
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · ファンタジー
193 Chs

Chapter 177 - 177. The Decisive Battle (Complete)

ㅡFlap and flap...

Meanwhile, in the forest where the battle between Zeto and Murka was taking place, an eyeball the size of a small ball was secretly flapping its wings.

This was a low-level dark spirit of a certain demon tribe.

The owner who shared the vision with the spirit was a red-horned demon called 'Keraph', who was one of the soldiers of the staff.

Previously, he was also the person who assisted Murka when he dealt with those who served the 'Nameless Ones' in the land of demons.

The dark spirit, hiding between the bushes and flapping its wings, was looking at Murka, who had been cut deeply in the chest by Zeto's blow.

It was a fatal wound no matter how you look at it.

However, in Keraf's eyes, Murka did not look dangerous at all.

ㅡ kuddeuk...

Murka, who was sitting next to Albed who had collapsed on the floor, seemed to be bewitched, and an unknown...

ㅡ I got it...

...Was chewing on something hard.

At the shocking sight, Keraph closed his mouth and held his breath.

'I ate... My own people... And my colleagues...'

Homologous predation.

It was only to break the taboos of the demons.

After cutting off Albed's head, Murka immediately ingested Albed's demonic energy, and the horns where the vitality of those killed by him was gathered.

Murka, who had eaten all the horns, absorbed the vitality remaining in Albed's body with his horn, and Albed's corpse shrank.


With admiration, Murka raised his head.

He was intoxicated with his newfound power, and had an ecstatic expression on his face.

For a while.

Murka, who had been sitting down, suddenly touched the ground and screamed in pain.


At the same time as his screams, there is an unpleasant sound of bones breaking and flesh being torn.

ㅡ fast...

ㅡ Quick...

Soon, something huge and jet-black that sprouted from Murka's back completely revealed itself.


It moves

Soon, the membrane that covered Murka's body spread wide, and it clearly looked like 'wings'.


Is it natural that the black horn ate the black horn? Or was Murka already on the verge of reaching the realm?

Even Keraf had no way of knowing about him, but the important thing now is...

Just in time, a blind man who hastily escaped from the bush finds Murka.

In response, Murka relaxedly turned his head.

The wounds on his chest had already healed, and new, unblemished flesh had sprouted.

'The important thing now is that that blind man is no longer able to survive...'

Keraph, who closed his eyes tightly, shook his head.

Even though he was a demon, he was rooting for Jeto, not Murka.

It wasn't that he had any particular grudge against Murka.

It is simply because the power of the earth he looked at was strangely similar to the power of the being he regarded as an 'ideal'.

Keraf learned quite a bit about him while investigating the 'Nameless One' at the command of his staff.

It was known that other ordinary demons were sentenced to record destruction and all his records were erased, but his records remained.

However, he couldn't know everything.

In particular, he couldn't quite figure out his name.

This is the information Keraf has found out about the 'nameless one' so far.

A black haired male.

It is said that he dealt with the power of the dark spirit, especially Shade, the upper-class spirit of shadow.

He was known not only for his ability to deal with spirits, but also for his excellent swordsmanship... It was a swordsmanship that held the sword in reverse, which was rare among swordsmanship.

I don't know what kind of unique way it has... Even if I just combined the information so far, it was quite similar.

The blind man and the horse tilted their heads at Murka over there.

Although the difference between being a blind man and being a human, not a demon... I wondered if it was the blind man who should truly be called the second coming of the nameless.

Keraf thought carefully.

Keraf, who was quite fond of the ideals and the aims of the Nameless One, was concerned.

Maybe that blind man will die like this.

In the first place, demons with 'wings' have a different level of power than normal demons.

Since most of the demons never see the High One, they don't even know the existence of wings and die while chasing only the black horns, but the sky existed above the sky.

Keraf had been seen before.

Another demon with wings.

This is because, unexpectedly, Keraf was a talented person whom the staff quite cherished.

'It's probably not on the same level as the Chief of Staff...'

The corps commander's young right-hand man had just sprouted wings.

But that alone...

Soon after, Murka raised her hand towards Zeto and shouted.


Psychokinesis magic directed at Zeto's left arm as he was fixing the bandages.

It wasn't as wide as before.

