
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · ファンタジー
81 Chs

CHAPTER 46 - Crisfa, the C-class adventurer.

CHAPTER 46 - Crisfa, the C-class adventurer.

(Pov- Kei.)

Ouch... That damn Slime almost defeated me. Last time I use that strategy of letting myself get hit so my enemy thinks I'm weak. It's a good strategy, but it won't always work. This time it worked, but that doesn't guarantee it will always work.

Ah, and that Slime will reveal my identity. Did it die or is it still alive? I didn't receive any points, but maybe that Slime was so rare that it died without giving me any points... Ah, that last part is too optimistic, so I highly doubt that's the case.

... Do I have two pillows on my face? It's dangerous to sleep like this, I could suffocate. That would be a very stupid death. It reminds me of the death of a man who died while doing the 69 position with a woman who was very overweight. I saw it on TV and it always seemed like a very stupid death to me. At least he died doing something humans enjoy.

... Is someone hugging me? I slowly regain mobility and sensitivity in my body. I only felt pain, but now that I'm getting used to it, the other senses in my body return to their normal functions.

I opened my eyes... O-oh, t-that's why I thought these pillows were too soft. They're Eris's bare breasts! And her nipple is in my mouth! Ahhhhhhhh! I'm sexually harassing her unconsciously! My worst nightmare is coming true! Nooooooo! I refuse to become a pervert!

I removed my mouth from her nipple. I have to apologize to Eris. No matter that she's my girlfriend, you should never suck on a woman's nipple without her consent! Ahhhhhhhh! I'm garbage!


Eh...? Eh?!

Eris hugged me tightly and her nipple is in my lips again!

W-wow, w-wow. W-well, on one hand, this is good news because it means it wasn't my fault that her nipple was in my mouth, Eris hugged me tightly and her nipple ended up in my lips. But, on the other hand, this is too uncomfortable!

I-I still haven't gotten used to my situation. I need more time!

... Ah... Oh... Drin is hugging me from behind and Eris from the front... I have to admit that being hugged like this feels amazing. It feels very cute.

Two people that I love and love me are hugging me while they sleep... Yes, this feels amazing.

I have a lot of problems right now. The issue with Cris, the Slime. My fight against Near. My [Seduce women] skill is failing, as it didn't work on that Slime... Ah, it's best not to think about my problems right now.

I almost died today. I just want to rest. Just one more hour of sleep and then I'll think about how to solve my problems.

I just want a break... Just a little break.

I overcame my shyness and took the girls' hands. If I only hug Drin, Eris will feel bad, and if I only hug Eris, Drin will feel bad. It's better to hold their hands instead of hugging them.

... Yes, this feels cute... Ah, yes, I'll forget my problems for now and just rest. I really need a break.

I closed my eyes to keep sleeping.

More problems will come in the future, but I won't think about that for now. I'll just rest. A little break won't hurt me... Rest...

Yes, rest... Rest...

["Dual thinking" activated.]

I don't have time to rest. If I let my guard down, important people to me could die. Cris is a danger that I must solve, I don't have time to rest.

(World 39.)

"Uffff. Ah. Ah..."

Drei was doing sit-ups while his father was counting. His sweat was dripping onto the floor from the superhuman effort he was making. Despite his body being full of pain, Drei continues to do sit-ups, not caring about all the pain he is suffering.

One of the few strengths that Drei has is his mental resilience. Any other person would have stopped feeling all that pain, but Drei doesn't care and continues to do sit-ups, no matter the pain.

His father, seeing him so determined to become someone powerful despite not having magical power, fills him with joy, but also fear and concern. Concern mainly because his son is exceeding himself and his body suffers the consequences of his overexertion. And fear because Drei is capable of continuing to do sit-ups and doesn't even seem to be suffering, and that scares him because he can't believe that his son is capable of enduring so much pain.

But despite being full of doubts, fear, and concern, he never stops supporting his son because he knows perfectly well that his son needs the support of his parents to have hope and not give up on his dream, and Drei's parents don't want Drei to give up on his dream, not without at least trying to make it come true.

"Come on, son! 997! 998! 999! 1,000!"

Drei stopped. To compensate for his lack of magical talent, Drei decided to improve his physical power. A cliché decision, but it was his only option. He wants to specialize in different martial arts, to use his own strength in hand-to-hand combat.

As Drei caught his breath, his father offered him a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off.

He took the handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his chest and face.

"You did very well, son. If you keep it up, you can become a great knight."

"But I don't want to be a knight, I want to be an adventurer and join a famous clan."

"That will be difficult... Are you sure you don't want to be a knight?"

His father, despite accepting and supporting Drei's decision, doesn't mean he won't try to convince him to see other options, in case he fails in his dream. It's better to have a plan B than just have a plan A.

"I'm sure."

"I see... Alright, I will respect your decision."

"Thank you, father."

Drei took a deep breath and turned around to start doing push-ups with one hand.

"Magic isn't everything, and I will prove it."

In Godfer, the supreme God was observing Drei while writing something in a small notebook, taking notes on his future actions.

