
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · ファンタジー
193 Chs

Chapter 101 - 101. On Fire

"Is it over...?"

As I looked at the quiet night sky, I soon walked away from the window.

Fireworks out of nowhere.

I didn't know what the hell it was commemorating, but it was a good spectacle.

On the one hand, I thought that it would have been better if I had been with Zeto, but after being in the labyrinth all day, I came out and my stamina was exhausted.

I threw my worn-out body onto the bed.


Soon, the soft bed gently embraces my body.

The labyrinth was also disgusting.

Most of all, I didn't like how difficult it was to find the way.

I didn't feel that the monsters were strong, perhaps because I got annoyed while looking for a way and poured it all on the monsters.

However, as he wandered on the road, his stamina ran out, so he had no choice but to get out of the labyrinth.

On the way out, I looked at the labyrinth exploration rankings, but the gap with Zeto was still extreme.

"When will I be able to catch up..."

Lying on the bed, I muttered that and reached out my hand into the air.

Of course, nothing was caught.

'To protect Zeto, at least...'

It should be stronger than Zeto.

In a way, it was natural.

However, it was not so easy to keep up with Jeto, who is passionate about everything and trains so hard that his mouth bleeds.

Is there any better way?

I'm trying my best, but I thought I couldn't chase him forever at this rate.

At that time.

ㅡKung kung kung.

Someone knocked on the door.

'At this late hour... Who is it?'

I approached the door and opened my mouth.

"Who are you?"

"A parcel has arrived."


The sound coming from behind the door reminded me of my father, Xerath Clementine.

He was about to ask him if he had any elixirs left at home. Anyway, my father really liked Jeto, so he told me in advance that he would give it to Jetto.


A female academy employee stood in front of the door.

It's a face you often see in the dormitory.

It was a system in which letters or parcels received from cadets were forwarded to the academy and delivered by staff.

"You're Miss Yuri Clementine, right?"


"Here is the letter that came with the parcel."

The seal that sealed the letter was the pattern of the Clementine family. Could it be that my father sent the elixir?

"...Thank you. But what about the package?"

However, I asked the employee who delivered only one letter, let alone a parcel.

"Oh, it's so big... I put it in the dorm yard for a while."

"...How big is it?"

I asked back with my eyebrows raised at the employee's words.

There shouldn't be anything like an elixir that's so big that you can't bring it into the dormitory, but it was strange.

"I think it would be quicker to check it out yourself. I'll just go now. Oh, if you need to 'dismantle', I'd appreciate it if you could send it to the academy separately."


After my vague answer, the staff sends a warm smile and walks down the hallway.


I wouldn't have sent a whole salamander just to send a salamander's tail.

Thinking of checking the letter first, I entered the room and broke the seal on the letter.

Then he read the letter slowly.

It was a letter from my father.


No elixir was sent.

Even so, his father's opinion was that it would be too burdensome for him to give the elixir to Jeto, who hadn't become a 'son-in-law' yet, but he was a 'close friend'.

Following that sentence, he suggested another method.

'...There's nothing more incredible than saying that Cadet Zeto is weak, but if he's really weak, isn't there something good to do for him? That's the Clementine family's 'health food'.'

He said wait a minute then sent it by parcel...

'Why don't you cook our proud family's health food, Yuri yourself? Bondi woman's sincerity and warm dishes are the way to touch a man's heartstrings. I'm attaching the recipe in case my beloved daughter forgot the recipe. Oh, and it seems like it would be better to do the dismantling yourself if possible. Personally, I think that's sincerity.'

...After reading through the letter, I shut my mouth.

I was very familiar with the "Old-fashioned" Clementine family health food.

When I was young, I wanted to eat all of those things.

Still, it's delicious, and according to my experience, there's nothing quite like it to energize the body.

In particular, according to the words of the family's exclusive chef, Hutton, health food is very good for the 'man's body'.

That the power surges

'Was it like that...? I want...'

Anyway, if that statement is true, the effect will be as certain as Jeto is a man.

If it is a health food, it will be able to breathe life into his weak body.

If there's one problem...

...That I'm not very good at cooking.

I put the letter aside and headed straight to the dormitory yard where the 'parcel' would be.


"Isn't this a magma bear?"

"Who put this here?"

Already, female students gathered in the yard to watch.

What made it so was that in one corner of the yard, a huge 'Magma Bear' lay scorched with fire.

This guy... Is an ingredient for health food.

I squeezed through the cadets and said, 'It's on me.' He said quietly.

Soon after, the onlookers who figured out the answer slithered away.

I crossed my arms in front of the magma bear and pondered.

Cooking for Jetto seemed like a good idea.

But just because 'sincerity' is put in... Is it okay if the dish doesn't taste good?

I didn't have the confidence to make it as delicious as Hutton's.

Meanwhile, a familiar voice is heard from behind.

"Mr. Yuri! What are you doing there?!"

It was Lucia.

Soon, Lucia jumps up and approaches me.

Then, I look at the magma bear in front of me and am surprised.

"M-Magma Bear...!"

"For sending me home. What's the matter? I see you're awake at this hour."

She asked because it was strange that Lucia, who had gone to bed early every time, came in from outside her dormitory.

"Hehe, I came from watching the fireworks... Did you see Yuri?"

"Ah, yes... I saw it in my room. It was pretty."


Lucia said in an excited voice.

Lucia didn't know what the fireworks were celebrating. She said she woke up and ran out in a hurry.

Maybe that's why, Lucia was wearing pajamas.

At that time, the meaning of fireworks was in such a labyrinth.