However, it was too fast to react at such a speed.

ㅡ Kwaduk!!

...Has a different level of power.


"Heo-euk... Heo-euk..."

Hiding behind his old tree, Jetto was barely breathing out his chin.

Things weren't too bad.

I never thought I would prey on my comrades, Albed.

'As expected... I should have stopped breathing then.'

This was completely unexpected even for Zeto, who was confident that he knew Murka quite well.

It was Jetto who felt that the mastery of Chapter 3 was regrettable, but in fact, Murka made such a choice because of Jetto's influence.

Thanks to his actions, rumors about the second coming of the 'nameless one' spread, and Murka, who was not interested in this at all, had no choice but to learn more about the demons who had violated the taboo of preying on their own people to become the demon king.

Murka made the decision to prey on his own kind in a desperate situation where he was in danger of losing his life.

However, in order to save his comrades, the 'nameless one' who preyed on his enemies to break the bondage of evil and the deep-rooted original sin of the demons.

Although the case of Murka, who preyed on 'comrades' to win the immediate battle by obtaining strong power and causing variables to continue the lifeline, was completely different.

Anyway, the situation where wings sprouted from Murka's back.

Jeto also knew about demons with wings.

At least at this time, it wasn't an enemy to deal with.

These are the guys who appear only in the latter half of the 'story' he knew.

Zeto was unable to use his strength against Murka, who had grown several times stronger with wings.

Murka's strength was one of the reasons, but most of all...


Jetto held his breath, barely holding back the moan that leaked out of his mouth.

... Lost his left arm.

His left arm, which was in excruciating pain, was horribly torn.

As a result, the center of gravity of the body was disturbed, so I could not exert my strength.

The situation was not good enough to say that it was fortunate that he did not lose his right arm that handles the sword.

What should I do?

Is it too much 'this time'?

Murka has to be killed.

The moment Jeto was thinking about it.


Suddenly, Shady, who was at Jeto's feet, spoke out.

Jetto looked at Shady.

Shady was looking at Jeto's left arm with a very serious look.

Although it was a sealing drink, Jeto was the guy's owner, so he could understand its meaning.

Shady was saying that he would serve as the left arm that had been cut off.

'Is that really going to happen...?'

Regardless of whether it is or not.

Reading Shady's thoughts, this was no different from 'Hyeonhyeon'. It was an act of making the spirit 'real'.

"Is it there?"

Soon, Murka's voice came from the other side.

ㅡ Kwaaang!!!!!

With a roar that rang out immediately, the old tree Zeto was hiding in shattered. He didn't even give Zeto a chance to think.

Zeto, who managed to avoid Murka's psychokinesis magic by rolling on the floor, thought.

'The barrier has been broken by lightning for a long time... Eisel must be running here.'

When Eisel, who ran frantically, met Murka with her wings attached, she had nothing more to look after.

'She lost her arm...'

Shady should be able to solve this problem, but it will be physically taxing.

Roll and roll on the floor.

Before long, Zeto, who was lying on his back looking up at the sky, thought.

'Let's just... Die.'

Jetto was not thinking about death easily either.

He tried his best to live on his own, but this ideal was the limit.

After making that decision, Jeto reaches out to Shady.


Shady attached to his body as if he had waited, and soon settled on his left arm in the empty space, and the black liquid wriggled and formed the shape of an arm.

ㅡ Kkudeuk...

Soon, Zeto came to have his black left arm, which was not human but had an ugly and grotesque shape.

Unlike Shady, who was just fluffy and cute, it was quite a gross visual, so even for a moment, Jeto's eyebrows were furrowed.


Jeto, whose life force was sucked out by Shady, gushed his blood and vomited it out.

Zeto vomited a large amount of blood to the point that his life would be overtaken even if he pretended to.

Instead of staggering, I picked up a wooden pole next to me and came to my senses.

Then, he calmly wiped his mouth and looked around at Shady, who had become his left arm, and had such a question for no reason.

'I wonder if the arm will regenerate when resurrected... Well, if it doesn't work, I can't help it.'

After clearing the light question, Jeto raises his left hand, and following his hand, the normally dark forest is completely submerged in a pitch-black shadow.

Before long, a huge black dome-shaped barrier settles in the forest.