"What should I do with him? Kei wants a male friend... But Drei is not ready... I guess a little help will suffice... How do I help him...? I suppose I'll have to use another cliché."

Is Kei more powerful than his mother? In part, yes, he is. Kei's stats are better than his mother's. But currently, he couldn't defeat her. She has more experience than him. Since he was 3 years old, she has trained with her mother. The sadism was inherited from his mother. It could be said that madness is part of the Molfer family, although that has never been a secret.

Sei Molfer is much more powerful than her status reflects, and her victory over Near confirms it.

"What did you say about my Kei?!"

Sei Molfer had her foot on the left chest of a woman, a woman whom Sei Molfer left on the verge of death for simply insulting Kei.

"I-I'm sorry! Please forgive me!"

"Repeat what you said! Do it right now!"

"I-I'm sorry. I-I'm an idiot. K-Kei didn't cheat. H-he won fairly."

"My son won fairly! He didn't cheat! Let it sink in!"

And the love she feels for her family was also inherited from her mother.

Despite being sadistic, they really love their children... Well, only their powerful children.

By the way, Mei is the same as Sei Molfer... She is also sadistic and hits people who make fun of her cute brother.

The people who were watching what was happening were filled with terror when Sei Molfer looked up to look at them.

"Anyone who dares to belittle a member of the Molfer family will pay with their life!"

She was about to kill the woman, but her husband took her by the arm and pulled her towards him, preventing her from crushing the woman's head.

The woman fainted at the sight of Sei Molfer's foot destroying the ground, because if Sei Molfer's husband had not prevented it, her head would have exploded.

"Love, I think that's enough. Killing her would be overkill."

"Tsk. They must learn to respect the Molfer family!"

"Yes, I know, but that doesn't mean you have the right to kill people just for a simple insult. Let's go, I reserved a table at a very popular restaurant in the city. If you don't kill her..."

He approached Sei Molfer's ear and whispered to her.

"I'll be all yours and let you do whatever you want to me."

"It's a deal!" Sei Molfer said without hesitation.

Sei Molfer's husband is someone who is capable of killing despite having a kind personality, but he only agrees to kill people who really deserve it. He would never kill a person just for stealing a loaf of bread or insulting his family, unlike Sei Molfer, who would do it without hesitation.

Opposites attract, huh?

"We did it! I knew that plan would work!" said Kei, proud.

Kei, Drin, and Eris were celebrating... victory? It was like a tie, since no one died, but they considered it a victory.

The three raised their wine glasses... Well, Kei raised a grape juice glass to simulate wine.

"Although we almost lost, darling."

"We were too lucky. She was very powerful... And my ability didn't work on her... Is it because she's a Slime? No, it works on monsters too... Right, Slimes have no gender... Did that affect it? Tsk. I'm an idiot, I never thought of that possibility."

They were celebrating in the dining room of their house.

The table was full of food and alcoholic beverages, to enjoy for the rest of the day and all night.

Kei doesn't drink, but his companions do... And too much.

Something that surprises Kei is that alcohol affects them, considering the great resistance they have. Kei thinks that's because their bodies aren't used to alcohol and that's why it affects them, because they're not used to having that liquid in their systems. If it weren't for the promise Kei made to his original parents, he would drink alcohol to confirm his hypothesis.

"We defeated her! I thought I was going to die, nya. That was pretty close."

Drin smiled and caressed Kei's cheek.

She took him by surprise and Kei blushed.

Kei is the perfect combination of a shy boy and a brave boy.

He gets nervous when women approach him. But he's a boy who dares to have sex with his companions. If he were too shy, Kei would still be a virgin.

"Did you think you were going to die? Don't you trust Kei? He even thought of 5 plans to defeat her. In plan E, he planned to sacrifice himself for us. And you thought you were going to die? Pathetic."

"I-I do trust him, demon! Kei, don't believe her, I do trust you, nya!"

"You trust him so much that you thought you were going to die, huh?"

"Ahhhhhhhh! I'll kill you, you fucking demon!"

"Come on, I want to see you try, you fucking cat!"

"Girls, don't fight, please... By the way, I have a gift for you."

Kei pulled out two small papers from his pocket.

"Take them. I didn't have time to think of a gift. I wanted to buy you something cute, but I didn't know what to buy. I'll give you a coupon."

The girls took it and read the coupon.

"'Kei will do whatever you want. Can only be used once.' It's a great gift, darling!"

"Same here, nya!"

"You can ask me for a massage. Buy you something. Whatever you want."

Kei thought of this gift because in his past life, Nia gave him a similar gift on his birthday.

Kei loved the gift and used it to have Nia clean his room.

A cheap gift, but quite useful.

"Well, let's keep eating."

Kei took a piece of meat and started eating.

Meanwhile, Drin and Eris put aside their enmity and were talking to each other in a low voice.

Kei couldn't hear them. He could use his magic to listen, but he decided not to, as it would not be polite of him.

"What could they be talking about?" Kei thought.

He decided not to give too much importance to the matter and continued eating.

After celebrating for four hours, Kei decided to go to the guild.

He knew it was dangerous. His identity had been discovered. He didn't know if Cris survived or died.

