
I'm the villain in my sister story?

one day after school I Ended up dying saving a little girl running down the street trying to save a puppy, as a truck appeared out of nowhere and nearly drove over the little girl. I then seemed to have woken up at a unfamiliar fancy place after finding out who I'm, my head fricking hurt "I reincarnated as the Villain in my sister's story!" --Original work--- ---New picture#it's mine#--

KyuKuro · その他
12 Chs

Tea party of the Unexpecteness sss sss ss...

Fiora, my maid is waiting outside as the fashionista is making my clothes for the party. I don't know why I have over 100 different clothes when I don't even use most of them…

"Come on, young man, stand still and I will be done in a few minutes." Few minutes, my ass…over an hour has passed and you're still measuring. I remember this body was skinny, had little to no muscle and now the clothes were suddenly little to tight to wear.

The fashionista was looking to be done with measurement, and let me finally rest, the design was pretty much simple, I was wearing a white shirt with a dark blue vest, and a black necktie with a gold brooch. The pants were tailored to fit me perfectly and in the color of dark blue, and the black shoes were shined to a glossy finish. I had a cape draped around my shoulder.

"How do you like it?" she asked. I can't say I don't like it, it's just I don't usually wear clothes like these…

"Well done, I commend your efforts." I said, adjusting my necktie as I spoke. finally ready for the tea party. I opened the door, and there was Fiora, my maid, waiting for me outside. She smiled at me, and said, "You look great, my lord." I smiled back, and thanked her. We started walking towards the main door where the servants were standing on the opposite side. I was soon greeted by father who smiled at me and wished me well, Fiora was with the other maids and couldn't accompany me to the tea party, and since I did research on building the background, history and characters with my sister was that the tea party was just a scheme to build connection and such. and as I began living here I can see it's so troublesome. I wish I didn't make it as irritating and the same as usual as other shoujo or what this genre was called.

I was sitting in the carriage with pillows on my request, it's a long ride to visit the Moskov territory. In the meantime, I drifted off to sleep, gathering mana to my core as the carriage continues to ride.

"Young master, we are here."

"Thanks Dave…"

"Uhm…sure it's actually Alex…"

"Listen…Dave I'm still tired, so don't make me grumpier than I have to be."

"yy-es…"Alex nodded and bowed his head as he resigned to the fact that he would forever be known as 'Dave' to his young master. He had long since accepted his role as a servant, but the small indignity of having his name mispronounced still stung. The escort knight all came and greeted him as 'Dave'.

Caid stepped down from the carriage and was greeted by the son of the Moskov family. He was a young boy, barely 2 years older than Caid, and he offered a friendly smile as he extended his hand in greeting. "Welcome to Moskov, Zandwill," the young boy said.

"pleasure mine, Moskov…" Moskov is the family that has the inherent power of darkness, as well a great ally to the Zandwill family when their grandparent fought wars together. and as the prodigy of this family is Kendall Moskov, as I mentioned before the family is known for their affinity with darkness, but also spears.

He looked at me as he was judging me. Can't blame him, Caid Zandwill was someone who didn't care for anyone, and his action towards the maids were causing huge rumors had already spread about Caid's behavior, with some claiming that he was unkind and dismissive towards the servants.

Then, after he awoke, they claimed he had been changed, and he made the Lumino-City project. In this project, an imbalance mana crystal is used to create street lamps, and things called 'generators' are used to generate electricity without any help from Emiko.

Could he really be changed or is it yet another rumor? Kendall Moskov, a black haired boy with pale skin and purple eyes wearing a dark blue suit with a symmetrical pattern on each design.

We walked towards the garden, the sun shining brightly in the sky. The garden was filled with a variety of colorful flowers, and a small pond in the center. I could hear the birds chirping, and the wind rustling through the trees. It was a peaceful and calming atmosphere.

"we are here." he said and I saw the other major families as well the lower ranked aristocrats. And there I also saw my beautiful fiancee Aveline. She looked stunning in a red and yellow design dress, her hair freshly styled letting her hair be wavy all the way down to her shoulders.

Caid felt his cheeks flush as he looked at Aveline. He quickly looked away, trying to hide the fact that he was blushing. Kendall caught sight of Caid's recent behavior and smiled a mischievous grin. Didn't know Caid Zandwill, the Zandwill could be blushing looking at his fiancee. this might be worth looking at, Kendall mumbled.

Kendall was amused by love stories and would love to listen to the wonders of love. He was not engaged to someone…but a certain knight, a tomboyish girl who is training to become a knight and is currently taking care of his little sister caught his interest.

Kierra, a beast girl with tiger attributes, tanned and has short light brown hair as well a strong personality and a bit clumsy made Kendell fall for her, but like Caid he was too shy and ended up seeing her being taken by someone else.

Caid walked through the gaze of everyone and the two people that followed Caid in the story were also there and thought Caid was going to bully Aveline again, tried to strike a conversation, but like the rest Caid ignored them making them stunned.

Caid now standing in front of Aveline, and her friend Karrina Estes who had an angry expression on her face, but she managed to hold it in, not wanting to cause a scene.

Caid formed a smile no one expected, and as it was glowing with the suns reflecting behind him making him look stunning. Everyone was taken aback, they were not expecting Caid to look so different when he smiled, it was like a whole new Caid that was standing in front of them.

Caid extended his hand out to Aveline, and she took it, he placed a gentle kiss on the back of it. The gesture showed a level of affection between them that no one had expected, and the crowd began to murmur in surprise. Caid smiled at Aveline, and she blushed in response.

The two grunt of the old Caid was shocked that he showed them this change and thought he might be faking it, but apparently not. they showed resentment and hatred towards Aveline and maybe she was behind their 'friend' change of behavior.

Karrie is shocked that THE Caid Zandwill, that was used to bully her friend is behaving like he almost…she had nearly to puke. And the way Aveline is looking back it almost seems as she begins to like him.

The tea party went as smoothly well except the two aristocrats are now out of the picture and now gossip about the relation of Caid Zandwill and Aveline Wykes is the talk of the society.

Next chapter...about Ice cream and busniess after that, it's a new monster pet

so if you Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. and do you Like it ? Add to library!

KyuKurocreators' thoughts