
Chapter 13

[So you're saying that an invasion will happen in the near future and a guy name Steppenwolf will lead the attack?] Superman ask. The five of them was currently on Mark's apartment in metropolis and he's trying to warn them about the upcoming invasion.

[How do you know all of this?] Batman ask, Mark towards him and replied [I have foreseen his coming and although I could easily take him out but his master is a different story, he's a bit troublesome even for me to take on.]

[Steppenwolf came from the planet Apokalips and is one of the general of Darkseid, He tried to invade this world once but ultimately failed as the tribes of men, Amazons and Atlanteans bonded together to resist him.] Diana who has been quiet since their arrival here spoke up. [He brought with him the mother boxes, an artifact so powerful it can terraform the planet to the likeness of his homeworld but after he was defeated, we separated the mother boxes and hid them. One was given to the Atlanteans, one to the Amazons and lastly one to the tribes of men in which they buried to prevent someone from using it.] Diana continued and Mark nodded.

[Without the capabilities on par with the kryptonians, the world will fall no question ask.] said Mark as he took a sip on his wine as he then added [I could easily destroy his army but the lives that will be lost in the process would be unfathomable high. There is only one thing that we can do right now and that is to make him think that attacking Earth is not worth it, currently his at war with the New Genesis and if we could destroy enough of his army that it might affect his war with the New Genesis then we could buy a time to prepare the world for their next invasion.]

The three superheroes grimaced at the bleak future and after awhile Batman ask [So what are you proposing to do? We can't just ask the government to create a world government and build an army of our own].

Mark sighed as he look out at the night sky [Yes it would be impossible for that to happen, so I'm gunning for the second option and that is for you three to find people who have the same drive of protecting the world as the three of you, people who are willing to fight the good fight for the sake of the innocence.] he then look at them seriously and added [You must form your own unity because that is the only way you can survive the arrival of Steppenwolf.]

The three thought to themselves with Batman already formulating a plan on how to find the others, Superman thinking on how to break the mental blocks he unknowingly set on his physiology and Diana who was already making plan to get back to thymescira. Frowning a bit Batman ask Mark [How about you? Will you help on defending from the upcoming invasion?]

Mark shook his head and replied [I will but I can't be that active, I'm currently preoccupied on preventing Darkseid from coming to this planet]. Diana's eyebrow raised at that because if there is one thing that his mother told her about Darkseid is that he is unstoppable and not even the god can stop him [And how are you planning on doing that?].

Mark smirk and said [By pranking the hell out of Darkseid]. The three superheroes was a bit confuse at Mark and all the while Mikaela on the background just kept chuckling as she remembered what terrible things Mark's been doing to Darkseid.

[Eh? P-pranking what do you mean?] said a confuse Superman with the other two also nodding.

******* Flashback ********

[Hey Mark what's with the box?] Mikaela ask as she observe a giggling Mark, who's stacking boxes on the outside.

Mark grin and gestured for her to come closer [remember the chemical formula we found on the ship? ] Mikaela nodded as he continued [ it turns out it was a formula for an un removable paint solution that can only be remove by this solution right here] he said as he pointed at the other box.

[Eh? why do you need a paint for?] ask Mikaela and Mark just grinned like the devil as he said [Hold my hand and you'll see].

Mark sat cross legged and offered his right hand to her, she grabs it and couldn't help but gasp as she was looking at the two of them in third person.

She saw the box floated and watch as it flew in an unimaginable speed towards empty space, the vision followed the box who was protected with marks power to prevent it from damage, after awhile the vision arrives at a bleak planet with open pit spewing fire into outer space. The box floated down towards a palace and entered an open window; how the people of this world didn't seem to notice a floating box, she didn't know maybe its luck? but anyways it move towards the empty room as it sit quietly in the corner, a couple of seconds later the door opened and a large grey being entered the room.

The being frowned as he saw the box, and proceeded to move closer but before the being could take a few steps, the box open and the paint floated out towards the being intending to splash him, he beamed his eye lasers but the liquid evaded the beam.

He tried to evade but then found himself frozen, he could only brace himself for the inevitable.


A splash sound echoed in the room as the being was completely covered with paint and Mikaela just gasp, the liquid from transparent turned pink as the now imposing being's body was completely covered with the color pink.

Mark release his hold of Darkseid as the being now known as Darkseid proceeded to try and get the liquid off but was unsuccessful, A Paper float towards him with a message that reads :Don't bother removing the liquid because it will do nothing and only by drinking the solution I hid on my golden balls can you remove the liquid -Highfather-.

Darkseid was fuming, he is very much mad as he smash his arms to the walls in which it crumbles as he thought how the highfather can deliver something here without alerting his army. He once again look at the mirror and saw himself entirely covered in pink and he roared in anger.

[RaAgh!!!!] The Apokalips citizen trembles as their Lord is very angry, a moment later a bunch of guards entered the room of Darkseid but stop mid way as they stared at their Lord covered in Pink paint, they fought the urge to laugh but the lead one completely broke.

Darkseid look at them and swing his arms at the leader in a slashing motion in which it completely tore the man in half as the other soldiers trembled as Darkseid begun ordering the soldier to prepare for war.

He said to them [Prepare an assault force to retrieve the Highfather's liquid solution on his golden balls!]

The soldiers once again fought the urge to laugh as they scrambled out of the room and a little bit farther they broke down laughing at the ridiculous order of their Lord.

Mikaela and Mark who was watching the entire thing played out was currently laughing their ass of, as they heard the most powerful being in the world requested someone to get him some liquid on someone else's balls.

Mark broke the connection as he grinned towards Mikaela and with her doing the same.

[Oh I really LOVE YOU!] Mikaela said as she jump at him and kiss him passionately on the lips.

[Come on let's ask Athena if we could find something more to use for trolling] Mark said as he carried Mika in bridal style as they entered the ship.

********Flashback Ends********

The three heroes drop their jaw at the ridiculousness of Mark. Batman facepalm himself as he muttered [We are so doomed if that being realize who the culprit is]. He then turned to Mark and said [I better move so I could find trustworthy people to help us on this upcoming invasion] Batman jump off the balcony and disappear to the night.

[Me as well I have to inform my mother on this development] Diana said as she jumps off the balcony. [Me too ] Superman flew off to the night and disappeared.

[Are you sure, we shouldn't interfere?] Mikaela ask, Mark nodded and responded [They needed to learn how to trust and work together and if we interfere with that, we will also interfere with the creation of this world's Vanguard.]

He look at Mikaela and smiled [and beside we're still on honeymoon] said Mark teasingly as Mikaela only grinned and jump towards him giving him a deep kiss that seems to melt Mark's lip.

[Why don't we continue this in the bedroom] he said with a grinned as he carry her to the bedroom then there it was followed by an intense love making of a god and a ma-mostly man.

here ya go! sorry there's a considerable amount of typos on the story more than it usual but I couldn't do some review on it because I'm really sick so I'm really sorry.

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thank you for reading!

DesignedMachinecreators' thoughts