"I'm not impressed." He said and Kalina guessed the laughter in his words. "Still." She returned, trying to match his amusement and completely failing. That man had a knack for annoying her, that was for sure. ¿Why? Kalina didn't know for sure. She felt a little stupid about the discovery, but there was something else. Something attracted her to him, that was undeniable.
"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear,
but the triumph over it.
The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid,
but he who conquers that fear."
– Nelson Mandela
"He is here." Valian's expression turned terrible as soon as she said that. "Listen, he just wants to talk…"
"Kalina," Well every time he said her full name it was like a warning or an indicator that something grave was happening.
So Kalina took a breath and continued:
I must communicate with him clearly and assertively. So I can bring this situation to an end. It is the least I can do."
A muscle in Valian's jaw jumped as he practically grounded his teeth. He was struggling to keep his self-control. He was trying to keep the beast at bay.