big problem to recite the true name.

Compared to the spirits, how can humans who are mere ephemera find out the true names of the spirits?

Magredo had no choice but to search through ancient texts related to spirits.

Maybe that's why, there were so many old and old books in his house.

However, even Magredo, who had devoted his whole life to it, only found out the true names of a few middle-class spirits and a few low-level spirits.

But, if only to find out the true name.

According to Magredo's expression, you will be able to handle 'a mighty power that does not fit your fountain'.

There was no penalty.

It was a difficult task in itself to seal a being with a foreign spirit called a spirit into a human body.

In order for a spirit to live in the spirit realm to maintain its form in the human realm, it consumes the mana of the spirit sorcerer, but it is said that the spirit sealing technique does not consume mana, but rather eats away at the physical body, or vitality.

It wasn't that life was cut short.

In the first place, Magredo was an old man who should have been living a long life in such a dangerous world.

He just said that he had to live with potions because his stamina was declining. Maybe that's why Magredo drank three bottles of his cheap health potion as soon as he got home.

It was information that I knew through the game.

I had a bracelet, so it didn't matter.

Although the question is when to return this bracelet to Reina.

Magredo, who told me more about the sealing arts, said he had virtually nothing more to teach me.

Even so, he had no intention of teaching the true name of the spirits he had learned over the course of his life.

When he asked if he knew how to summon spirits, he replied that he did.

Of course, I don't know about summoning spirits, but in a yard with poor affinity, I don't think good spirits will come out with summoning... There was a whistle, so there was no need to learn summoning.

That was enough.

All of this was just the process of carving skills into the status window.

I listened to the chatter of Magredo, whom I hadn't had a conversation with in a while, and it wasn't until the moon went down that I was able to leave his house.

After escaping from Magredo's house, I immediately climbed into the carriage.

As expected, it didn't take much time.


After getting off the carriage, I was walking through a forest where people were rare.

On the other side, a fence could be seen indicating that it was the site of the academy.

[ Hmm... ]

Sierra, who followed me while floating in the air, was drooling.

"Do you have any concerns?"

She turned her head and asked.

[ ...The spirit you said you would seal. Will he be able to recognize the existence of her original daughter? ]

... When Sierra said that I would learn how to seal a spirit, she suddenly asked what kind of spirit she was, and she was puzzled.

To be precise [The original woman's swordsmanship, do you need her spirit's power? ] Said.

Then, when she heard her explanation of her spirit-sealing technique to Magredo, he affirmed it, arousing admiration from her.

He said he liked it because he had the power to control the spirit rather than being swayed by the spirit.

"Can you communicate with Master... I don't know. You said you could see the spirits around Magredo, right?"

He scratched her head as he answered Sierra's question.

It was something I didn't know exactly.

'Is it possible to interact because they are the same spiritual body, or is it impossible because the nature of the energy is different...'

According to Magredo's explanation, sealing the elemental does not mean that the elemental's existence will completely disappear, she said.

However, she changed from her human form to that of a beast that could not communicate much.

[ Okay. Is it because it is a low-level spirit? They were little guys. It didn't feel like you recognized me. ]

Magredo's spirit did not recognize Sierra.

If it is a spirit sealed in my body, it might be possible to interact with Sierra, which is 'belonged' to me.

Soon after I was walking through the woods, I stopped my steps thinking that this would be enough.

"If you have any questions, you can find out from now on."

I murmured to Sierra and put her hand in her pocket and pulled out her whistle.

[Uh...? Why is the whistle suddenly...? ]

Sierra questions my actions.

That this is the 'whistle of the King of Spirits' had been previously communicated to Sierra.

Like Hidden Peace, and the way you do it.

Sierra would often say that I was not a 'prophet'.

...I have no affirmations or denials.

From the first time she met her, she was a mysterious figure and still wore her swarm.

If you touch it very well, shouldn't you think of reincarnation or return?

Anyway, maybe it was because she replied that she knew how to summon her spirits to Greedo. She didn't think I would use her whistle.

I put my mouth on the whistle.

I don't know what kind of spirit will come out.

'Properties related to me...?'

Honestly, I thought it would be nice if it wasn't just the 4 elements. Doesn't it overlap with the family of the 4 elements?

Even if the 4 elements appeared, at least Lucia's wind attribute, which was not helpful in battle, would be good.

Immediately I blew my whistle loudly.


The whistle only made the sound of the weak wind.

But it wasn't wrong.

It is correct to call the whistle properly.

The sound of the whistle must have resonated loudly in the spirit realm, not here.

In response, Sierra tilts her head.

[...There are no enemies, and it's not dangerous, so what are you doing all of a sudden? ]

Waiting for the spirit to appear soon, I explained to Sierra.

"There are spirits that I know by name."

It was only then that Sierra noticed my intention.

[No way... Didn't I say that a higher level spirit would appear? ]


Around the time I was having that conversation with Sierra, the forest started to stir.

Even though it was dawn, in an instant the surroundings were covered with fog, blocking the light.

Before long, an unformed mass of black energy begins to gather in front of my eyes.

'Black color...?'

Something was going strangely.

Perhaps because of that, there was a chilly feeling around her.

Soon, the black energy takes shape.

It was in human form.

The spirit was appearing.

The spirit took on a perfect form in an instant.

Soon after, as soon as I saw the dark colored armor that appeared in the air, I felt it.

The fog that has slowly approached wraps around the body of the spirit.

As for the spirit, he was wearing a full body armor of gorgeous ink.

His red eyes glared at me.

Soon after, his creepy... Scratching voice is heard.

"Shade of shadows, I answer the call of the king's whistle..."

It was a moment when intuition worked.

There was no need to worry about this, it was the spirit of darkness unconditionally.

Shade stops talking and questions.

"... Now that I see you, you're a human. For a human to call me... It's strange."


I couldn't answer him anything.

As he said, the spirits of darkness are the spirits commanded by demons.

The fact that the spirit of darkness came out when I blew the whistle means that I sensed an aura similar to that of a demon.

...There was nothing to point out.

'Like the tears of the dead, or the urethra... I never thought this would be applied like this...'

I was complacent.

The most important thing is that you don't know the true name of the dark spirit.

Cannot use spirit sealing.

"By the way, where's the enemy? I thought I'd be able to see blood for the first time in a while, but there's nothing. Did you call the whistle without knowing what it was?"

Shade, who was looking around, expressed his doubts again.

Even the poem next to me tilts my head to my silence.

I blew the whistle loudly again.



Shade is speechless at my actions.

Of course, there was no effect, but the meaning of wanting to deny the reality was great.


It was then that he put down the whistle and let out a big sigh.

It was the kind of behavior that I had recently become accustomed to.

I sent a wave of excitement.

Soon, the wave also reached Shade.

Then, something really strange happens.

Usually, when a person touches a wave, the person's name or information would come into my head.

But I've never experienced anything like this.

Shade's real name.

The 'true name' as a spirit was conveyed through my head.


I couldn't figure out why right away.


"Are you a fool who doesn't even know the effect of a whistle... Humans... Wasted their time."

The time when Shade was about to return to the spirit realm.

"Wait a minute."

I hurriedly stopped Shade.

Then he turned his back and turned his head to look at me.


The thick fog disappeared before I knew it, and the warm sunlight was shining through the forest as dawn broke.

[ ...This guy, what's his name...? Shouldn't there be a name? ]

Sierra contemplated as she looked at the tuft of hair that was sitting on the rock.


A black tuft of fur looks at Sierra and makes her cute cries.

He was a very attractive guy with red eyes.

"...Shady, how about Shady?"