
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · ファンタジー
193 Chs

Chapter 63 - Fort Polwyn (2)

"I am confident in reconnaissance."

Sierra was the first to respond to my voice.

[Disciple, no matter how hard it is, I wonder if your face is too thick. ]

Sierra's eyes narrow as she poked her head at me.

"Even though she's confident... No, what the hell does she have confidence...?"

The man holding the paper couldn't easily pass over my answer, and he patted his chin while repeating himself.

"If you do this, you won't even be able to see the map. Didn't you just come to the wrong place?"

The reaction of the other man who was scratching his head was not much different.

Suddenly, a beastman woman who had been sitting on the couch stood up with her ears pricked up.

"I think I've got the answer!"

She had her eyes twinkling.


"It must be nonsense again, because it's Yakuna."

"It's not bullshit! Listen to it first, you idiot!"

A beastman woman named Yakuna finally hit the head of the man who was quarreling with her.


Then Yakuna, who had been shaking her hand, opened her mouth.

"We are the first group of night reconnaissance."

"Why is that..."

The man who was scrubbing her hair stared at Yakuna.

"It's pitch black! Aren't you all the same as not being able to see anything except for me?"

"...Oh oh!!"

The man lets out a rather stupid exclamation.

'Except for me...'

Yakuna was a beastman.

Beast races had strong individual characteristics and personalities, so it wasn't too strange that they had good night vision.

Perhaps he has a field of view similar to mine with the 'night vision' skill.

Soon after, the man holding the paper coughs.

"Keuheum, it's not that you can't see at all, but it's true that it's difficult to secure your vision..."

"It's okay. Isn't it just a matter of taking them with us? If we can't read the map, we'll have fewer things to do, and that's good."

Yakuna reproaches them with a tone of frustration.

In any case, they were recruits.

Since they were in a position where they had to be removed from above, their suspicions did not extend too long.

"I'm Yakuna. Take care of me for the time being?"

Yakuna stopped glancing at the men and approached me and Kaen, introducing herself in a lively voice.

In the end, other people who can't win over her liveliness also tell their names.

The name of the man holding the paper was Rooster, and the man who was hit in the head by Yakuna was Buckland.

'Are you good at acting?'

The demon worshiper melted into the reconnaissance team without any sense of incongruity.

It occurred to me that I was not able to infiltrate Fallwyn for nothing.

Finally, after everyone's introductions, Kaen, who was standing awkwardly next to me, carefully brought her words out.

"What shall we do now?"

"I should sleep."

Concise Rooster's answer.

"Haaam... I couldn't even sleep when you guys came."

After that, even Yakuna who yawns.

Buckland's 'I'm going to bed.' He goes into the room first.

Seeing their actions flowing like water, Kaen said, "Ah." Make a sound.

It was a very simple thing.

Since it was a 'night' scouting team, they had to sleep during the day and work at night.

Even if I don't sleep for a few days, it's okay because I have a 'bracelet', but Kaen, who sleeps a lot, seemed better to sleep now.


"Whoa... Is everyone ready?"

Rooster let out a cold breath and said.

There was no way I would suddenly fall asleep during the day, so I couldn't sleep.

It was I who was conscious of her, but Kaen was also tying her hair with a drowsy face as if she hadn't slept.

Finally, Yakuna shouts as she gets out of the temporary lodging.

"Night reconnaissance team 1, reconnaissance begins!"

So we started moving slowly.

On the way, a guard standing in front of the castle gate looked at me and the others in turn and said, 'Isn't that the first group of night reconnaissance?' There was a time when he muttered and had doubts, but it passed without a word.

We immediately passed through Polwyn and headed for the nearby snowy mountains.

Rooster explained that the snowy mountain was the area covered by the first reconnaissance team.

Snow was still falling hard in the north.

It was supposed to be a dark night, but the skill 'night vision' was being applied well.

I feel it every time, but I tend to see it more clearly than during the day.

We made our way through the snow piled up on the road and eventually arrived at the snowy mountain.

A huge chunk of ice on the middle of the snowy mountain comes into view.

It was a block of ice where Richie was supposed to be.

Glancing at the demon worshiper, he was also staring at the block of ice.

I could catch him momentarily as he put on an ecstatic... Somewhat disgusted expression.

I guess I thought others wouldn't see me either.

My eyes were furrowed.

Of course, he couldn't see my eyebrows furrowing. Because he was covered in bandages.

Arriving at the snowy mountain, we had to start working.

The scouting team's job was quite complicated.

It was not a reconnaissance to obtain information about the enemy because the war was not going on right now.

It's like a reconnaissance close to crime prevention or patrol.

It was a task to check if there were any abnormalities in the barriers installed throughout the mountain and to observe the dynamics of the dangerous monsters living in the snowy mountain.

It was said that there was a building built to monitor the movements of the demons when they climbed to the top of the snowy mountain.

Of course I wouldn't go there, said Rooster.

Such an important task did not seem to be entrusted to an academy cadet on a brief tour.

We decided to split up to examine the barrier more quickly.

Yakuna threatened to take me.

When I said I could remember at least the roads I passed, the reason was that there was little to teach.

So, Kaen naturally ended up with Rooster and Buckland.

