
Chapter 2

Planet Naboo...

The supreme chancellor sent two jedis to try and mediate on the blockade happening. But instead of the Trade Federation accepting a peaceful solution they attacked the two jedis which were forced to fight their way out to safety. The droid army was steadily conquering city after city on Naboo. The jedi Qui-Gonn and Obi-Wan was forced to conduct a daring escape to save the queen and have her concerns presented before the senate.

That's at least how it should supposedly go.

But, just before the transport ships containing the battle droids of the federation was sent to land, a broadcast on an open channel sounded.

No one understood what is the woman on the open channel is speaking. They heard words so unfamiliar to them that it immediately made the admiral of the blockading fleet stop the initial deployment of the transport ships.

"Filthy xenos, how dare you attack humanity?! I shall have your disgusting bodies flayed alive and boiled! I order you in the name of our God-Emperor, the saviour, and the only rightful ruler of all humanity stop immediately!" the voice of a woman sounded on the open channel. The language she used is the Low Gothic. One of the 3 official languages of the Imperium.

"Does anyone know the language being spoken?" asked the admiral of the blockading fleet.

The surrounding staff shook their heads signifying their lack of knowledge regarding the language.

They answered on the open channel with a totally not offensive statement.

"Excuse me, this is admiral... of the fleet... of the Trade Federation. I order you to tell us who you are and your purpose?" this statement was heard aboard the Emperor-class ship named...

"Lord Admiral, an incoming transmission from the abominable xenos was detected. We're playing it right now." reported an officer as the sound of the Trade Federation's admiral was heard on the command room.

"Cut that off! His mere voice irritates my whole body. It's like a thousand crickets were buzzing near my ear!" exlcaimed the Lord Admiral as she motioned for the transmission to be cut off.

Moments later she calmed down and asked a serious question.

"What in the Emperor's name is he talking about? Is this their language? Preposterous! How can this be considered as a language? It's like talking with a paper stuffed all over your mouth." growled this female Lord Admiral in anger as she stomped her fist on the armrest of her chair.

"Hmmm or probably he's mocking me. He probably don't think that the mighty battlefleet of the God-Emperor is a match for his silly floating tin cans. Yes, that must be it!" suddenly said the admiral as she stood up with a look of "enlightenment" plastered all over her face.

An officer raised his hand to try and snap his commander from her "delusions" and wrong understanding to prevent their cover being blown away.

"With all due respect Lord Admiral. It's probably the former, how can they detect the mighty fleet of our God-Emperor with their silly tin cans" said the officer with a tone of praise to please his Lord Admiral.

The admiral's attention was focused on the officer who just spoke up and everyone felt a bad premonition.

"Right?" said the officer with nervous as his voice cracked due to fear.

"Are you implying that I misinterpreted their response? Are you telling me that I'm not suitable to lead this fleet? Are you questioning his majesty's will?" the Lord Admiral stood up and slowly walked to the officer as her voice started to increase in volume with each question she threw.

"A-absolutely not my lord. It's just that we must prevent from b-being spotted by the forces of this galaxy. O-our cover is vital r-right?" answered the officer as he cowered back to his station.

"Oh, hmmm your words makes sense. Comissar!" the Lord Admiral stopped and thought for a moment before speaking.

The comissar aboard the ship presented himself and his pistol ready to act.

"Do your job commissar! He tried to question his majesty's intentions. He doesn't think that the mighty Imperial fleet can go against this whole galaxy and protect humanity!" ordered the Lord Admiral as she walked back to her seat and sat down.

"At once!" the comissar pulled out his pistol and aimed at the head of the officer.

"Wait you got it al-"

His words and possibly plea was cut off by the crunchy sound of a bang.

A bullet flew from the muzzle of the comissar and penetrated the head of the officer killing him immediately.

"All hands on board! We'll exit this space and back to reality! Radio the command center that we'll engage the enemy fleet because they offended the Emperor!" ordered the Lord Admiral as the command room was once again thrown into a busy state accomplishing their tasks.

"Notify the guardsmen fleet for a possible landing action. Those amphibious xenos doesn't look trustworthy one bit and it will be beneficial on eliminating something like them generally." barked the Lord Admiral at the officers.

The sound of tapping on the screen and turning of knobs and other type of electronic equipment filled the room. The whole battlefleet was ready to return to reality and engage the enemy who dared to doubt the power of the Imperial Navy.

At this moment, because there was no answer, the admiral just shrugged it off as some kind of a joke from the possible pirates on near star systems. He commanded the start of the landing action of the droids to the planet.

Hundreds of transport ships dropped from low planet orbit into the cities of the inhabitants of Naboo.

The droids made a quick work on cities. Easily conquering them with little to no resistance. The palace on Theed was currently in turmoil, the two jedi managed to reach the queen and safely rescued her.

They reached the hangar containing the queen's ship as the palace is getting overrun by the battle droids. The royal guards are desperately buying time for Padme to escape with the two jedis.

Shot after shot from the heavy blaster pistols sounded as some of the shots found its mark on the body of the battle droids.

The E-5 blaster rifles of the droids also sounded as countless shots poured in to the desperate royal guards of Naboo.

