
Family reunion

Robin stared at the old man again.

"I believe you will have a neck cramp if you don't stop staring" The old man chuckled.

She finally looked away and leaned her head on the chair headrest rewinding the events of the afternoon.


"your grandfather" he answered and then gave a smile.

Robin heart skipped a beat at his smile. He looked just like her dad and seeing this smile almost brought tears to her eyes. It was like looking at her dad but she knows he isn't her dad and then strengthen her resolve again.

"but even though I know for a fact you are my grandfather I choose not to believe you. My parents would have made me know you before their death and you would have taken care of me since then bit where were you?"

Although her heart is already trembling she made her voice and expression strong.

"your unfillial father ran away from home to established himself and to marry your mother. Since then we lost contact with your father and searched for him for years until Fiona here finally came clean about her she was still in touch with your parents and how she found you recently" The old man explained.

" you were under our moses all this while yet we didn't know" Fiona smiled sadly" since that year when you were still like five is when I saw your parents last, we were still in touch for like nine to eight years but after that I suddenly lost touch without a trace, but I can recognize you anywhere, Mrs Red won't stop sending pictures of her darling daughter"

Robin nodded" I suppose that explains all" She turned to leave but the men surrounding her didn't leave a gap.

" where are your parents?" The old man asked.

" didn't she tell you that they are dead!"Robin raised her voice slightly annoyed.

Why are everybody just reminding her that she no longer have parents.

" I know" the old man's eyes suddenly went sad" I just want to know where they are buried so I could visit them"

" in a couple of day will be their anniversary. You can tag along with me" Robin shrugged.

" thank you... dear"the old man suddenly hugged her.

" so how was your exams?" he released her.

" f.. fine I guess" Robin replied still stunned from the hug. She haven't felt this warmth in a while even though Fred tried his best to help her.

"child! why is your hair brown not red?" The man furrowed his brows" did you inherit your mother hair instead,you will be the first ever Red to have another hair color"

" no"she shook her head" I just dyed it brown, the red really makes me stand out" It was true,her red hair makes her other features really stand out more and the brown reminds her of her mother.

" that's what makes us the reds, we stand out from the rest" he held her hand warmly and smiled.

" how did you manage to attend this school if you are so poor now?" Fiona asked.

Robin internally slapped her forehead, this woman do not know how to talk. If other people hear her they might mistake her words for something else but Robin could see she was just innocently speaking.

"I have a whole string of jobs to keep me surviving" Robin replied.

Weirdly, she don't feel any repulsion from them and is able to say her mind freely.

" poor child. I remember sister telling me that you couldn't even rinse a cup on your own now you had to work" Fiona held her hand delicately.

" why did you even attend this college when it's too expensive for your financial state?" Fiona frowned.

"my mom wanted me here" Robin replied.

"I knew that sooner or later they would still come home, just that I didn't know they wouldn't come alive" the old man eyes sparkled with tears.

"don't cry sir. Trust me, crying would just weaken your already old bones even more" Robin

The old man's eyes twitched before bursting into a fit of laughter that soon turned to coughs.

"stop calling me sir you brat! call me grandpa red" he playfully glared at Robin.

"whatever" Robin shrugged but she couldn't help but smile.

"kid, would you lease come home with us your grandma is dying to see you"Grandpa Red asked her.

Robin looked up at him and saw the eagerness in his eyes.

"sure" she replied.


"we are here" Grandpa Red announced.

Robin eyes immediately shot open and flew towards the window.

She stared around and her eyes darted to the huge mansion with roses planted everywhere.

The mansion was built to look like a simple home but the neighborhood itself screamed wealth and success.

She took everything in and nodded.

"no wonder dad's taste is so good" She nodded in agreement.

Grandpa Red smiled, even though it is an indirect compliment he would accept it.

The car came to an halt and Robin went out stretching her legs before rushing to the other side to help out the old man.

"thank you" he smiled at Robin" bit am stronger than I look" he got up by himself and led her to the door entrance.

An old woman burst out and ran towards Robin immediately choking her with a bear hug.

"oh baby... mm.. darling.. my dear" she said in between tears.

" ma'am.. ma'am.. I.. I c.. to can't breath" Robin struggled with the hug.

" how dare you call me ma'am!" the woman released her crossing her arm in fake anger.

" you young lady will call me grandma" She ordered.

" yes ma'am.. I mean grandma" Robin nodded like an obedient child.

She just experienced the strictness of a parent for the first time in her life. Her parents spoiled her to bits not yelling at her even once.

Grandma Red eyes got softer as she stared at Robin.

"she looks just like him and her hair is just like hers" Grandma Red pats her hair warmly tears rolling down her eyes.

Robin reached out and wiped her tears.

" why don't you show me some things inside?" Robin suggested.

What a family reunion!