
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · ファンタジー
193 Chs

Chapter 19 - Acupuncture (3)

Chapter 19 - Acupuncture (3)

Divine magic.

Magic that consumes 'divine power' rather than mana.

Borrow the power of the gods to heal and purify people.

It also defeats the beings that exude evil energy and protects good people from them.

Noble even by just hearing the word, this wonderful and miraculous act makes the viewer acknowledge the transcendent existence of 'God'.

To be honest, I didn't believe in the existence of God. In reality.

But here it is different.

It is not about discussing personal beliefs, but it is already a self-evident truth.

Gave and drank.

The main god is a god of good inclination who provides divine power to priests who firmly serve him.

Then it is obvious that he drank.

It is safe to say that he is simply the god of demons. Occasionally, there are crazy people who worship demons and serve demons as if they were looking up to them. Basically, humans serve the main god, and demons serve the demon god.

In fact, there is no need to faithfully follow the Lord like a priest.

God's influence reaching the ground is limited, so there is no problem in living unless you shout out God's name in an immediate situation right before you die.

However, the holy kingdom is different.

Most of the citizens of the Seongguk faithfully serve the main god. Divine power is mysterious, so not all citizens can handle it, but the proportion of clergy from the Holy Land is still very high.

There is a man who was falsely accused and banished from this noble kingdom.

The man's name is Anthony.

He was a merchant who did large-scale business in the Holy Land.

He was good at business, and he was a faithful man in front of the Lord, befitting a person of a holy country.

Even though her wife left her world early, she bears her fruit with her.

Her own daughter remained by her side, so she was living a happy life in her own way.

How peaceful this story would have been if a high-ranking priest in the holy kingdom had lived a life of contentment and gratitude for what he had, like Anthony.

As usual, not everyone had a good attitude just because they could borrow and use the power of a god with good tendencies.

No, maybe at first the high-ranking priest also praised the Lord purely and prayed.

However, human greed is not so easy.

The high priest was greedy. Also very much.

Anthony, who has a lot of money and deep faith in the Lord, is engraved in his cunning snake-like eyes.

Merchant Anthony had a lot of money.

Then he demanded a huge amount of money, or simply a bribe, under the pretext of an offering to the god.

Anthony had deep faith in the Lord.

If it was really a sacrifice to be offered to the main god, he was ready to offer it at any time according to the will of the main god or as the main god wished.

But Anthony was a merchant.

There was no way that he, who was quick-witted, would not know the intentions of the high-ranking priest who suddenly burst in and wielded his cunning tongue.

He would have been comfortable if he had given money and moved on.

However, because Anthony was a very devout believer.

He would not yield to a greedy prelate who had betrayed the will of God.

As a result, Antony could not overcome the power of the prelates.

The venomous high-ranking cleric was very annoyed at the petty merchant who dared not listen to him.

The prelate eventually framed Antony, confiscated his property, and banished him from the kingdom.

So, Antony fled to another country with the little he had saved, but the business did not go as well as before.

It was because of the wave of rumors that he had been kicked out of the Holy Land. The high-ranking priest's breath reached far beyond the Holy Land.

She was always content with what she was given and lived with gratitude, so she was living hard while watching her daughter grow up.

Unfortunately, that was until her daughter passed away.

While watching her daughter who couldn't wake up due to an unknown disease, he visited a nearby priest.

He had no results.

The clergy avoided him because they could not stand up to the high priest.

Bad rumors about him had already spread.

Even though he declared that he would give him 2000 gold, all of his remaining property, no one gave him a helping hand until the end.

A cleric who handles divine power, let alone an apothecary who lived nearby.

He was attracted only by quacks and scammers who knew nothing about disease or medical technology.

He lives day by day keeping his daughter by his side, not knowing when he will wake up.

This is the story of the faithful Anthony, who later became the patron of the saint.

After the saintess of this generation learns the inside story of this incident and drives out the high-ranking priest through internal politics, she immediately visits Anthony and treats his daughter.

Since then, Anthony's business has gone smoothly again, and he has taken on the role of the saintess's source of funds.

It was an anecdote from an episode about a saint, and I saw it during the game and thought, 'Can the player try to solve it first?' I had a question.

It was a question that I was able to have because I knew that the game had depth and that the degree of freedom was fairly guaranteed.

If the player visits and heals his daughter, maybe she can get the reward.

My thoughts were exactly right.

As long as a priest with holy power or a paladin passed a certain level, he could heal Antony's daughter.

I was able to receive compensation as well.

After posting the strategy to the game community.

'Cleric, paladin or not?'

Faced with such comments, I decided to find out her way to heal her without her divine power.

In the end, after several attempts, I found the correct answer: acupuncture.

His daughter suffers from a rare disease called 'mana exhaustion'.

Mana exhaustion refers to a state in which you lose consciousness when all of your mana is consumed.