Behind Lucia, another familiar face could be seen walking into the dormitory.


There was something very different about her, with white blonde hair.

Eisel Ludwig, who was hesitating as she walked into the dormitory... Was 'dressed up'.

Hair tied up with a ribbon.

What's with that short dress?

Her shoulder line was clearly exposed, emphasizing Eisel's soft curves.

Although it was different from the usual Eisel... Well, I couldn't deny that she was pretty.

"Oh, Mr. Eisel!"

Feeling Eisel's presence, Lucia looked behind her and shook her hand.

Eisel turns her head towards us.

Her face was completely reddish, not her usual sullen expression.

...Eisel, who didn't answer, had an expression like a girl completely in love.

Could you make a face like that?

Just when that thought crossed her mind, her eyes met Eisel's.


Eisel, her cheeks flushed, glanced at me and she gave me a satisfied smile.


I didn't know what she meant, but something about her made her feel very bad, so her eyes were furrowed.

Soon after, Eisel completely enters her dormitory, and Lucia, who was next to her, sneaks up to me and whispers.

"Looking at the expression on Mr. Eisel's face, he must have been very happy!"

"Did you like it?"

Her eyebrows furrowed even more, so I asked Lucia a question.

Lucia puts her finger to her lips and raises her eyes, recalling her memories.

"Uh... So that's... I saw Mr. Zeto and Mr. Eisel holding hands during the day! It was like that when I caught Muster... Isn't that the 'date' we've only heard about...?!"


"Yeah, everyone said they look good together!"

Compared to Lucia, who responded brightly, my face only hardened.

'Did you go on a date? Jeto and Eisel...? No way she's that satisfied smile...'

Victory smile.

After reaching such a conclusion, Eisel's face, which he had just seen, quickly passed by.

ㅡ fast.

Her teeth clenched tightly.

"Yeah...That's it..."

I had a question, but it was solved right away.

I couldn't understand at once why I was so dressed up when I was dating Jeto, but seeing Eisel's smile, I could understand.

It wasn't that he was trying to show it to Jeto, but maybe he had in mind how he would appear to others next to Jeto.

ㅡ Huung~


Suddenly, a cool breeze blows from the side.

Turning her head, Lucia was blowing at me with her lever, her frightened face.

Ah, it seems that her embers have splattered on her.

"Yoo, Mr. Yuri, fire...! You're like that again...! My, please tell me if I've done anything wrong...!"

Even though Lucia was crying and struggling, the heat in my body did not seem to cool down easily.

I turned her head to look at the fallen Magma Bear.

It's a date

Wouldn't it be a date to spend time together while serving food?

Place mattered.

"Lucia, I want to cook for her friend, but where should she eat?"

"Yeah? Suddenly cooking? Hmm..."

Lucia, who had blown away the wind at my question, deliberately pondered.

After a while, her mouth opens with her eyebrows raised oddly.

"...Wouldn't it be better to eat in the room? Unless you're going to pack a lunch...?"

"Room? I invite you to my room...?"

"Yes, then you can eat what you cooked in the kitchen right away. It will taste better because it's warm!"

Lucia answered with a bright smile.

Spending time alone in your room...

...That was a pretty good idea.

That much seemed like she could win Eisel's date.

It was kind of a match.

'The problem is how to bring the man, Jeto, to the room, but...'

I scratched my tousled hair.

...I wonder if it will work somehow.


After safely finishing the date with Jeto, I was able to return to the dormitory with my legs that were about to give up.


I opened the door and entered the room and lay down on the bed.

The body immediately relaxes.

He buried his flushed face in the bed.


The words Jetto said while 'looking' at me from the hill still lingered in my ears.

'Iknow, right. It's really pretty.'

It's pretty.

Jetto said it was pretty.

I knew very well that it wasn't something I said to me, but I knew that it was just a tune to my rhythm as I was trying hard to explain.

I felt ashamed as if he had told me I was pretty.

It was an illusion, but I wanted to be mistaken.

Decided to be mistaken.

It was that good.

I barely resisted the urge to run up to Jetto and hug him.


It felt like someone was stabbing me in the lower abdomen.

My whole body tickled, so I hit the bed and stamped my feet.

Dating was like this.

Jetto once again gifted me with emotions.


It was love.

The fact that my heart pounded just by looking at her face was something different from the comfort I had felt while talking to Jeto before.

Can I be this happy?

I wanted to go somewhere and brag about it.

'Should I tell Blanc...'

Imagining Blanc's reaction, I immediately emptied my thoughts.

Maybe they think I'm stupid.

It would be better to keep the conversation at that time as a secret between Jeto and me.

I also have to express my sincere thanks to Blanc, who taught me about dating.

'...I wonder if the unannounced fireworks were also attributed to Blanc.'

Although Jeto couldn't see it... Thanks to him, I was able to engrave good memories.

I was very happy, but my stream of consciousness soon reached Zeto's curse.

Even at this moment, the curse would be eating away at his heart and life force.


I turned over and looked at the ceiling to calm my excitement.


It was a start.

This was just the starting point to make Jetto 'my own' Jetto.

I wanted to quickly fill Jeto's head with the existence of me.

This was the only small greed left for me, and an uncontrollable desire.

A red-haired, Yuri Clementine, whom I met upon entering the dormitory.

She was able to show her a satisfied smile.

Zeto's lips are mine.

It was my own jetto.

That's right, I've already secretly buried my saliva.


I smiled lightly and rolled on the bed like a child.

I guess I didn't sleep well today.