Unexpectedly, Kaen ended up going with a demon worshiper, but she wasn't too worried because he was weaker than Kaen.

Not to mention, since she hasn't even resurrected her lich yet, nothing will happen to Kaen.

'I need to give information to Kaen...'

She decided where to use Caen.

I thought that a simple task would be better than a complicated one like a mysterious demon worshiper.

The place where the incident takes place is a bit like that... But if it was Kaen, wouldn't she understand.

'Because we're adults too.'

I was following Yakuna while worrying about Kaen.

Yakuna I wonder if she wasn't really confident in what she was teaching. She didn't teach me anything about her.

Yakuna didn't even take out her map, as if she had memorized all the locations of the barriers.

She quickly climbed her snowy mountain with the agile movements typical of the beast people.

I also followed her at her own pace.

It wasn't overwhelming.

If you strengthen your body a little with mana, it was enough to catch up.

Yakuna's pupils, which were examining her surroundings, showed a faint light.

"Does Yakuna-san have good night vision? The same goes for what she said during the day..."

"Oh, yes, but..."

Yakuna's tail wags while walking while answering me.

Her animal ears and tail had black fur.

The exceptionally softness of her hair reminds me of the way she was combing her tail neatly with a comb in her quarters earlier.

"I think the Beast Tribe have developed certain senses or body parts, but Yakuna-san's eyes seem to be the same."

"Proud eyes inherited from parents! With these eyes, you can see in the dark without any problems."

Yakuna looked behind her at me and she smiled brightly.

Even though she was smiling bright enough to show her teeth, she couldn't see the happiness on her face.

'Maybe that's why she volunteered to join her allies...'

She decided to just think about it that far.

It was not something to ask in detail, nor to make assumptions.

All of her reconnaissance with Yakuna was just following her.

It was because I had to let go of the task of checking the barriers, which could be considered the most important.

"Okay, that's it! I followed you so well that the barrier ended right away. Can I take a break from this?"

After confirming the last barrier, Yakuna said in an excited voice.

Yakuna seemed curiously aware that I followed her speed.

"There are still monsters left, right?"

When she asked that question, Yakuna waved her hand and opened her mouth.

"Monsters are not special."


A cadet named Zeto, who was assigned to the first group of night reconnaissance, was blind with thick bandages over his eyes.

At first, 'I'm confident in reconnaissance.' It was hard to understand him when he said that.

But as I watched him from the sidelines, he certainly deserved to be said to be himself.

Jetto thinks that maybe he has more beastlike senses than me, a beastman.

I had eyes that could see clearly in the dark night.

And Jetto was blind, so he was not affected by the darkness.

It was strange that he followed my speed so well, but at the same time, I thought that way.

'To him, day or night, it must always feel dark...'

It was ironic.

I can see bright day or night, but he is the opposite of me.

At that time, Jeto, who was walking next to me, opened his mouth.

"Yakuna-san, earlier you said you could check the monsters roughly...?"

"Yes, the monsters here are so slow that they don't move much."

I said that and rebuked Jeto.

'Since the work was over quickly, I was going to rest in a nearby cave.'

Is Zeto more meticulous than I thought?

At that moment, Jeto utters meaningful words in a low voice.

"Then... Are there any monsters with a large body?"

"Body? Oh, if you're a big guy..."

It's called Yeti. But if you don't touch it first, it won't become violent...

I was definitely trying to answer that.

ㅡKung! Kung! Kung! Kung!

Even if it wasn't for the yeti's footsteps coming from far away.

The yeti seemed to be running, but the sound of footsteps that had been heard was getting louder and faster.


Eventually, Zeto took out his sword and ran his fingers through the blade.

Oddly enough, he was holding a sword in reverse.

'I have to move...'

Ever since he heard Yeti's footsteps, his body was frozen and he couldn't move, unable to take a single step from his seat.


Soon after, the figure of the yeti, who was very angry, was revealed as he destroyed a nearby tree.


Then, Jetto swung his sword at the roaring Yeti.

However, the sword did not touch.

He threw his sword into the air.


I barely parted my lips and cried out loud.

Did I measure the distance wrong?

Soon, the Yeti, whose sword did not even reach, rushed at Jeto in front without hesitation at a fierce speed.

'What should I do at a time like this...'

If it was a Yeti, I had no choice with my skill level.

You won't be able to scratch his thick hide.

Rather, Jeto, an academy cadet, would be stronger... He swung his sword in the air once and did not move from his seat.

He realizes he made a mistake and wonders if he's even in shock.

If left as it is, the cadets on the field trip might lose their lives because I was careless.


I somehow threw myself and pushed the Yeti out of the way before it collided with Jetto.

ㅡQuad Deuk!!

As he falls while hugging Zeto, he hears a strange sound from the side.

It was the strange sound of something... Grinding.

"Turn it off..."

I rode on Zetto's body and immediately turned his head to look where the Yeti was.

...The Yeti stood still.

But, of course, the guy's head, which should have been attached to it, disappeared all over the place and was nowhere to be seen.

ㅡ kung!!

Then its massive head lands on the other side, making a roar.

I couldn't understand what happened.

Jeto, who was lying under me, asked me in a calm voice.

"So the big monster... What kind of guy is it?"

"Yeti... It was..."