Mana exhaustion was a clear 'status abnormality', but his daughter was suffering from a clear 'disease', which led to her losing consciousness as the exhaustion continued.

Knowing that mana exhaustion could be solved with acupuncture in the game, I challenged myself with acupuncture.

Other medical techniques did not work.

Acupuncture is also acupuncture, but there was a limited level.

The condition is acupuncture skill level 5 or higher.

There were even mini-games when treating Anthony's daughter.

When the player was treating Anthony's daughter, the player had to listen to the explanation of the monologue that his character spit out, find the location of the blood, and put the needles in the correct order.

I still remember the process, but my acupuncture skill is level 1.

'If I really don't want to... I can't help it, but I think I need to invest the remaining skill points.'

As the skill level rises, the skill for acupuncture will rise steeply.

Still, there is a difference of 2 skill levels, but if you remember the order and location and place the acupuncture points well, it seems that there will be no problem.

The night was already ripe.

Putting on a familiar robe, he started leaving the academy without anyone noticing, as always.


'Ah, Lord Heneris, who gave it to me. Why are you giving me such an ordeal?'

Anthony was in despair.

However, he was not even resentful.

Anthony believed that all of this was going according to the Lord's will.

Even though he believed so firmly, there was no way he could do anything about his infinitely painful heart.

Anthony blankly stroked the face of his daughter next to him.

The finely painted picture of Anthony's wife hanging in one corner of the room was hung upside down out of sight.

Because it was Anthony who had no face to see his wife's face.

She was full of only her sorry feelings for her.


His daughter is lying in bed, not thinking about getting up.

With a bright smile, the image of the daughter who came running calling himself 'Father', probably because of the loss of her mother, was vivid.

A lamp that had been turned on quietly in a dark room is quietly lighting up.

He had been watching his daughter for a while.

ã…¡ Smart.

He sent the others away, but it was the knock of the servant who waited on him until the very end, refusing his offer.

Anthony was thinking that if her daughter was cured, she would have to repay her someday.

"Come in."

At Anthony's words, a servant opens the door and enters. Entering her room, she slightly bowed her head and went straight to the point.

"Someone who said he could cure Emilia-sama came to visit. But... She seems to be blind."


"He had white bandages around his eyes."

"How did the blind man come all the way here?"

"They came looking for directions by asking people around them for directions. From what I've heard, it seems to have a mysterious power called 'Gigam'. It didn't look like they were holding a cane either."

"Hmm... I'm feeling..."

"I accepted it as the master said, 'For now, no matter who wants to heal Emilia, don't shut up at the door,' but... What should I do?"

Anthony salivated at the servant's answer.

Recently, those who came to treat his daughter were quacks who did not even know the 'righteousness' of medicine.

Some of them even tried to scam themselves. They didn't even mention the name of the disease, and they often asked for money or made absurd remarks about the need for money for treatment.

But he's blind

Besides, what is 'feeling'?

"Is the guest... In the living room?"


"I'll go meet you first."

Antony thought that the blind man might have more special powers than his 'feeling'.

The servant slightly moved away from the door at his answer and lowered his head.

Anthony left the room and headed for the living room where the guests were to be.

The house wasn't as spacious as when I lived in the former Seongguk, so it was a few steps from the room to the living room.

When he entered the living room, he saw a blind man with dark hair, his eyes covered with bandages, sitting on the sofa waiting patiently.

As the servant said, not a single cane was seen around him.

The blind man, who was wearing only a small backpack, turned his head towards Anthony, probably hearing footsteps and noticing him approaching.

"You must have excellent hearing."

"It seems that the Lord felt sorry for my loss of sight, and left my other senses behind."

It could be said that the blind man has a soft voice, but it was a slightly childish voice. He didn't look old. He looked quite young, even considering the bandages covering his face.

"Haha. That's a relief... I'm Anthony. If you're not rude, may I ask your name?"

The blind man ponders over Anthony's question, and then opens his mouth.

"I don't have a proper name to tell anyone. Feel free to call me 'Acupuncturist'."

"Acupuncturist...? Are you dealing with acupuncture?"

Anthony's eyes flashed at the word acupuncture.

There is a reason that no one who knows how to handle acupuncture has ever come to visit, but advanced techniques like acupuncture will be immediately obvious if fraudulent.

It was an inadequate excuse for a cheater to use.

"Yes. Even though it's a humble talent, I've been looking for help."

The blind man scratched the back of his head and replied.

Nevertheless, Anthony has seen plenty of scammers.

It was hard to believe him at once.

Moreover, it is acupuncture.

Acupuncture, he knows, is a technique of treating patients by placing needles on the body.

To put it simply, a needle pierces a person's body. If done wrong, it will hurt and cause pain.

So, to the person who came to treat his daughter, Anthony had no choice but to speak even though he knew it was a rather rude request.

"If you'll excuse me, could you show me acupuncture first?"

Anthony tried to test whether this blind man in front of him was an impostor or not.