
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · ファンタジー
193 Chs

Chapter 7 - Placement Test (Complete)

Chapter 7 - Placement Test (Complete)

The test continued to run smoothly.

Naturally, Yuri, who had not yet taken the test and was waiting, was called to the last group.

"No. 1, are you going to do it?"

Looking at the other 9 people, it was a situation where Yuri's 1st place was predicted, but I was already in 1st place, so I'm proud of myself.

"Sounds obvious."

Yuri responded to my joke, straightening her uniform and moving forward to take her test.

'I can't do this. It's fun.'

Her conversation with her was much more lively than the conversation she had with Yuri in her game, and I enjoyed it very much.

The test began as Yuri's form disappeared into her fantasy magic.

The power of the flame magic of the broken glass was truly amazing.

The cadets' bodies burst into flames relentlessly, and they disappear one by one.

The sight of the cadets turning to ash felt more brutal when combined with flame magic.

Looking at the screen covered with bright red flames, I suddenly had that thought.

'...Did I just make fun of you?'

She was oblivious because she was treating me so well.

The glass in the screen soon burns the last opponent in front of her eyes, leaving her with a bloody smile.

That figure was, without a doubt, a 'glass Clementine'.

A familiar yet unfamiliar look.

The attitude you've shown me so far is so different that I keep forgetting it.

That she has a fury so deep that it is cruel.

The exam soon ends with an obvious result.

Yuri, who easily won first place, came up to me in a month and said bluntly with her cold face.

"No. 1. I did."

"Haha... Somehow I could hear the sound of sparks popping from here."

I replied scratching my cheek.

"So we're probably in the same class?"

"...Well, it's not really that we won first place for that, but we're still in the same class."

As if to blow away her stress, she said, looking sideways at me for no reason, as if Yuri's heart had not yet been resolved even after she had blown off her flame magic.

'...Because glass tends to last a long time once it gets swollen.'

It seems good to hand her her favorite strawberry milk later.

It was fortunate that there were many things that the characters liked and disliked, especially when it came to food, because there was a liking system.

"All personnel's class placement test is over."

The instructor who was in charge of today's progress was finishing the exam in a loud voice.

"The results of the placement test will be announced on the bulletin board inside the academy in the next day, so cadets, please go back to the dormitory. Thank you all for your hard work. Congratulations on your admission to Innocence Academy once again."

This ended the assignment test, which would have been long if long and short if short.

The cadets were leaving the exam hall talking with their friends about the results to come.

In the middle, there were a group of people pointing at me and talking about a few things.

'He's getting attention.'

It wasn't intentional, but there's nothing wrong with looking at it in the long run. As long as you don't become famous for bad things, fame has always been an advantage.

Above all, it would have been able to let the main characters know their names well.

The starting line went well.


I see Yuri waiting for me sitting on her bench in the warm sunlight.

"You waited a long time."

She went up to Yuri and held out her strawberry milk.

"I've been waiting for something. Is this milk?"

Yu-ri's red eyes, puzzled, widen.

"I drank it while passing by the other day, and it tasted pretty good."

Now that she's just arrived at her academy, Yuri probably hasn't tried this yet.

Later on, she will become a regular customer of this store on her own, but I was introducing her in advance to make her like me.

'I hope this will alleviate my anger.'


After taking a sip of her strawberry milk, Yuri exclaims her exclamation, but for a moment she clears her throat and asks me with her rather serious face.

"Keuheum. Where are you selling this? By any chance... You won't say you don't know well this time either, right?"

"There's a shop near the main building of the academy..."

I was sitting next to Yuri and was about to continue her explanation of her store.

Someone we don't know when came and talks to us.

Exactly, it was pointing at me.

"Cadet Jetto. The instructors are looking for Cadet Jetto."

It was the instructor who was in charge of the exam.

Are the instructors looking for me?

"If you don't mind, could you please follow me for a while?"

It was an unexpected call from the instructors.

Standing up from her seat, she looked at the instructor and at Yuri, and Yuri nodded her head as if he was okay.

"...All right."

After hearing my answer, the instructor went ahead to lead the way, and I followed him.

Why are the instructors looking for me?

For some reason, things I haven't experienced in the game keep happening.

The instructor's footsteps stopped at the test supervisor's office located on the second floor of the test center.

The exams were all over, but I couldn't figure out why they were still here.

ã…¡ Smart.

"I brought Cadet Zeto."

"Come in."

The door opens with access permission.

As soon as I entered the room following the instructor, I felt an unknown pressure.

'What's so bloody about the atmosphere?'

Among the instructors, there were many figures who had a high proportion.

Among them, there was one person who was not an instructor, but that person must have originally been set up to watch the assignment test this time.

As much as they were the instructors of this jockey, they are also intertwined in the game.

However, none of them opened their mouths and were silently observing me.

"...You found me."

So, I opened my mouth first.

No matter how much I looked back on my actions, there was nothing I should have done wrong.

"I passed Cadet Zeto's test well. It was very impressive. The reason we called Zeto-kun is none other than..."

Only Kali is lucky.

"How did you do it?"

Reina interrupts Kaliman and bursts in.

