
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · ファンタジー
193 Chs

Chapter 108 - 108. Surging Power (2)

"After all, clothes don't mean anything...?"

I took it out of the closet and looked at the clothes I threw away while trying on.

Eisel was outside, so even if that was the case, in my case, it could be seen as a date just the two of us, spending intimate time in a room with Jeto.

'Okay, put off the clothes until later...'

I looked at the pants that were so short that it looked like I wasn't wearing them, and then I turned my head.

Clothes were not important to Jetto anyway.

I hurriedly packed my clothes and went to the kitchen.

Having prepared everything so that I could cook at any time, I remembered what had happened earlier in the forest.

It was the time when I was contemplating whether to invite Jeto to dinner while talking to Jeto in the deep woods.

'I never thought Jeto would come...'

Looking back, it was a terrifying moment.

While I was rehearsing my ment thinking that Jeto was in front of me, he suddenly came to me.

If Jeto had a keen ear... There was a very good chance that he would have heard everything I said.

"Ha... I must be really crazy... What should I do..."

Having reached the conclusion, I stomped my feet while I was trimming the ingredients.

'I'm looking forward to cooking. Then can I go to Miss Yuri's room?'

Well, somehow it went well, but there was no romance.

So, there was no romance.

Even if I appealed to my charms as much as possible, I only showed my lack of hats in the yard.

"Whoa... But there's food..."

I, who had been squatting in the kitchen, took a deep breath and stood up again.

Anyway, when will Jeto come?

They said they would come on their own, but they didn't schedule an appointment.

When I asked how to get to my room, Jetto said that it would work somehow.

You can tell who is in the room or something. His 'kigam' was an amazing ability the more he knew about it.

So, in a way, it was the most important thing, but since the offering was so insignificant, I passed it on as if I was going to do it too.

Even though the sun was setting and the surroundings were getting dark, Zeto had not yet appeared.

Although I was able to prepare with enough time, I started to feel uneasy.

The thought that I might be able to meet Jeto in a little while made me impatient, and the hands of the clock, which would normally have been fine, kept pressing me.

'Was it impossible to eat in the room...?'

I was very worried that Jeto, who was trying to enter the dormitory, was caught by the security guard.

After finishing the preparation, I decided to sit on the bed with my legs crossed and wait for Jeto.

Have you ever waited so long for someone in your life?

Jeto was the first.

Even so, it was still questionable whether this could be called love.

It wasn't that I hated him, but was it okay for my heart toward him to suddenly change like this?

He met me almost by chance, and he really naturally permeated me.

He never felt uncomfortable with him when he was close to him.

He was confused whether it was because he couldn't see my appearance that other men were obsessed with, or if he felt that way simply because he was 'Zeto'.

It was ironic that his unhappiness was a factor that gave me comfort.

It's a thought I follow these days, but even if Jeto could see, I don't think he would have made me uncomfortable.

I don't think I could feel any black feelings from him.

I just felt that way.

Rather, what if he hadn't been blind...

Would you have approached me more aggressively?

Would he have looked at me as a 'reasoner' rather than a 'friend' and approached me?

...Was a stupid idea.


It was the time when I was hugging my knees while removing the wind from my cheeks.

ㅡ Smart.

A knock was heard.

As soon as I heard the noise, I jumped out of bed and opened the door.


As I opened the door, it was long.

I was worried that Jeto would have come without any problems.

Eventually, the door opens completely, and the figure of the person standing in front of the door slowly enters my eyes.

Pure white bandages... Black hair...

There was nothing more to look at, it was Jetto.

He came right

As soon as I checked him, the corner of his mouth went up.


I was about to call his name out of delight, but Jetto put his index finger on his lips as if telling him to be quiet.

Yes. Jeto is a male dormitory, and this is a female dormitory.

It had come secretly.

I quietly let Jeto in and quickly closed the door.

"...I'm sorry I made you wait so long. I thought it would be nice to have a time when people don't pass by in the hallway."

Jeto opened his mouth first and smiled.

"Ah, no, I didn't really wait? I was just sleeping...?"

His sweet voice and kind words made me feel ashamed, so nonsense came out of his mouth.

It was a 'habit' caused by Jeto, which recently made me feel ashamed.

"Haha, the door opened very quickly for something like that?"

"That's... How did he come than that? Didn't he get caught on his way?"

"Um... I didn't really get noticed. It was hiding in the shadows."


At my question, Jeto shrugged his shoulders.

...Well, it must mean that they moved covertly.

He was said to be a swordsman, but Zeto was using an expression that could be used by a 'ninja' in the East.

"Then, excuse me."

Soon, Jetto completely enters my room.

"This is Ms. Yuri's room. It's the first time I've ever had a girl's room..."

Zeto, who was walking around the room, put his sword on a corner of the wall, then stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, waiting for something from him with his head facing me.

