
The Elves 2

(Viz's POV)

When I was thrown for the second time, before crashing to the wall, I activated TOM's mode!

Multiplying my existence ten times!


The impact was powerful, but I didn't feel pain. Dust stirred. However, I distinctly saw a cultist lying dead below me.

The unexpected breaking of a heavy wall impacted him to death!

Then I saw the huge mindless cultist's figure approaching me rapidly!

I jumped up fast… fast enough to go unnoticed by the mindless powered-up cultist!

Standing on the wooden rail, I observed the big guy holding the dead cultist's leg smashing him around! Like a baseball bat.

was it hulk smashing?!

And soon the smashing ended as only the leg of the dead cultist remained.

The empowered cultist roared up to the sky!

Man… this guy sure noisy like hulk!

How strange… this mindless fellow grinned?!

was he not completely mindless?

I put my swords down before I said, "How about round two?"

Well, I got an itch to fight this guy… hand to hand! I craved to test how powerful I was in TOM mode!

"HERETIC!" the big guy roared, realising I wasn't dead.

And before the big guy jumped up, I appeared in front of him, and said as I braced my fist, "Back to you!"


My Punch reached the big guy's gut! I felt my hand pressing his belly to its limits! He shot backward!

I trailed and ran past him before I kicked him to the side.


I wasn't going to let this guy have a chance to breathe! I trailed and attacked. Repeated the same action!

right side!






All this time he was in the air, before finally smashing him to the ground! Creating an enormous pit of several hundred meters!

I was getting warmed up!

Now it is time for the proper fight!

when the dust settled, I waited for the big guy to stand up!

But the big guy didn't!

fuck! he wasn't even breathing!

It just took me 5 punches to take out the big guy?!

However, when I noticed the big guy lift his arm, it filled me with expectations! But then his actions confused me. The big guy pulled out a flute like object from his pocket! And blew it!

The tune seems filled with sorrow…

Heck, was this guy humming his dying song!?

It was admirable; this guy wasn't completely mindless! Even though the melody was filled with sadness, it felt good.

But it's strange, I could feel the magic element in this melody… However, the melody suddenly stopped, I saw the big guy's arm fall down.

The big guy died!

"Give me back my feelings!" I said as I caught the big guy's collar and shook him vigorously. Making his head move freely in the opposite direction of the force I applied.

This big guy, what the hell he is?! Just dying from 5 punches?!

But the next second I felt something wrong, my enhanced witcher's sense picked up some noises coming from far.

Thus I saw something which startled me!

A fucking army of beasts was sprinting towards me!

Did the big guy summon them using the flute?

It seems I underestimated you, big guy. Sorry for pulling your collar!

Then I tried to reach for my swords...

Oops! I left them inside the castle!

Then there's only one option left!


I closed my eyes, started feeling the fire element lay line around me, and I soon found it. And channeled the fire element in my hand.

But before that, I waited for the beast army to reach a mid range!

"fire style Gatling gun!" I pushed my palms forwards and backward, one after the other!

Waves of Igni started coming out, wave after wave I conjured Igni!

I don't know if any other witcher could pull this stunt like me, but maybe Geralt could; he had a lot of potential!






I don't know how many monsters were there but I could see goblins, Orcs, kobolds, giants, basilisks and chimera?!

How did the big guy even summon them?!

Sweating because of the heat nonstop, I continued channeling fire. I dare not stop at this stage!

After several minutes, I burned them all to roast!

Is what I thought…


A winged Chimera jumped from the pile of roasted corpse, grabbed me and flew up in the sky.

The air seems fresh!

The clouds… its seems cold! And they weren't fluffy like pillow!

wait what am I doing?!

I pried opened the Chimera's claws.

"SREEEEEEE!!" the winged chimera screamed as I climbed on it top.

Before clasping my hands and slamming it down!


the result…

I wish I could fly…

Screw it! I am falling down. I gripped the Chimera and caught the sword handle on the chimeras back.

The sword seems to be inserted deep into its muscle.

Wait! Where did this sword came from?!

And before I could think much, I and Chimera crashed into the castle.


The collapse was powerful. We broke floors or roof before coming to a stop!

Thankful to the dust! I noticed Filavandrel before he did… wanted to look cool. I jumped onto my feet, pulled the sword and I said, "you got the girl?"

Wasn’t planning to release this chap, as I planned to announce the poll results in the author’s thought section of the previous chapter…

I messed up with the timer!

So you got this chap in advance!


Congratulations to Harem-fans you won the poll! With the legal 107 power votes! Defeating the non-harem group with 39 power votes!

The witcher world will be in harem style genre!

Do comment on who you want to see in the harem!

ZED_LOGINTHANcreators' thoughts