Carlyman shuddered and glared at Rayna, but she didn't care if he was used to it.

"...What are you talking about?"

I know what you're talking about.

But I have no choice but to take off the pretense.

Not sure if that would work for them.

It was then.

As Raina tries to speak again, the man in the corner of her room moves her body.


He cast a magic spell on me.

A chain crawls out from the magic circle on the palm of his hand he spreads toward me and rushes at me.

But in the middle of that chain is a red circle.

The 'weaknesses' are all too obvious.


My sword, which moved instinctively, touched the weak point, and the flying chain made a passing sound and disappeared in an instant.

"...What is this now?"


Rayna takes her anger out on Edward right away.

Edward, who blew his magic at me, still had no movement on his face.

"I'm talking first...!!"


Edward interrupts Rayna once more before entering.

It was the same 'chain' as before.

As if deja vu had happened, the same type of chain flew at me.

However, it was subtly different.

'Weakness... I can't see it well...?'

I tried to find a weakness and break the magic, but the red circle that was so bright earlier was too small and faintly visible.

I tried swinging my sword to try to find a weakness, but...


ã…¡ Kwadeuk!

In the end, I had no choice but to brush off the chains.

The chain that hit my sword and deflected hit the wall behind me.

That human, Edward Klaus, was still a reckless man, both in the game and in real life.

"With this, my hypothesis is correct."

Edward said so calmly.

"...Stop your sudden actions. Edward Klaus."

An old instructor who appears in the game as a veteran instructor warns Edward.

"Ha. Edward, you just did it on purpose."


Raina and Edward exchange words.

I can't keep up with their conversation.


Have you tried me?

As I stood frozen in doubt, Reina explained.

"Edward's first 'chain' was deliberately made with a very loose structure. Conversely, the second 'chain' was very closely woven."

Raina explains well, then catches her breath and speaks in a meaningful tone.

"Can you really see it? A magical structure."


When I didn't answer Reina's summary, questions from other instructors continued.

"How can you see? No... How can you feel?"

"It's an ability called Kigam."

The question and answer session started unexpectedly.

I made and squeezed the settings for 'Zeto', that is, me, as quickly as possible.

"Who taught you that 'feeling'?"

"This is Master."

"Who is that master?"

"That... I can't tell you."


Making a teacher who didn't even exist, I answered as much as possible.

I didn't feel the need to tell you everything.

Doesn't everyone live with at least a secret they want to hide?

The instructors didn't ask further.

By the way, who will be the instructor in charge of class A that I will be entering?

In the game, there are a total of three instructors in charge of Class A.

There is a sharp-looking woman with brown hair.


A man with a rough beard that is not tidied right next to him.


Normally, one of these two would be the instructor in charge of Class A.

However, even among the instructors, he is a narrow-eyed man who can be considered a hidden character.


Right now, he is not an instructor.

However, thanks to his unique status as the headmaster's son, Edward used to become the instructor of class A if conditions were met.

These three were childhood friends who had known each other since childhood, alumni who attended and graduated from the academy together, and comrades who fought together in a war against the demons in the past.

They were overflowing with talent in their respective fields and showed outstanding performance on the battlefield, and these three people were often tied by others and called this.

'Three of black blood.'

The name was given because countless demons were killed in war and their clothes were always stained with black blood unique to demons.

So, no matter which instructor you meet in the game, you often get involved with the other two.

As for me, I just wanted to avoid Edward.

His classes... Are too random.

The instructors had a conversation with each other in voices I couldn't hear, and it seemed that the conversation had finally come to an end.

"Cadet Jeto? First of all, Edward's rude behavior from the other day. I apologize on behalf of the instructors. I hope you will be kind enough to understand that such behavior seems to have come out because of your high ability."

The veteran instructor bowed his head to me with a solemn voice.

"It's okay. I didn't see any damage."

'Chain', which did not contain elements in the first place, is basic magic and not very aggressive magic.

They weren't hurt, and judging from their attitude now, it seemed like they misunderstood me on their own, so it was really good.

"This incident happened because the instructors' questions were not resolved because your ability was so outstanding."


You're talking about Dispel.

I understand.

After playing the game for a long time, I couldn't even define what I did.

Even though the instructors had experienced countless battlefields and battles, there was a high probability that it was an unfamiliar sight to them.

"It's weak to be called a reward... But you don't seem used to dealing with mana. Take this."

A veteran instructor holds out a bracelet to me.


"If you wear that bracelet, it will help you to train your mana even a little bit.

"I'm lending it to you, so if you break it, you'll die..."

Reina glared at me with fierce eyes and threatened me.

The name of the bracelet was 'Bracelet with Origin'.

...It was an Epic grade item.

'At this rate, it must be really just lending.'

It wasn't weak at all for being weak.

It seemed to be the bracelet Reina herself was wearing.

"It's good to go back. I'm sorry I took your break time."

Liberation at last

I was about to leave the room after bowing my head to the instructors and bowing politely.

"Jetto-kun. See you again soon."

I looked back at the voice and saw Edward waving his hand in the clear sun.

No way...

'...Isn't it?'

It was an absolute requirement for that guy to become an instructor.

Now that the game has become a reality, it shouldn't have happened any more.