Under the command of Captain Panaka, the royal guards exhibited stiff resistance and buying as much time as possible for the safety of the Queen Padme.

However, as more and more droids poured inside the royal palace they're eventually being overwhelmed by the enemy.

Bodies after bodies of their comrades fell beside them. As the number of the royal guards steadily decreased an open channel transmission was broadcasted. This transmission has the same voice as before.

The jedis and Padme just entered the starship, there, the pilot is already waiting as the open channel transmission was intercepted

"The Trade Federation sure has the guts to use artificial intelligence to harm a human! Such abominations must be wiped from the face of the galaxy! I'll make sure all of you xeno scums taste the God-Emperor's wrath!" the voice of the woman once again sounded on the ears of everyone.

"Master, do you know this language?" asked Obi-Wan to Qui-Gon which looked at him and shook his head lightly. Such a mysterious language is never recorded on any of the records he has read.

"Such a language is totally new to me. In my 48 years of life I have never heard of nor read any similar language. It's really interesting, not everyday you hear an unfamiliar language." commented Qui-Gon as he sat down one of the chairs near the pilot seat.

Padme Amidala also sat on one of the vacant seats. Her mind is too occupied to even care about such trivial things. She's restless and nervousness can be inferred from her facial expression.Royal guards are getting killed by the battle droids because of her. She can't possibly just sit back and relax.

She spoke to everyone inside the starship.

"Let's go, we need to escape and reach Coruscant before the droids reaches us!" the words of Amidala reached the ears of everyone and they all nodded in agreement. The pilot, Ric Olie started the starship's engine and they start to exit the gravitational pull of the planet at a fast rate.

Fire after fire from the fighters of the federation can be seen on their tail. Trying to shoot down the starship but luckily, they managed to survive and completely escape the planet.

On space, they saw the ships of the fleet of the federation which blockaded their planet. Droid starfighters flew from the enemy's hangars trying to shoot down the starship of Amidala and company.

Hit after hit completely made the shield generators offline exposing the whole starship for a possible direct attack on its hull.

As more and more starfighters chased them they've been having a hard time executing evsaive maneuvers as shot after shot flew towards their direction.

"Their resolution is harder that I thought! They really plan to kill us!" commented Obi-Wan remembering the battle he and his master participated earlier.

Just then another broadcast sounded but this time it's on a private channel. The broadcast was intercepted by the starship of Amidala and company is using and they accepted it. They didn't managed to accurately track when was the broadcast is coming from because the equipment only showed that it's supposedly coming from near them. But they thought it's impossible since only the droid starfighters are near them currently at the moment.

"Don't be afraid! The loyal soldiers of the God-Emperor shall save you as it's our rightful duty to protect all humans!" a voice of a man sounded. The language he used is the same as the language the woman used earlier on the open channel. They concluded this because of the tone and stress of words.

Just then, their starship was directly hit by an enemy starfighter fire making it shake violently.

Qui-Gon tried to communicate with them using the galactic standard trying to inquire their location and if possible ask them for help.

"Hello, can you hear me? Where are you? Can you help us out of our peril?" asked Qui-Gon respectfully. They received no response as their despair reached new heights.

As another shot hit their starship it directly damaged the hyperdrive module of their vehicle making their whole situation even more worst.

The pilot, Ric Olie looked at the system diagnostics of the ship and reported a serious news.

"Your highness, our hyperdrive module are damaged. It can't sustain any more damage or else hyperdrive would be impossible.Our shield generators are also down." reported Ric to the queen.

The report made the queen frown. The two jedis also made an unsightly look. Their situation is so unfavorable that there's no guarantee that they'll live to see another day.

Just as everyone aboard was feeling despair large shadows suddenly eclipsed their whole starship.

These shadows were as long as a star destroyer. They exited a portal like turbulence in space. The federation and the people aboard their battleships are dumbfounded by this scene likewise Padme and company.

As a steady flow of ships exit the portal it revealed ships of even larger sizes.

Battleships of varrying sizes but no less than a kilometer long revealed itself, dwarfing Padme's royal Naboo starship and the federation fleet ships.

Combination of different classes of corvettes, destroyers, cruisers, heavy cruisers, frigates, heavy frigates, and battlecruisers.

The scene is majestic for everyone not on the end of these ships' powerful weapons.

Just as everyone thought that it's all finished, a large portal suddenly opened and the bow of a ship potruded. This ship is so long it dwarfs even the star destroyers the Republic has. After a short amount of time the entirety of the ship was seen making everyone dumbfounded.

"By the force! What are those things." exclaimed Obi-Wan in shock. He has never seen battleships of such design. The "smallest" of the ships present in front of him is equal to the size of a star destroyer in length.

As everyone is still caught in a daze with all the events that transpired. The ships of the Imperium made their move and the might of humanity will be finally unleashed for the first time in this galaxy

Hi guys, do you want me to be specific on ship types, equipment, admirak names, etc.? I'm not too sure if specifying things too much would be good in the long. So for now I'll be generalizing stuff herr and there to avoid confusion.

SomeGuyOnDarkArmorcreators' thoughts