
I Am Just a General

Hwang Toji has been reincarnated since his birth, his parents died in an accident, he was enlisted in the Korean foreign army since childhood, having lived 11 years on the battlefield. His strength and intelligence allowed him to rise to the rank of General of foreign armies despite his young age. At the age of 18, he was removed from his position on the orders of the President so that he could live a normal life. How will his life go in society, he who has been a victim of the battlefield all his life. Worlds : Mato Sehei no Slave, Supremacy Quest, Kengan Ashura and more.... Harem but don't expect it to be huge (no pokemon, that's what I mean), I don't know the size. He doesn't know all the anime / manga etc of this world, he will remember a few things. MC IS NOT TOJI, HE JUST LOOK LIKE HIM.

Bananuts · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

3 - Here we go again

The next morning, Toji woke up very early, his muscles tensing and relaxing to the rhythm of his intense training.

Even after leaving the army, training couldn't be neglected. He didn't have any equipment at his disposal, but bodyweight exercises were more than enough.

Every movement was executed with surgical precision, a silent testimony to the discipline he had imposed on himself. As he finished, he cast a disdainful glance towards his window. "Another boring day," he muttered.

After his first day at school, he was convinced, as he already was, that it wasn't for him. He knew the area he was in was rather lively, but honestly, he knew he wouldn't gain anything from it. For him, facing opponents was fun but only on the battlefield. A teenager wouldn't make him feel the thrill of combat.

Putting aside his thoughts, he headed for a quick shower before getting ready. Putting on his compact uniform, he made his way to school.

On the way, Toji spotted Chang-dong, who was smiling at Suhyoon, who was on the ground, like a dog waiting for its master's orders. "Pick it up," ordered Chang-dong, pointing at a cigarette butt on the ground.

"B-But, didn't you finish it already?" Kim Suhyoon looked fearful and hesitant.

"Suhyoon... Obey." Chang-dong looked at him disdainfully and arrogantly, leaving no room for a response.

On the other hand, Toji couldn't help but feel perplexed and rather astonished. Did he have the balls to continue harassing after getting a beating?

'Oh damn, how embarrassing. Is he even human to agree to get on all fours?' Toji watched the scene with disgust.

"Chong... whatever his name is, this guy still hasn't learned his lesson? Even after being beaten up, he hasn't let go of this lifestyle. Hmm..." He looked pensive as he watched the pitiful boy on the ground. Did he feel pity? Absolutely not, he couldn't care less, to be honest.

At that moment, he caught sight of a beautiful teenage girl with short black hair, just above her shoulders, wearing the school uniform. His eyes couldn't help but glance at her legs before returning to his thoughts.

'Hmm...? She's looking at him with disgust. Is there a connection between the two?'

"Hey, what are you doing ?" The girl in question looked at Kim Suhyoon with pity and disdain.

"Well..." Suhyoon became nervous deep down, not knowing at all what to say. He didn't expect such a situation to arise, one where he had to face his sister while being bullied.

'Dahyun, why is she here? Damn, I can't let her see me like this.'

Toji let out a desperate sigh ; he simply didn't understand this "pastime." Did all the "bad" kids in Korea do this? He saw no point, even after this scene.

´These two seem to know each other. Well, I'll help just this once, but mainly because I don't like such arrogance in front of me.'

Approaching the duo, he didn't hesitate to speak up, "Why are you letting him pick up your cigarette butt? Pick it up yourself, or are you struggling to bend down and pick up a simple piece of crap?" His eyes were neutral, showing no emotion, as Chang-dong turned to face him.

"What did you say? Motherf..." Chang-dong wanted to direct his anger towards the one who had insulted him about his weight before slightly lifting his eyes to see Toji's black gaze.

Suddenly, his face began to fill with sweat as fear crept into his eyes. Remembering yesterday, Chang-dong took a step back. "N-No, no, just a little joke between friends," he stammered hastily.

How could he forget what happened? He was beaten to a pulp by the transfer student, hell is this guy, he had to avoid attracting his attention.

Toji turned to Suhyoon and his sister. "You should go," he advised them. Then, without another word, he continued on his way to school, leaving behind an intimidated Chang-dong and a grateful Suhyoon.

"Hey, bro..." Kim Dahyun addressed her brother despite their strained relationship.

"Do you have his number? He's so hot..." She had no shame, especially after seeing Toji. He had just saved her brother who was very clearly intimidated, but now the intimidator was scared of him. Who was he? She had never seen him before.

"Uh... no, he's the transfer student, we don't have any contact." Kim Suhyoon nervously scratched his head as he looked at his sister. He was grateful that he intervened, but why did his sister want to talk to this guy???

'Damn, Chang-dong won't let me get away with this. He's definitely going to beat me up at lunch break.' He thought with a mental sigh.

Since activating his system, he had become a little more confident. Nevertheless, Chang-dong bullied him even worse than before. The only rewards he had received so far were the increase in size, restoration of his vision, and the Jab skill.

'Sigh... I don't know when I'll have my next quest, but I hope I don't have to face that monster Toji.'

Who didn't know the new transfer student? Beating up Choi Chang-dong on the first day after his transfer was a big commotion for the school. Although no one really knew him.

