
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · ファンタジー
193 Chs

Chapter 125 - 125. Questions and Answers and Collapse (2)

"How can I not meet even one? I met like crazy until yesterday... Has the seed dried up?"

Ishmir grumbled as he chewed on the dried pieces of meat in front of the campfire.

Last night, since I encountered a humanoid alien species, I hadn't met a single alien species.

Was it because of my order?

The exact reason was unknown.

Anyway, what is happening now is a series of 'anomalies'.

"I wonder if everyone got scared by Eisel and ran away...!"

"Are they scared in the first place?"

To Lucia's clear cry, Yuri answered in a nonchalant voice without even looking at her.

Yuri was sitting with her chin on her chin, staring at her campfire and slapping her bruises.

The march in the desolate desert where the alien species did not appear was boring.

After a moment of silence, Lucia cautiously opened her mouth to Ishmir.

"Instructor Ishmir, wouldn't it be better for us to go back? I can't even see an alien species... We need to inform them that a flying alien species has appeared..."

"Wasn't there anything like a battle besides Eisel and Zeto? As for the alien species, I blew the 'hawk' earlier, so you guys have nothing to worry about. And..."

Ishmir, who was speechless, turned his head back and looked at the ancient ruins on the other side of him.

"...If you come this close, something will come out. I think it's the first time I've been here, too. Shall we go into the ruins now? Since it's a ruin, there must be treasure."

"Let's go into the ruins...?"

"Why, are you scared? Hehe..."

Ishmir smirked as he looked at Lucia, who was frightened.

"No, it's not scary...! But I know you shouldn't set foot in ruins..."

"That's because there are overflowing alien species around the ruins. At one time, it was quite common for archaeologists who blindly came to investigate the ruins to lose their lives to alien species. It's quieted down a bit now."

"...But how did it come to be called a ruin?"

Yuri, who had been listening to Ishmir in silence, asked.

"It can only be assumed that it is a ruin from the ancient patterns engraved on the outer wall, but since no one has ever entered the interior, no one knows whether it is a real ruin or not. How is it fun? Do you want to go inside?"

"No. It looks dangerous."

Ishmir shows signs of disappointment at Yuri's resoluteness.

The ancient ruins were located at a fairly close distance. I haven't met Lee Kye-jong so much, so I think I was able to get a lot closer than I expected.

An unidentified structure that is unknown when, how, and for what purpose it was built.

According to the information obtained through the game, those ancient ruins are related to the alien species, so you can meet alien species more often around the ruins.

And even if you approached and tried to enter while dealing with all the other species, they returned to the entrance and were blocked from entering...

I don't know if there is actually a technology that prevents humans from entering the ruins, but it seemed that I could probably enter the ruins now.

No, it was 'certainty'.

I sat by the bonfire and quietly listened to their conversation, and I opened my mouth because I thought it was time.

"...I'll go into the tent first. I'm a little tired."

"Really? Well, I guess it's because I couldn't sleep because it happened while I was on guard yesterday..."

Yuri continued and nodded lightly.

Amon, who stood guard with me, went to sleep in the tent a long time ago.

"...Today, I will stand guard twice until I take off."

Eisel, who was staring at me, said so.

"Really? Then... I won't decline. Thank you, Miss Eisel."

She smiled at her friendliness.

This will make things a little easier.

Soon, Yuri turned her head away from us and uttered a small chant.

"I can stand guard, too..."

Ishmir, who manages to reveal this, points to Yuri.

"Then Amon's sentry is Yuri."

"Yes? Why am I on behalf of Amon..."

"Why? I heard you can stand guard. Did I hear that wrong?"

"That, that's... I understand, Instructor."

A question mark appears on Ishmir's face at Yuri's vague answer. It looked like something was wrong.

So I said a proper greeting, got up from the bonfire, and entered the tent.

There was a passenger named Amon inside the tent, but he was sleeping loudly snoring.

'He's completely asleep.'

Amon wouldn't have to worry about it.

How can I go to the ruins without being noticed by others in the tent?

There is a simple way.

Shedi's power, 'Shadow Hide and Seek', allowed her to move secretly.

However, a problem arises here.

