
I am an inferior being with the skill to seduce women. (Re-written.)

I was summoned as a hero along with 9 girls, in a world governed by women and men are treated as inferior. As I did not receive any divine power, they treated me as a loser and tried to take advantage of me. I escaped and now I must survive in a wild and dangerous world.... But thanks to a homeless man, I will be able to survive. I will study in a school of magic and become the best adventurer in the world. And I will use my power to get powerful companions. What does my power consist of? Basically, I can seduce women easily.

AngelPikas2 · ファンタジー
81 Chs

CHAPTER 21- Kei is a danger.

CHAPTER 21- Kei is a danger.

"Damn it!!!"

As he flies over a field of flowers, Kei can't help but feel guilty and powerless.

Mei looks too much like Nia. If something bad happens to Mei, Kei feels that something bad is happening to Nia.

Nia was Kei's cousin and best friend. She helped him improve himself and raised his self-esteem.

Seeing Mei hurt filled him with fury. He wanted to slowly torture that woman, but he knew he must kill her quickly.

So, right now, Kei wants to find the leader quickly. If they wanted to kill Mei, it means that the children who disappeared are dead too. But Kei was hopeful of a second possibility.

"The children are alive ... I feel it... They wanted to kill Mei because my mother became a threat to the leader ... If the children were dead, the villagers would have found at least some blood or heard something ... My heart tells me that they are alive ... I must trust my heart ... Please, Zius, I don't know if you're listening to me, but give me a sign. Are the children alive? Where are they?"

What Kei didn't know is that Zius was dead. He died when he reincarnated Kei. The sword that he gave him is one of the 10 objects that he left him in that world before he died.

Receiving no divine sign or message, Kei sighed.

"You can not help me… I will try another God ... Folpe, the creator God of nature, please help me ... Gods exist, so I'm sure you can hear me ... Well I think… Are the children alive?"

Five seconds passed and he received no response.

"You can not help me… Thanks for nothing . I myself will look for the children and save them ... And I will kill their leader ... I promise."

"That inferior really did it?"

Freyka, the queen of the country called "Desmol", is sitting on her throne, watching Charlotte and her companions.

Charlotte and her companions are kneeling before her.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I saw him myself. He defeated a demon without taking damage."

"That boy survived ... The divine message I received was about him ... I see... Near, eliminate that inferior. He is a danger to our world."

"I will, Your Majesty. It'll be easy."

"Please wait! I know Fravi considers him a danger, but he is good. He wants to defeat the demons too."

Charlotte was quick to speak, wanting to prevent Kei from being killed. She knows the power of Near perfectly. Kei is no match for her ... Literally, she is 5 times more powerful than him... Maybe more.

"Kei hates us, Charlotte. If Fravi considers him dangerous, it means that he is also trying to kill us ... Maybe he will try to conquer the world."- Said Kaya, the bearer of the "Dragon Shield".

Her appearance is… normal. She's not beautiful, but she's not ugly either. Her appearance is simple. Somewhat small breasts, long black hair, she wears glasses and has a red shield on her right arm. That shield is her divine power. It is made of Dragon scales.

"I'm sorry, but I also think he's good. Charlotte is the weakest in our group. If he were evil, Charlotte would be dead. He didn't try to kill her."- Said Bandia. Her appearance did not change much. She only grew in size and now has huge breasts.

"If Fravi wants him dead, he's dead. She has her reasons."- said the Queen.

Charlotte and Bandia know the power of the queen. If they continue to refuse, they will die.


"We will fulfill our mission."

"By the way, tell me more about that boy named Kei. He's Sei Molfer's son, right?"- said the Queen.

"He is identical to Kei. I mistook him for Kei when I first met him. His mother said that he is a very powerful child, she has trained him herself ... And he survived that hard training ... He must be very powerful."

"I see... Obviously he is not that inferior... He is powerful because he is the son of Sei Molfer and he is the twin of Mei, the daughter of Sei Molfer. Maybe his power and body improved when he was next to Mei in Sei Molfer's womb... And his appearance is a coincidence ..."

Near raises her hand.

"I would like to meet him, Your Majesty. I want to check his power."

"Okay, but don't kill him, I don't want Sei Molfer to kill you."

"I don't think she can kill me."

"Don't judge her without knowing her, Near ... She is strong... Much too strong."

Sei Molfer is training together with Mei in a class A dungeon.

Giant black wolves are surrounding them and Mei is shaking in fear.

"M-mother, I don't feel ready to fight class A demon beasts."

"Are you not ashamed that Kei is more powerful than you? You must become stronger."

"I am not ashamed. Kei is more powerful because he tries harder than me. I'm proud of him."

"Do you want him to be proud of you too?"

"Of course!"

"Then become just as powerful as he is. He would be very proud of you if you help him defeat the leader."

"Proud of me…?"

Mei imagines Kei saying to her: "You are very strong, Mei. I think I fell in love with you… Mei, I want to kiss you. "

Her imagination became more perverted and Mei turns red.

"N-no, Kei, we are siblings...! T-that was very sudden ... I-I didn't dislike it... I-I liked it ... One more, please."

Mei is kissing her right arm.

Apparently her imagination is very powerful.

Sei Molfer and the wolves watch Mei. They are confused and Sei Molfer sighs.

"Why is my daughter so weird?"

Kei sneezes as he flies.

"I'm almost to that place... I hope they don't start without me."