

He was a swordsman, while she was the saint of the world. After learning that she was the saint, she changed. And, he couldn't see her the same way he always does before. So, he decided, to never see her again.

Endeko · ファンタジー
3 Chs

A swordsman

I lay there on the bed, with one of my arm covering my eyes. The sun is shining through my bedroom window.

What a warm feeling.

Despite the warmth, my heart's sense of coldness and pain persisted. It hurts, it truly do.

I have to acknowledge that "she" is no longer with me. My soul and heart, my light amid the deepest hours of my darkness.

Hell, when the light goes out, the darkness takes over. The darkness that even the light of the sun can't melt.

Why... why must I live this way?

Why couldn't "I" receive something that is deserving of her?

Why must I only be a swordsman while she becomes the saint of the world?



To hell with this world!!!

To hell with the God that lives on heaven for giving me such a worthless class undeserving of her heart and mind!

Is destiny telling us that we aren't meant to be together due to our difference in class?

I hate this... I hate it. I hate that this system, the system that the world is running on exists. A system that separates the two of us from each other. I hate this system.

After all, we were fine before.

Until that class giving occured and we both found out that I was a Swordsman and she was a Saint that would save the world.

I hate it. I hate that I still remember when...

We were kids at that time. You were the daughter of a baron, while I was an orphan that was left behind at a church.

When I would pray In front of the altar with the nuns and priest. You would come along and pray with us with the kindness of your heart and sincerity of your heart.

In adition, when a mass is happening and I was an altar boy. You were there to help and assist me and the church.

The priest and nuns love you and so do I.

Even the baron and baroness often tease us both for being such a childhood sweetheart.

What a really good time...

However, in the end, I was an orphan and you were a noble. A difference of class is present between the both of us.

And, I hated that.

The baron and the priest of our hometown noticed this too. So, in order to get us throught this, the baron offered that the two of us would go to the great academy in the capital and learn there as equals as said by the schools slogan...

And as equals, it became true. The two of us started dating on our second year of school. We then promised each other that in the six years of learning in the academy that we would be together for all of them.

It was nice... a whole year of us dating each other. We went on dates all across the city, ate different kinds of food, and heck we even met new people that helped us both in the academy.

We were even given the nickname of "Sugar love bids"

HAHAHAHAHA... What a great time. If I were given a chance to turn back time I would always repeat that memorable year.

But, you know what everyone says. "Every good thing must come to an end."

And ended horribly it did. Like a cliffhanger on a book.

On the 4th year of academy, the year that we were currently on, is the start of the class reveal. And the bag on my back started weighing like a ton.

I didn't know why, but before it even started I could feel that something was off. That something was going to change.

In the end, it really wasn't SOMETHING, it was more like EVERYTHING.

It was a great premonition really, because of the fact that it went true.

If you are a being that exists in this world, you would have what is known as a class.

That class defines what would happen to that beings foregrowing future. To be precise, it was a role, a role that a being will gain in the world.

And, you were someone truly fascinated by classes. You often researched about the different kinds of classes and it's vital role in the world. I remember when, before we went to the venue, you were so excited that it felt like you were going to jump to the moon.

Heck, at that time, even I was excited. Guess that excitement turned into horror now. There really was nothing I could do.

Inside the venue there was a magus, long white robe and long white hair. Truly fascinating individuals.

They say that magus also got the class of mage at the class reveal. Now, they live on for the rest of their life as someone devoted to magic.

It would have been great if I got a class of mage, even greater if it was the class of sage. However, what I got in the end was Swordsman, a common class.

But no matter how common, you cheered at me and congratulated me with so much energy that it felt like it was the best class in the world!

Until you got your own...

"Saint! It's the saint!!!" The magus exclaimed.

Everyone in the venue hall was cheering and jumping around congratulating you.

A saint! A once in a thousand years class that appears once the world is in danger. It's known for the class of divinity and holyness, the divine class of saint.

Everyone was happy. Even you were happy. Until our eyes met.

You looked at my eyes with pity, while I look at yours with joy, for my lover received the best of the best class. Something you truly yearned for.

I was happy for you, but why, why were you looking at me with pity. As if I'm nothing but a small dust bound to be flown away by air.

You looked at my eyes... And looked back at your class...

It was over. At that moment, it was over.

You dragged me out of the hall, ignoring all the commotion surrounding you. You dragged me all so far to the back of the dorms.

At that time, I should have known what was going to happen next. Yet, I couldn't help but congratulate you.

"Saint! You got the class of saint, I knew you were the best-"

"Reid, that's enough."

From your words I crumbled. What did you mean enough?

"I'm sorry, I truly am. But Reid, we can't be together anymore."

"What do you mean...?"

"Reid... The class of saint is benevolent. I am up in status in the world, possibly the highest. I'm sorry but I am on the road of greatness, a road of flowers and marble."

"Wait, are you saying that having me with you? No no no, that "I" don't belong on that road with you?"

"Reid it's not like that.... But-"

In the corner of my sight I noticed. I noticed our end.

"Excuse me, miss saint. I am here for you in the name of the king. For I am to escort you to the palace in order to meet the royal highness... And the HERO."

Chills, that word, the word HERO sent chills down to my spine.

After hearing the word I looked at the guy and then took a glimpse of you.

It was sickening.

You were smiling. Smiling after you heard the word HERO.

I was about to puke, when, I soon realized the whole truth of this scenario.

I see what it was. It was that I have a puny class of SWORDSMAN, and not that of a HERO.

"Really? I get to meet the king and hero? Wait, Reid about the thing that I want to talk ab-"

"You wanted to break up? I'm okay with it."

"-Reid? Really? I'm really sorry for this-" You bowed your head in joy while I look at you with disgust.

When you raised your head and looked at me.

Even though we loved each other, even after what you are doing right now is hurting me.

you dare to ask...

"Why do you look sad?"

Why? Why you asked?

You can't be serious? No way, are you really that dumb and dense.

You gave me a happy memory, I don't know about anything else. But the fact that we dated for a year and you just decided to dump that away is sickining for me.

I have to go.

Ignoring her question, I turned my back and went into the dorms. Each step felt empty like walking on an empty canvas. Soon, darkness started to loom me.

Now I'm here, in the bed of my dorm room scraping the thought of me losing you.

I don't even know what I'm feeling right now... This coldness of my heart... Whether it is due to depression, anxiety, or even anger.

But one thing is for sure and certain, I hope I will never see "Antoinette" ever again. Cause if I do, I won't feel anything to her.