
I am entirely average...but was reincarnated with Spider-Man's powers?

I lived my entire life as your average joe and nothing changed once I was reincarnated...or so I thought.

Banchii · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

I'm Spider-Man?!


A gunshot echoed throughout the city of Gotham, a sound commonly heard in the corrupted city.

Though gunshots we're commonly heard in the city, a new resident was unfamiliar with them and was subsequently woken up by it.

"W-What the hell was that noise?" A boy of African American descent asked as he jolted upwards from the wet, concrete alleyway ground. His attire consisted of a white t-shirt, jeans, and a pair of nondescript black sneakers. The rain made his blonde-tipped dreads hang over his eyes, causing him to move them out of his face. He soon stood up, and his height was average, around 5'8 (1.76m) and his looks were average as well. This was our protagonist, Mikey Brown.

"Where the hell am I? Was that a gunshot?" Mikey asked as he put his hands into his pocket expecting his phone but felt nothing. The panic within Mikey's heart only increased and he soon began to pace around.

"Okay, okay, breathe Mikey, breathe. Let's retrace our steps okay? I was walking home and when I made it home I ate a bowl of cereal, then I took a shower. After I took my shower, I felt a prick on my forearm, and a weird looking spider bit me. I put alcohol on the bite and took a nap. That's the last thing I remember," Mikey said to himself as he continued to pace around and eventually took a look at his arm, "There is no bite? So was the spider bite some sort of defense mechanism my mind created to account for the fact that I was drugged, kidnapped, and fuckin' robbed?!" Mikey yelled, unknowingly attracting attention from Gotham's slimy residents.

Mikey's emotions were rampant and he didn't notice the trio of thugs enter the alleyway he was having a mental breakdown in, until one of them spoke up.

"Hey kid! Was that you doin' all that goddamn yellin'?!" One of the thugs asked. He had on a leather jacket, a beanie, and was holding a bat. Mikey's brown eyes widened with fear and his voice became shaky, "M-My bad bro, I didn't think anybody could hear me," Mikey said as he put his hands up as an act of 'I'm not threatening please don't hurt me'.

The first thug frowned, "I ain't your bro, kid. So if you don't want your brains to get splattered by this fuckin' bat, how about you give up all your belongings and scram..." He said as his grip around his bat tightened, and the two other thugs next to him also gripped their weapons, a crowbar and pocket knife respectively.

This encounter caused Mikey's body to enter fight or flight mode and he swallowed his saliva before speaking, "I don't got nothin' on me, sorry," The thugs took his answer as, 'I'm not giving you shit', rather than the actual message.

"Fine, I guess we'll beat it out of you then punk!" The thug sprinted forward and swung his bat at Mikey. As the bat was swung, Mikey felt a tingling sensation in the back of his skull. His body automatically reacted and he jumped to dodge the bat. Due to Mikey's unfamiliarity with his newfound strength, he jumped 15ft in the air.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Mikey yelled as he came back down, to a group of confused thugs. The confusion in the thugs quickly turned to fear and they dropped their weapons, "Let's get outta here! He's one of them metahuman freaks!" The bat thug said as he and his trio ran away.

Mikey stood in silence and the rain only got harder. He looked down at his hands and looked at a nearby wall before forming an idea. Mikey walked to the nearby brick wall and place his hand on the wall, along with his other hand. He then placed one foot on the wall and climbed up. Mikey climbed a wall, like it was natural to him.

"No way..." Those two words were the only words Mikey could say before he conducted his next test. Mikey made his hands do the signature Spider-Man gesture before flinging his hands, causing a thin white web to shoot out of his wrist and onto the wall in front of him.

"I'm Spider-Man...I'M SPIDER-MAN?!" Mikey yelled again before unsticking himself from the wall and landing on the ground without a scratch. Mikey's lips curved to a smile and further evolved into laughter.

"Who would have thought that I would turn into fuckin' Spider-Man!?" Mikey's laughter continued until he thought about his current situation again, "But me turning into Spider-Man still doesn't explain what happened to me and how I ended up in this random place. Did I die? Is this all a drug-induced dream? I have to find out, I can't just leave my mom and sister like that..." Mikey's expression turned sad briefly before he steeled his resolve, "I have to find a way home, or at least get to the bottom of what happened to me."

"I believe that won't be necessary," A robotic voice with an English accent said to Mikey. Mikey turned his head in the direction of the voice and saw a floating black rhombus with a blue light in the middle, acting as an eye.

"What the hell...who or what are you? And do you know what happened to me? Or are you the reason this happened to me?" Mikey asked the rhombus with unveiled anger in his voice.

"I am your Afterlife Aid Network, or A.L.A.N. for short. I was created by you, for you." Alan answered with as much emotion as an A.I can emit (none).

"What do you mean I created you? And Afterlife? Am I dead, or was previously dead and was reincarnated here?" At Mikey's questions, Alan began to float around.

"I was created by you. My previous name was Homework Aid Networking System or H.A.N.S., you created me to help you cheat on your test and homework. I do not know the exact details, but it seems that due to you spending months creating me, all of your blood, sweat, and tears have connected us on a spiritual level. I believe it is safe to assume you died, as evidenced by this video footage," Alan's blue light created a screen that depicted Mikey having a seizure in his sleep before dying peacefully.

Mikey fell to his knees as tears flooded from out of his eyes. Mikey cried in anguish as his once grim thought, turned into a grim reality. He was dead. The life he once led was over. All of his friendships, relationships, jobs, sports, nothing meant anything anymore. All of it was gone.

"DAMN IT!" Mikey smashed his fist onto the ground resulting in the ground cracking and creating a decently sized crater, "Damn it..."

Mikey continued to cry until his body couldn't produce tears anymore. After a few minutes of dry crying, Mikey wiped his eyes and stood up.

"I'll make the best of this life. I'll do everything I've ever wanted to do, I'll make my momma proud! I was blessed with the opportunity to live again, so I have to live life, I have to fight on!" Mikey said as he clenched his fists so hard, blood began to drip," With my newfound abilities, I will make this world a safer place, a better place, I will become the hero I was brought here to become, I will become Spider-Man."