"Don't cross my path, I don't want to be associated with you..." His sister finally decided to move on, ashamed to be seen with her brother. Which is understandable, but also pathetic.


Toji arrived at school with the indifference that characterized him, but he couldn't ignore the whispers and stares that followed him. The rumors of his confrontation with Chang-dong had spread like wildfire.

"Did you hear? Toji knocked Chang-dong out with one blow!"

"It seems he didn't even break a sweat!"

"I believe it, Toji looks like a titan after all."

Toji was a bit skeptical about the rumor, not seeing why it was so incredible that it had to spread. 'If only they knew how boring it was,' he thought.

In class, the atmosphere was electric. Baek Chaerin stared at him as soon as he entered, her palpable irritation just at the sight of the transfer student. "So, the hero is back," she said sarcastically.

Toji sat down at his place, responding nonchalantly. "I'm not a hero, just a student."

Baek Chaerin gritted her teeth. "Don't play innocent. You liked that, didn't you? All that attention?"

Toji shrugged. "Other people's attention doesn't interest me. I prefer to keep to myself, unlike some." His response was clearly directed at her, making her flush with anger.

Toji couldn't help but look at her with doubt. Was she sexist against men? Or was there some complex? He didn't know why she was so fixated on him. Damn, he didn't even understand it himself.

Toji settled comfortably into his seat, crossing his arms behind his head. He observed Baek Chaerin with a detached air, almost amused by her obvious anger.

"You know, Chaerin," he began, "it's quite entertaining to see you get worked up over nothing. You should learn to relax."

Baek Chaerin rolled her eyes, clearly exasperated. "I would be relaxed if I didn't have to endure your arrogant presence every day. Who told you to be so informal with me? Pervert. I don't want to talk to you."

Toji burst into laughter, a deep and genuine sound. "Arrogant? I think you're confusing confidence with arrogance. But I can understand how someone like you could make that mistake."

Baek Chaerin's face hardened, and she leaned towards him, her eyes shooting daggers. "Someone like me? And what exactly does that mean?" She looked at the young general as if she wanted to rip him apart alive. Toji being Toji, he wasn't scared, but he admitted that this girl possessed a surprisingly practical intimidation.

Toji straightened up, his smile widening. "Someone who can't see beyond their own prejudices. It's a shame."

Toji, still relaxed, watched Baek Chaerin, who seemed ready to explode. "Tell me, Baek Chaerin, what do I have to do for you to stop seeing me as a guy who has committed the worst crimes in the world?" he asked, his voice tinged with false innocence.

Taken aback by his question, Baek Chaerin felt her irritation rise a notch. "You want me to talk to you? That's hilarious, do you really think my opinion will change? Crazy fool," she replied sharply.

Toji pretended to think, then replied with a mischievous smile. "But if you don't, I'll be bored. And we don't want that, do we?" he said, staring into his classmate's eyes.

Baek Chaerin's face turned crimson, torn between anger and embarrassment. "Shut up, I don't want to hear any noise from you," she muttered, turning her head to avoid his gaze.

Toji leaned forward slightly, trying to catch her eye. "I'm kidding, princess. I don't seek your approval... but maybe a little peace. I know you love me too much but stop cursing me with all those insults."

Baek Chaerin stared at him, her eyes sparkling with defiance. "Peace? With you? I doubt that's possible. And who would like a guy like you? Do you really think I talk to you for pleasure? Seriously, go back to sleep, it's better for me..." She rubbed her forehead tiredly as the day had just begun.

'Seriously, what's up with this guy? I don't want to talk to him, but it's the first time a guy has been so arrogant and nonchalant in front of me, considering how he beat up Chang-Dong, he must not be any different from the other bullies. He just hasn't started yet. I hate them all...'

The rest of the class watched them, some amused by their exchange, others annoyed by the distraction. Toji sat up straight and turned to the board, ending their little game.

The class started, but Toji couldn't help but feel drowsy again. Eventually, he just fell asleep until the bell rang.

But during break, an interesting rumor reached his ears, surprisingly catching his attention.

"Do you think it's true? Suhyoon beat Chang-dong?"

"Impossible, he's too cowardly for that!"

Toji turned his head to "Suhyoon," who seemed uncomfortable under the stares. 'Interesting,' he thought before analyzing the boy's face.

He could see traces of a fight on his face, sweat, fatigue was also present. The small bruises suggested that he didn't take many hits, which means he managed to win without getting hit too much. Or maybe he wasn't hit at all and it's marks from this morning.

He would have beaten a guy with a much larger build from afar and without getting hit with such a loose body? With this body, according to Toji, it was clearly impossible. No power in the muscles, no training at all. There must have been some external help.

The boy who was trembling this very morning in front of him managed to beat this guy? There aren't many things that can catch his attention, but this one intrigued him somewhat.

'How could he have beaten him? Did he have a weapon on himself, maybe threaten him? No, unlikely. A mystery, indeed.'

Regardless, it's not the biggest news of the century either. Just a little curiosity doesn't hurt. Toji closed his eyes, arms behind his head, leaning back in his chair. Even during a break, it was the only occupation he had found.

At the same time, a group of students entered the classroom noisily, and a vein could be visible on Toji's forehead, clearly showing his annoyance.

'Which guy came to annoy me now? Can't I just sleep in peace? Damn...'