
I am a swarm of insects

The tale of a feeble larva with a human soul, journeying towards becoming the master of the stars.

Salazar_2399 · 軍事
39 Chs

new changes

The environment here is complicated, dangers are everywhere, and there is no more time left for Luo Wen to slowly adjust his mentality.

He no longer hesitated, hinting that he had the right to drink milk tea.

As soon as the eyes were closed, the pair of teeth bit a small opening on the belly of the camouflage worm, and thick juice flowed back from the wound.

The newly replaced chewing mouthparts plugged the gap, the jaws of the mouth opened and closed, and all the soup that flowed out was drunk.

In fact, as long as the psychological level is passed, the taste of bugs is still very good. After all, it is made from the concentrated muscles of the black beetle, just like an old hen that has been stewed for three days, the soup is full of essence.

Unfortunately, the licking mouthparts that could have been used as straws have just been replaced. Rowan felt that it was more like drinking a bagged drink at this time. Take a small bite out of the bag and slowly blot the contents dry. Occasionally there are some solid objects, such as pearls, grass jelly, and fruit pulp in milk tea, chewing and chewing will bring endless aftertaste. (I hope it can help you drink milk tea better.)

The bulging stomach of the fake worm gradually shriveled up, and Rowan's digestive system was operating at full capacity, speeding up the digestion of the sucked soup.

Although some energy will be lost in this way, compared with the size of Rowan and the camouflage bug, if this is not done, more energy will be wasted.

Even if it speeds up digestion, it's still a bit full this time. After all, these essences are equivalent to the combination of black beetles and camouflage bugs. Fortunately, the camouflage bug doesn't have much meat, but even if the black beetle removes its outer shell, the muscles inside are several times larger than Rowan's.

After eating all the food, Luo Wen couldn't control his balance when walking. The bulging abdomen dragged directly to the ground, and he had to prop up his jointed limbs to barely crawl, which was very awkward.

The current state is very bad. He was even more clumsy now that he was not dominant in speed on the surface. He didn't want to be picked up by another bug, so he pouted his butt and dug as soon as he was full.

Only when he reaches the depths of the ground can he feel safe.

The tunnel dug this time is larger than usual, in order to prevent the full abdomen from being squeezed. Moreover, the position of the head and feet made his mouth tightly shut. The E leaves were all closed, making him look like he was wearing a visor, which actually improved his appearance a bit.

After reaching a safe position with difficulty, he hastily dug a small hole, before even digging a safe passage, Rowan fell into a deep sleep.

In his sleep, Luo Wen dreamed that he became a huge black "God of War" for a while, criss-crossing the ant colony without a single enemy. After a while, I dreamed that I became an old YB assassin. Through the disguise of various external props, I got rid of a ferocious and powerful bug...

Deep underground, at a depth that few bugs could reach, a small house was dug out of the soil, and a small black bug was hiding in it.

At this moment, his body was undergoing certain changes.

Time passed, and after an unknown amount of time, Luo Wen finally woke up.

Maybe the time of deep sleep was a bit long this time, and he was still a little confused when he just woke up.

However, after only a short while, he came back to his senses and quickly began to check his body.

Since the first pair of digging feet are too large, they are not suitable for fine work. So, the second pair of thoracic feet act as hands, and the hairs on them work hard, carefully feeling every inch they touch.

From top to bottom, I touched my eyes first, but there was no change.

The mouthparts are still chewing, and the digging feet are normal.

The number of arthropods is also normal, neither too many nor too few.

The 360-degree panoramic eyes glanced at the back. The shoulder armor is normal, and the carapace has not changed. It seems that the body shape has not changed, and it is still the size of a fingernail.

At this time, he felt that there was something abnormal in his abdomen, so he quickly twisted his body and looked at his abdomen.

"Hey, did I just sleep for a while?"

At this time, his abdomen was still bulging and round. A little dazed, Luo Wen thought the food hadn't been digested yet.

However, he soon noticed that something was wrong. Not only did his abdomen not shrink, but it also enlarged a few times and became much longer.

"Damn it, what the fuck has grown up?"

Luo Wen couldn't help but swear.

He originally thought that he had absorbed the essence of the black beetle. Although it was second-hand, if it could increase its size and strengthen its exoskeleton armor, it would be excellent.

Even if he evolved the glue-backing ability of the camouflage bug because he didn't directly absorb the essence of the black beetle's flesh, he could do with it. Worst worst case, get its ejection spike-like mouthparts, he also recognized it.

But what's going on now that the belly is getting thicker and longer? Could it be that he stretched too much and ruined his stomach?

For a while, Luo Wen was a little confused.

After trying to walk around a few times, the abdominal thing seriously affected his crawling speed and agility, and he always felt awkward.

Not daring to be careless, he turned over with great effort, like doing a sit-up, and arched his upper body for a look.

Seeing the situation clearly, Luo Wen cursed secretly. It turned out that it wasn't his belly that had grown, but something growing behind his ass.

Before, his body was divided into three parts: head, chest, and abdomen, which is also a conventional template for insects, but now it has four parts.

His abdomen originally had nine segments, but he lost three in a fight with yellow ants. Afterwards, although healed, no new ones grew.

Now the remaining six abdomens are like springs that were originally expanded, but now they are squished and squeezed together, shrinking into a small piece. On the back of the abdomen is the new growth, which looks very similar to the bulging abdomen, and there are also circles of rings, which makes Luo Wen always mistakenly think that this is his stomach.

But just now he was wandering around and found that the last section was like dragging a drag bucket, and it was very inflexible to change directions. After careful inspection, he found that he had wronged his stomach. This thing was completely regrown behind his butt. .

Hey, what to do, he was already at the lower level of the worm's food chain, and now there is a burden, unless he can find a long-term meal ticket like the white worm, otherwise the risk factor for him to go out for food in the future will increase linearly.

After the panic, Luo Wen gradually calmed down. Recalling that I have evolved new organs and new abilities time and time again, there are traces to follow. As long as he finds some clues, he can definitely figure out what's going on.

First of all, he thought about going to the surface for the first time, and he didn't want myopia. Then his eyes changed, his vision gradually improved, and his observation range was much larger.

Afterwards, the digging was not enough, and a new pair of digging legs grew out, so he has not found a bug that can dig a hole faster than him.

Later, he couldn't bite tree roots and white worms, and grew a pair of big teeth. Fighting with yellow ants, losing the fight and growing a thick carapace. Eating white worms, pupation is triggered when wounded.

Until the latest time, the lick-sucking mouthparts that he has been criticizing have been replaced with chewing ones.

It stands to reason that this time eating black beetles and camouflage bugs should have obtained some of their gene fragments, even if the black beetles are incomplete or not absorbed, then there must be camouflage bugs.

So now that the food is digested, a lot of energy seems to be consumed, but an irrelevant thing grows in the end, why is this?

He recalled the physical features of the black beetle and the camouflage bug. His appearance was already somewhat similar to that of a black beetle, and even if he obtained its gene fragment, it would most likely be in the direction of becoming bigger.

But now the body shape has not changed, which rules out the possibility that the body is mutated because of the gene fragment of the black beetle.

The abdomen of the fake worm is long and thin before eating, and it is bulging and round after eating. And the things behind my abdomen now combine their respective characteristics, becoming long and round.

Is it because of this that the body changes?

When I thought about it suddenly, I was almost bluffed. The seemingly reliable guess was actually outrageous and ridiculous. Rowan shook his head. After the abdomen swelled, the absolute length of the camouflage worm's abdomen did not change. This was not some kind of gene at all, it was just a simple diet.

What the hell is going on?