
I Am a Chief in a Primitive Tribe

Mu Feng, a historian, became the warchief of the primitive tribe! Historical knowledge, the chieftain system is integrated. Drilling wood for fire, ice-cutting for fishing, domesticating six animals, and hunting with bows will take you to experience the rural scenery of primitive tribes! More fortifications, battles for territories, the same primitive tribe, with me, a different way to rise!

NovelInsights · ファンタジー
60 Chs

Chapter 27: Enlightenment teaching

"Warchief!" Someone around shouted excitedly, "We caught so many flower hair dragons!"

"Yeah, yeah!" Mingguang flushed with excitement, "I didn't expect to go hunting with you, it's so simple!"

"Great Chief Daxian!"

Mu Feng was helpless, he found that as long as the people of the tribe were excited, they would call themselves "Great Chiefs", and they had to calm down to call Mu Feng back.

The most terrible thing is that this group of people like to yell "Daxian" when they are excited, and he panicked when they heard it.

He hurriedly waved his hand and said, "It's a good thing to be able to catch it. Now go back to the tribe!"

"Yes, so many raw chickens have been enough for us to eat for a long time!"

"Come again!" Mu Feng said angrily, "Didn't we say, now we can't eat all of the prey we catch, we need to keep a part of it, so we don't have to worry about food in the future!"

"Yes!" the man hurriedly responded, "I won't say that anymore!"

So Mu Feng rushed back to the tribe with people, which naturally caused another sensation.

Because everyone who goes out hunting is holding the animal tendon rope, there are three or four primitive chickens on each rope.


The people of the tribe cheered and jumped to their feet.

"The hunting team is too good, it caught so many striated dragons all at once!"

"The warchief said, this is called the original chicken!"

"Whatever it is, is it enough for us to eat so much now?"

"The warchief said that he can only eat part of it. You can't eat it openly. You have to raise the rest!"

"What we do to raise them, we don't have enough food!"

Mu Feng sighed, only to say: "The original chicken can't be eaten all at once, we have to keep a part of it and prepare for the future!"

"The children in the tribe are too weak. We can't just take care of ourselves. We have to feed them enough and good enough food so that they can be stronger and can protect the tribe when they grow up!"

"Only in this way can our Jiang clan become stronger and stronger!"

There was a moment of silence in the crowd, and finally they all knelt down on one knee and stretched out one hand to Mu Feng: "Follow the instructions of the warchief!"

Only then did Mu Feng turn around helplessly, and directly led people to the foot of Beishan.

The Jiang clan members looked at each other worriedly, and finally someone said in a low voice: "The Chief Chief will not be angry with us, right?"


Mu Feng walked towards Beishan with a heavy heart, and for the first time he was a little worried about the state of primitive society.

When they caught the prey, their first reaction was to eat it all at once.

If you can fill your stomach today, you can eat as long as you can. As for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, no one cares.

He believed that if he weren't placed there as a warchief, they would really eat all these primitive chickens.

"It seems that the people of the tribe have to solve not only the stomach problem, but also the ideological enlightenment and cognition!" Mu Feng secretly shook his head, drove the unhappiness away, and patted his head instead.

"Yeah, I understand what they don't understand. I am a warchief. I have the final say for this tribe!"

Thinking of this, Mu Feng's heart suddenly opened up: "This is my three-acre land. Whether the tribe is good or bad depends on how I develop!"

He was suddenly energetic again.

"Mingguang, tie the chickens in your hands together, now hurry up to find the cane! The more the better!"

"Call all the people in the tribe who can do things, regardless of men, women, and children!"

"Huh?" Mingguang was surprised and didn't understand what Mu Feng was going to do, but immediately agreed, "Yes!"

Soon, all the things Mu Feng wanted were gathered in front of him, and everyone came to him.

Mu Feng pointed to the sheep pen behind him: "Have you seen it? The sheep are raised here, so that we can wait for the big sheep to give birth to the lambs, and the lambs grow up to regenerate lambs. We will have more to eat in the future. sheep!"

The Jiang clan members all followed Mu Feng's fingers and saw that the group of wild sheep were grazing. Someone's eyes suddenly lit up, as if they understood Mu Feng's meaning.

"And now, we have also caught so many primitive chickens. They are definitely edible, but they can't be eaten all at once, and some of them must be kept!"

"But Huamaolong... primitive chickens don't give birth to cubs?" someone asked.

Mu Feng smiled and shook his head, deliberately trying to popularize the saying "the chicken or the egg came first" to the tribe, but he realized that it was difficult for them to understand, so he smiled and said, "If the original chicken has no cubs, then where do so many large original chickens come from? Come?"


"It's because they don't give birth to cubs, but eggs!" Mu Feng said this familiar word with a smile, "primitive chickens are hatched from eggs. So this egg can be used to lay chicks, but also Use it to eat!"

"The nutrition of eggs is not comparable to many foods. It can make us and the children of the tribe stronger!"

Mu Feng explained the benefits of chickens and eggs all at once.

It's just that the Jiang clan members listened with wide-eyed eyes, because the words "egg", "hatching" and "nutrition" mentioned by Mu Feng were completely unintelligible words.

Mu Feng seemed to be aware of this, and smiled helplessly in his heart, and his "enlightenment teaching" seemed a bit quicker.

"It seems we still can't take it too quickly!" Mu Feng sighed inwardly.

Thinking of this, he waved his hand: "Well, let's learn how to make chicken coops from me first. As for how to raise chickens and how to eat, I will tell you slowly!"

"Yes! Follow the instructions of the warchief!" Everyone knelt on one knee, with one hand up.

"Come again!" Mu Feng was speechless.

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