Others who would later enter the tent were a problem. I needed something to create an alibi for me.


I stretched out my hand toward Shady, who was looking inside the tent, and used Shady's power.

One of his skills.

I used 'Shadow Mimic'.

Immediately, Shady's form, which had been smoldering like a black liquid, gradually grew larger and began to take on a human form.

Shortly after, the black liquid was removed and Shady appeared, turning into a man with dark hair and white bandages around his eyes.

[Huh... It looks like you succeeded. They look exactly the same. ]

Sierra, who was watching this, exclaimed in her admiration. I had discussed the plan with Sierra before even coming to the desert.


Shady has now 'transformed' into me, a man called 'Zeto'.

'I wondered if there was ever going to be a way to use this technique, but I ended up using it like this...'

'Shadow mimicry' had to be seen as a skill that could reveal Shady's appearance to others, similar to 'Hyeonhyeon'.

Judging from the effect, it seems that it was originally a technique created to confuse the opponent.

What was confusing was that Shady, who had been disguised as me, seemed to have no problems with the outside.

A guy who looked just like me was alive and moving.


...Only on the surface.

Even the voice was the same, but because the contents were shady, the guy was making a crying sound like a habit.

[Puhyuk... I'm sorry, disciple... It's hard to hold back laughter at this. ]

Sierra, who was looking at Shady, who was crying in the form of me, burst into laughter.

I scratched his head and went over to Shady and put him on the bed and covered him with a blanket.

Then he whispered a little to the boy.

"Shady, from now on, you must never cry. Just lie still like this. You can do it, right?"


At my attention, Shady becomes quiet.

It wasn't even that Shady couldn't understand the words at all. No, he understood the words better than he thought.

"If you do well, I'll come back and give you a delicious meal."

In fact, 'delicious rice' also refers to my vitality that he eats every day, but isn't that important?

A reward was needed to bring out Shady's good performance.

"Rice. It's delicious."

To my ensuing whispers, Shady answered in a loud voice. At this, Amon, who had been sleeping snoring, tossed and turned slightly.

"...I'll just pretend not to speak up. I just lie still and don't answer when someone talks to me, okay?"


Shady is quiet again.

'This should be enough...'

Then, as I stand up, the head of the guy who was covering me with the blanket follows me.

Even though it was transformed into my appearance, the clothes including the eyepatch were not actually wearing, so it had to be seen as Shady's body.

...It's not very reliable, but if you stay still, it will look like it's sleeping.

[There doesn't seem to be a big problem. ]

Nodding her head at Sierra's words, I went straight into the shadows.

Shady, similar to Sierra, has the property of returning to the surroundings when she gets away from me, but only when she is using 'Shadow Mimic' is an exception.

This was a fact that I learned from the knowledge obtained through the status window.

Instead, if there is one penalty, the further away you are from Shady, the harder it will be to use Shady's power.

Still, it seemed possible to get out of this area without being noticed by others outside the tent.

'If I were really the king, would I be able to stop the slaughter of these 'machines' for unknown reasons?'

To confirm this, I walked out into the dark.


"Is this the entrance...?"

After chatting about the connection between the other species and the ruins with Sierra, I was able to arrive at the ruins right away.

In the middle, I got away from Shady and walked in the desert, but there was no big problem.

[It looks like that, but...]

On the outer wall of the ruins, countless patterns that seemed to be ancient were engraved. The patterns were engraved a long time ago and showed signs of wear and tear.

The passageway that appeared to be the entrance was so wide and high that even humanoid alien species could pass through it.

Light did not reach the aisle, so originally it was supposed to be an endless darkness, but thanks to 'night vision', the inside of the aisle was clearly visible.

The aisle was empty.

In the game, when you set foot here, your vision becomes dark and 'I couldn't find the entrance after all.' A phrase like this would pop up and return to the entrance.

I slowly stepped into the aisle.

Fortunately, I wasn't kicked out for an unknown reason like a game.

Occasionally, ancient patterns and letters were visible on the outer wall of the aisle, but I couldn't understand it.

As I walked along like that, I stopped in front of a dead end wall. Sierra stared at the wall and tilted her head.