"...Ah, would you like to sit on the bed?"

Feeling puzzled by this, he hurriedly guided Jeto.

The guest was Jeto, not me, but it was hard to come to my senses at the thought of being alone with him in this small room.


Soon, Jeto's mouth opened as he sat on the bed.

"I was surprised that you could cook all of a sudden. Did Miss Yuri know how to cook by herself?"

"Hmm, hmm... Cooking is nothing special."

At Jeto's question, he coughed once and then bluffed.

... He didn't have to tell me that he practiced cooking all day long.

I headed straight to the kitchen to prepare the dish.

While preparing the dish, he turned his head to look at Jeto. He was sitting still on the bed.

As always, Jeto was creating a picture-like atmosphere. He was just sitting on the bed, but he blended in quite well with the dark night scenery reflected in the window behind him.

I wanted to talk about something, but it wasn't easy. It was because they were ashamed of being in a room with just the two of them, as if they were like a 'couple'.

I stopped taking my eyes off Jetto and focused on cooking again.

The dish was ready in no time.

There were things prepared in advance, and it was a process that had been repeated several times, so it was because I was familiar with it.

As the cooking was about to end, Zeto's voice was heard from the other side.

"...Smells good? Is it a meat... Dish?"

Jeto, who raised his head and sniffed, said.

"Yeah, it seems like you've been bleeding frequently lately and your body has become weak... I've prepared a special health food that has been handed down in our family."

You don't even need to tell me what kind of meat it is.

I thought it was better not to know.

"It's the health food of the Clementine family. It's okay to feed such a precious food to an outsider like me..."

"Puhyuk, don't worry. This is probably the first time I've served someone outside of my family, but... Well, I got permission from my father."

"The head of the household?"

"Yes. By letter... The materials were also given by my father."

While answering Jeto's question, he carefully put the food in a bowl.

"Jetto, it's done..."

Putting the bowl on the table, I called to him.

Soon after, he gets out of bed and comes over and sits down at the table.

There were two people, but one bowl and one spoon.

Looking at Jeto, who was sitting at the table and tilting his head, he opened his mouth.

"Eh, I'm trying to help because it looks like it's going to be tricky to eat because of the bones..."

I said that and scraped the meat off the bone with a knife.

"It's okay. I'm just grateful that you cooked."

Jetto waved his hand, but my hand didn't stop.

"Your body is also weak... It's okay. Take it calmly and eat it."

Jeto, who smiled lightly at my words, gave up his refusal.

'It's just for Zeto, who has trouble with his eyes, and it's never meant to satisfy my self-interest...'

As I thought about that, I slowly thrust the meat-streaked fork into his mouth.

"Ah. Would you like to...?"

Following my words, Jetto opens his mouth.

That's how the meat goes into his mouth and immediately shuts his mouth.

I carefully ask Zeto, who finally chewed and swallowed the meat.

"How is it...?"

When I tasted it in the middle, there was nothing wrong with it.

Even when I fed it to Lucia when she woke up in the morning, her eyes widened saying that this was okay... I wonder if it was completed well. Still, people's tongues have a thousand different symbols.

I couldn't let go of the tension.

Contrary to my worries, however, Jeto, who was tilting his head, has a pleasant question.

"Miss Yuri is good at cooking, isn't she...?"


"It's no exaggeration to say that it was made by a skilled chef."

I was so happy to hear him speak.

I am proud that my efforts were not in vain.

A sense of accomplishment that you served him food as planned.

And it was also very meaningful that I made him smile on his lips with all my strength.


He pushed the meat into his mouth again.


The corners of my mouth wriggled upward as I looked at Jeto who was mumbling with his chin resting on his chin.


Jeto, who followed my words obediently, was very different from the usual him, so I felt cute.

I didn't have much interest in cute things, but sometimes I don't think this kind of thing is bad.

'It seems like they've become a real couple...'

I've never been married before, but wouldn't this be a special date?

It was at that moment when she thought about that and thrust the meat into him again.

"It seems like I've been eating it since a while ago..."

Jetto immediately grabs my hand and gently pulls the meat-studded fork away from me.

"It's food made for Jetto, so why do we only eat Jetto?"

"...Cooking tastes better when eaten together. I can't exactly put it in my mouth... But the amount of glass is ah. Try it."

Jetto then said, sticking a fork near my face.

It seems that I was worried that I hadn't eaten.


Confused because the situation had changed in an instant, I hesitated.

Jetto was still waiting for me with the meat on.

'It's a very shameful thing to feed someone else...'

I closed my eyes and put the meat in my mouth.

The only sound I could hear was my mumbling in the quiet room. I became more ashamed of myself without knowing anything.

After swallowing the meat completely, Zeto asks me with a smile.

"How is it? Is it delicious?"


I replied softly and couldn't raise my head for a while because my face was burning.