
I'm the villain in my sister story?

one day after school I Ended up dying saving a little girl running down the street trying to save a puppy, as a truck appeared out of nowhere and nearly drove over the little girl. I then seemed to have woken up at a unfamiliar fancy place after finding out who I'm, my head fricking hurt "I reincarnated as the Villain in my sister's story!" --Original work--- ---New picture#it's mine#--

KyuKuro · その他
12 Chs

what changed in his behavior

4 days has passed and many things has happened, I made a plan on what to do during my time as a 8 year old. first of, the story in my sister novel:

The hidden Melody within the shadows...*cringe name* is about a male lead, named Julian and like any other novels it's a commoner who had special talent which allowed him/her to enroll in school.

Caid Zandwill is the last boss in the story plot, he is the strongest character in the whole Novel as he has aptitude of both enhancer and a caster which everyone else just have been born with one of these.

But, by the end of the story, he died. he let his anger take over and accidentally killed his fiancee, someone he truly loved, you know how someone who not good with word and showing things little more...physically. Like a bully bullies a female nerd or his enemy, yep that was Caid. He was about to kill the male lead Julian and everyone else, when he got stopped by the angels who descended down Earth to intervene because how strong he was suddenly becoming.

the very reason behind his rage is because his fiancee later fell for Julian charm and jealousy drives one insane. He made a deal with the devil for unlimited power but that's very same power drained him little by little. the devil he dealt his deal with, was working for the angels...so yeah...weird plot.

From what I remember Caid's family was too busy to even keep him company and it's only during dinner he get to see them. And when Caid was introduced to a noble upcoming debut party he got involved with some very arrogant nobles tarnishing his innocent self and became the little devil he is now. He kept bullying his fiancee alongside his 'friends' and she became resentful of him. I believe it was a year or 2 years ago?

Fiora, was standing beside me while I was planning my future plans for what I'm going to, she had no idea what I was talking about.

"Fiora?" I asked.

"yes? young master..."

"when do my...fiancee arrive?"

"in 3 hours."

"okay..." I putt the papers in the drawers and looked at Fiora again. "get my bath ready and prepare me some clothes, as well snacks and fruit in a basket."


as she left the room I began drawing forth my power. Caid's most trusted magic element was Ice magic. slowly I made a ice sculpture of a flower crown. I carefully examined the flower crown in my hand. "It's beautiful..." I could hear myself whisper.

with a thud the door opened.

"young master everything is ready." Fiora came back faster than I expected. "Ok." I replied and placed the flower crown on the desk.

-------------[3 hours later]---(Aveline p.o.v.)---------------

I couldn't shake this feeling, I'm scared. why do I have to meet that person, he is so... mean. "Avie...my dear." it seems like I can't hide it from mother. I was both angry and scared, angry because I was going to marry him in the future. And afraid of what will happen to my family if I offend him and they cut our connection. he will only say bad things about me again. I clenched my fingers onto my dress and mom just continued to watch me shiver.

she grabbed my hand, gave me a hug. I felt Mom hugging me tightly. Ever since my brother scandal of attempted rape and murder went out, our family had problems left and rights and soon fell as a fallen noble house. Only the Zandwill family were the reason we didn't become commoners and lived on the street.

"how long is it till we reach there..." I asked mom, my voice shaken up of the dreaded terrified answer I would get.

"it's just some minutes left and we reached the place." she kindly said. "do I have to..." and suddenly lost my voice. we continued to hug before deciding it was time to let go.

--------------[front of the manor Zandwill]-----------------

"this is it..." I weakly muttered to myself. the guards helped my mom down the small stairs and I was following her behind, but they made me wait. What is it now? I thought not amused. then I lowered my head in order to see between the guard and the little room of the door and there he stood. Caid Zandwill...

my anger suddenly flared up,and I clenched my dress again and it slowly died down. He walked towards me and...offered my his hands.

"I'm sorry to make you wait, Aveline..." I though for a moment before taking his hand.

I got pile of question in my head and wanted answer. who is this? what happened to Caid Zandwill? is this the reason/result of the accident? Before me right now stood a charming boy giving me the sincerest look I ever seen plastered on his face.

blush crept on my face, but I quickly thought of something else and the blush stopped. "..." I couldn't say anything and just sounded grumpy. will he get mad?

No he didn't. He instead we walked away together while mother were escorted with the guards, and of course I had to follow him since my hand were held hostage.

"Hey!? wait?" I let out but he didn't say anything.

we reached a place in the garden with a beautiful tree with shades allowing one to rest from the sun's rays.

"I said wait!" and ripped myself free and I fell on my butt. "Ouch..."

"I'm sorry..." and he stood right above me with his face close to mine, curses my face got even more red again. without his awful personality his face is such a crime as he can make girls swoops by just his face alone. He again offered me a hand. Why? why is he acting like this?

I was suppose to hate him, why does he make me blush. maybe this is just a facade and just another prank again.

"Spill...what are you planning!" my anger came out as I shouted at him, he let out a sigh and looked straight into my eyes as he began to speak.

"I'm sorry Aveline, my past behavior was something inexcusable to you as my fiancee. and I want to make amends with troubling you."

"Tsk! I-" He put his finger on my lips.

"This time...I changed...and...this time I come out directly...Aveline, I love you."

") I decide to come with Aveline as the only romance partner

just so you know

KyuKurocreators' thoughts