'...There's nothing.'

A dead-end wall is also a wall, but there was nothing that touched the feeling that I had sprayed upon reaching this place.

I put my hand on the wall.

This wall looked the same as the other walls in material and signs of age.

It is said that it was originally built like this, but considering the size of the huge ruins, it was a structure that was not well understood.

It was a structure of excessive scale to be built to make one huge passage.

'Splurge? Achievements?'

At that time, I was thinking of the modern pyramid and grasping the intention of the design.

A voice leaks from the outer wall.

Yes, it was 'Korean' again.

"Confirm the King's visit. Prepare for the descent."

With a voice of unknown gender.

ㅡKoo-gu Palace...

The floor he was standing on started to vibrate as the lines parted.

It's a descent

I think I know the reason why nothing touched my feelings.

I quickly grab onto the Sierra, and the floor falls off in no time.

I thought it would be rough, but the floor went down smoother than I thought. However, the speed was not slow, so it was rapidly descending into the depths of the underground.

[Muh, what's going on...? ]

Sierra, held in my arms, was perplexed as she stared at the ceiling, which continued to recede.

... Maybe Sierra will have a lot of questions about her. But there was no time to fix it right now.

Gradually, the signs of the other species were reaching me.


Before long, the floor, which had been descending without knowing the end, stopped moving with a roar.


It was blocked on all sides, but soon one side of the wall was split in half, emitting smoke.

Again a long passage is revealed.

Without a friendly guide, I walked blindly forward. There was only one road after all.

There was still nothing at the end of the passage, but it was clearly lurking behind that wall.

A round sphere whose true identity is unpredictable... One unreasonable thing and non-moving humanoid alien species.

The scale of the aisle was equally gigantic, but slightly different.

Unlike the stone wall I saw earlier, it was a straight metal wall without a single pattern.

[Disciple, can we go further? I just feel bad, but...]

Sierra looked around and asked me in a worried voice. Since she had no light whatsoever, it must seem as if she was walking blindly through the darkness, blind to her.

"Still, since we've come this far... Shouldn't we see the end? We don't really know how to go back..."

[If you go back and run on the wall, you can go up again. ]


Was Sierra even capable of such a thing?

First of all, it seems impossible for me right now.

Leaving behind Sierra's absurd words, I approached the wall in the way.


This time, without delay, the wall opened.

The first thing I saw when the wall opened was the light. This place was lit up.

So even in poetry, I was able to put it in my eyes.

Humanoid alien species lined up side by side with one knee bent. Among them was 'X-05' who lost an arm to me.

There was a black sphere of light embedded in the wall in the center, but I still couldn't figure out what it was.

One of the thrones next to the sphere stands out.

It was a throne that looked infinitely small compared to the guys around it, probably made to the size of a human.

[ Huh...? ]

As Sierra murmured, this space looked like the royal palace or audience room.

It was a space that fully contained such an atmosphere, both in terms of design and structure.

[Is it that they also had a king? The king of the other world... Who is such a dangerous person...]

As Sierra was chanting, the orb in front of her cut off her words and raised her voice.

"Meet the King."

""Meet the King.""

Following her voice, the humanoid alien species who were bending her knees shouted with their own voices.

[ ...You mean. ]

Sierra, who continued her words, glanced at me with a meaningful look.

'I'm just being called the king at will...'

Even Sierra, who couldn't understand the 'Korean' they spoke, couldn't help but notice at this point.


I shut my mouth and walked in front of the sphere.

Anyway... I needed someone to explain to me what all this was about.

Even at first glance, the black sphere, which was different from other alien species, seemed capable of such a conversation.

As I approach, the sphere speaks first.

No, the sphere muttered to itself.

"Detection of supernatural energy. I judged that it would interfere with the conversation. I will open the virtual space to exclude the energy."

When it comes to supernatural energy, do you mean Sierra?

The voice of the sphere was a voice with a strange feeling that could not even guess the gender or age of a woman's voice or a man's voice.

Following the murmur, something like a cord attached to the sphere moved and got stuck on the nearby floor.

Soon, a light flashes, and in an instant, the field of vision is dyed white.