There are only Zeto and Murka in the barrier.

Soon, Murka, who was approaching the place where the barrier stretched out, saw Zeto standing in the forest with his ugly left arm growing out.


Murka, who had been tilting her head, approached Jeto and opened her mouth.

"...Are you saying you're still human?"

Jetto responded with a light smile.

"Human. No matter where you look... They're demons, right?"

Thus, the final battle to defy fate has begun.


'What the hell is going on in here...'

What is going on?

A jet-black barrier suddenly enveloped the entire forest.

I put my hand on the barrier, but I leaned my head against it.

It must have been a barrier created by the demons.

Even so, in the barrier, I could feel the ominous energy that can be felt from demons.

All in all, at this time.

All in all, on this day.

They were the only demons that could appear around me.

Murka is in here.

It was the first time I had seen such a barrier since returning, but at least it was certain.

I was so sure.

Then... Who is dealing with Murka in this?

Would they have run into an unknown strongman passing by while chasing me?

I thought about it over and over again, but I couldn't get rid of the uneasiness that came out of nowhere.

The ominous aura of this barrier.

It's because I felt like I wasn't familiar with something.

It can't be.

It must be because of the mood.


Why does Jeto come to mind?

That makes no sense.

I pushed his chest with my hands and confirmed it with my own two eyes.

The fact that Zeto fell through the gap in the demon realm.

But, for some reason, Zeto would exist inside this barrier... Such absurd thoughts continued to eat into my head.

It's because of anxiety.

Because I was with Jeto on the way.

It's the same day, and it's clear that he became anxious because he thought about the previous episode.

I was with him this time too.

Although there was no raid like last time...

It wasn't Zeto's fault.

I believed so.

Of course, I couldn't be sure.

Because Jeto has many secrets.

It won't be strange no matter what kind of power you have.

But, not now.

ㅡ bang!!

I hit the barrier.

I immediately tried pouring lightning magic using the spear of the thunderbolt, but it was of no use.

I raised the corner of my mouth as I groped for the motionless barrier.

I thought so.

Okay. Could there be an assistant who stopped their attack?

There was an assistant that I didn't even know existed.

That helper used the saintess to kill Zagoras... Now he's fighting Murka on my behalf.

ㅡ bang!!


He continued to beat the barrier.

I wanted to deny it.

This nightmare popping up in my head right now.

"It can't be..."

Eventually, his legs gave out and he collapsed on the floor.

The day was gradually brightening.

The sunlight that had suddenly risen was slowly filtering through the trees and leaves.

It's the same as back then.


Not yet.

I couldn't even fight them.

Because I haven't killed Murka yet.


Was reviving

I hung my head and denied reality.

How much time had passed

The barrier, which had been unblemished by my attacks, suddenly began to flow like liquid.


Soon after, the barrier completely bursts.

ㅡShoot ah...

Forming a barrier, unknown black rain pours down.

Before long, the situation inside the barrier, the hidden forest, is revealed in front of your eyes.

Due to the fierce fighting, all the trees around were broken, making it clear who was doing what and where.

The first thing that caught my eye was.

It was Albed's head, which had been cut off and was rolling on the floor.

I continued through the forest.


Soon, the back of the demon with long white hair and black horns, presumed to be Murka, comes into view.

It had some kind of awkward 'wings' on its back, but it was the first time I'd seen it.


Suddenly, Murka's neck tilted.

However, only the neck tilted.

There was no time to even feel fear.

Murka's head, severed at an angle, falls to the floor, and before long his entire body collapses.

ㅡ Fluffy.

It was only then that the figure of a man standing in front of Murka caught my eye.


For some reason, no words came out of my mouth.

It felt like I forgot the language because of the shattering headache.



You can't get out of here

My hair is white

Breathing quickens

My chest was stuffy.

I couldn't stand it any longer.

It was Jeto.

Jeto should be in the gap of the demon realm.

A blind bird who should be kept in a cage.

Why am I here

I couldn't figure out why, but it didn't matter.

He stared at Jeto, who was staggering with a devastated face.

There was a hole in the abdomen of Zeto, who had been completely wrecked and his left arm was not visible.

I could tell without even getting close.

Jeto was dying.