If Cris died, he shouldn't worry, but if she survived, there was a possibility that she would tell the heroes that Kei Molfer worked with demons.

Drin told Kei not to worry. In hell, she was taught to change her status to infiltrate the human world. If necessary, she would show her status and change her race from "Demon" to "Human".

By the way, the status Kei showed was the main status. If he said "Complete Status", he would show all the abilities he had.

Upon hearing about the status change, Kei remembered the isekai protagonists who changed their status to not stand out.

Remembering that, he thought, "I'm an idiot," because it never occurred to him to do that, as there is no ability in this world capable of changing status, but he never thought of the possibility that demons do know how to do it.

With Drin's status change, he shouldn't worry. Additionally, Cris had demon magic. If she told the heroes, they would distrust her. A Molfer's word is worth much more than a Slime's word with demon magic.

And Kei had Luna on his side, who is the only hero who can see people's status without their permission, so there is no need to worry about hiding his status for too long, just enough for Luna to see that Drin is a human and not a demon.

"We must not let our guard down. Let's go."

The three entered the guild. Drin and Kei, as usual, were using their adventurer forms.

"Eris, have you registered yet?"

"Yes, nya."

"And you, Drin?"

"I was waiting for you, darling."

"Good, let's go."

They tried to approach an employee, but an adventurer stood in front of Kei.

She had scars on her arms and face. She looked cute and tough at the same time. Kei thought that was cute, but also annoying, as he knows perfectly well what is about to happen.

"Hello, handsome. What are you doing here? Why don't you come with me and have some fun?"

"I'm sorry, I don't have time. Maybe another time, beautiful."

He ignored her and kept walking.

"Hey, idiot, don't ignore me!"

She grabbed his arm, making a big mistake.

"Come on, don't be shy...!"

Kei kicked the adventurer's legs and she fell to the ground.

"I think you're deaf. I said I don't have time."

Drin tried to control her anger, but couldn't take it anymore.

She tried to kick her with the intention of leaving her almost dead, but Kei stopped her with a look.

"Nia, it's not worth it. Let's go."


"H-hey, who do you think you are?!" said the adventurer, quite angry after getting up from the ground.

"Oh, how rude. And I kindly removed the scars you had, and this is how you repay me? Fufu. You're an ungrateful one, aren't you, beautiful?"

"What are you saying?"

She looked at her arms, realizing that her scars had disappeared.


She stroked her face, confirming that her scars had indeed disappeared.

"Do you have healing magic?!"

"Don't worry, beautiful, I won't charge you."

He approached her and caressed her chin, making the adventurer blush.

"A smile is the only payment I want from you. Oh, and stop the sexual harassment, it ruins your beauty."

"Y-yes," she said, smiling.

She closed her eyes as if preparing to receive a kiss.

"See you later, sweetie," Kei said, after caressing her head, then he walked away, leaving her wanting a kiss.

[Darling, Crisfa's personality is somewhat annoying to me.]

[I feel the same, nya.]

[I-I'm sorry! B-but it was necessary. Crisfa must be completely different from Kei Molfer.]

They approached an employee.

"My name is Crisfa. The guild master told me that I could pick up my card today," Kei said.

"Yes, I've heard about you. Please wait a minute," the employee replied.

The employee left, and Kei looked around at the female adventurers. Most of them were looking at him, and he smiled, blushing at most.

Seeing their reactions reminded him of his mission, and he sighed tiredly.

"Powerful companions... Cris was powerful... I need to speed up my mission... How many companions do I have? Grisia Churs is still a student. Drin is already my companion. Diama is still a child and lacks experience. Freiya and Neil are not ready... I need to train them. Eris is strong, but she can improve. Terkiana is strong. Mio told her about us and agreed to help... Her granddaughter also moved in with Mio and Nem... Should I count her as a companion? I don't know... Mio and Nem are strong... Nem needs a bit more training. Nisei is strong... Treka and Mia decided to help me too... Does the princess count? No... Not yet... 13 girls for now. 8 confirmed companions if I include Nerka... Seriously, this is too fast... I have a bad feeling," Kei thought.

Gabrielku and Tinia, the Queen, were gathered in a dining room. The Queen was eating and Gabrielku was standing next to her, with quite juicy information.


"The citizens of the Capital are happy with the improvements, Your Majesty. The cities and villages think the same. If this continues, Turger will become the most developed country in the world. Congratulations, Your Majesty."

"These are excellent news. But I suppose you also have bad news."

"I'm afraid so. A boy managed to turn a demon into his familiar. Kei Molfer."

"Molfer? A true Molfer?"

"Yes, Majesty."

"... Let me guess... It's the hero Kei, isn't it?"

"I'm afraid so. Honestly, it's too obvious, but he managed to hide his identity. He even managed to fool the heroes."

"The heroes want to kill Kei. The demons want to kill Kei... Interesting... I want to meet him."

"I don't think that will be possible. We cannot act for now. We must move carefully."

"It's a shame... Kei Molfer... A Molfer..."

The Queen smiled as she remembered Sei Molfer, the only person who has ever brought her to her knees.
