
I'm in Middle Earth: Going to Kill a Dragon at the Beginning

When he woke up, Carl found that he had traveled to Middle-earth. There are not only elves, humans, dwarves, and hobbits with unique civilizations and tribes. There are also Orcs, Wargs, Mammoths, Undead, Ice Dragons, Smaug, Balrogs, Demon Lord Sauron, and even the supreme gods. Just when Carl was about to cry without tears for the wars and battles to come in this dangerous Middle-earth world, he found that he had… So, in this Middle-earth continent, the reputation of a ranger began to spread… Middle-earth people: “That person is a legend…” Gandalf: “The legend of the fart, the most greedy and shameless person this old man has ever seen is Carl.” Elf Queen: “Well…it’s hard to say…” Elrond: “That beast kidnapped my daughter!” Nine Nazgul: “Carl, he’s a devil.” Sauron: “I shouldn’t mess with him!…” This is a translation of the fanfic: I’m In Middle-Earth: Going To Slay A Dragon At The Start Subscribe to my patreon.com/SolarisVitally to read advanced chapters.

Solaris_Vitally · 映画
206 Chs

Chapter 15 Rivendell

Fortunately, in the end, Thorin didn't do anything irrational because of Carl's words, and Gandalf finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The crowd was still running wildly, and the shadows of the trees kept falling, but although they were fast, the distance between them and the wolves behind them was still gradually narrowing.

During the period, even a few vigorous wolves broke through the obstacles and rushed towards them, and if it weren't for the two magic cannons that Gandalf took the opportunity to fire, everyone would have been caught up by now.

However, despite dodging a blow, the situation was still very unfavorable for everyone.

Seeing that everyone was so panicked, Carl couldn't help but say again: "Gandalf, I think we can really fight, you have to try to believe me!"

"No!" Gandalf refused directly.

Carl can be crazy sometimes, he knows that, so how can he let it go.

Thinking about it, he tugged Carl's sleeve tightly, but he was afraid that he would take the opportunity to turn around and bite.

"Okay." Helpless, Carl had no choice but to continue running.

The old man, Gandalf, really needs to be beaten, no, he needs to be trained. He has to reason with him when he has time.

There is a lot of experience behind him, but Carl can only be dragged forward by Gandalf, how can this make him not feel heartache?

The crowd kept running to the north, but Azog was chasing after them, as if a tug-of-war was formed, whoever stopped first would lose.

All of the people are now exhausted into dogs, and even the dwarves, known for their stamina, can't help panting at the moment.

Bilbo, the hobbit, was even more miserable. He only felt that his lungs were about to explode. Although he was agile, his endurance was not as good as that of a dwarf.

Gandalf saw all this in his eyes, but he could only be in a hurry because he was not proficient in recovery magic and could not help everyone recover.

"You can't escape, Sorin, give up the struggle, let me cut off your head and apologize for what you did in the first place!" Azog shouted.

He was full of joy at the moment, and perhaps the greatest joy in life was here for him.

There is nothing more pleasing to him than seeing his enemy struggling on the edge of life and death, and letting himself be the master of his destiny.

As soon as Azog's words fell, Carl's ears suddenly moved slightly, and then he suddenly raised his head and looked forward.

That is--

"Whoosh!" A golden arrow struck.

"Get down!" Before he could say more, Carl hurriedly raised his foot and kicked Gandalf's waist, broke free, and rolled behind the roots of the tree.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Carl's sudden action. Although they were a little puzzled, their reaction was not slow, and they hurriedly fell down.

"What happened?" He was confused.

"Whoosh whoosh!" After the dark jungle, suddenly there were countless wind breaking sounds.



With the sound of breaking wind, there were countless wolf howls and the screams of orcs behind him.

Everyone looked up, but found that it turned out to be a burst of arrows.

Azog was also shocked, looking at the men who were falling down beside him, his mind could not help shaking.

In the midst of fear, the arrows suddenly stopped, and then figures in silver armor emerged from behind the tree shadows and charged towards them.

"Damn it!" Azog cursed in his heart as he looked at the mighty incoming enemy. It turned out to be those goddamn elves.

"Withdraw! Withdraw for me!" he roared angrily. Obviously, it was only a little bit, and it was only a little short before revenge.

He was very unwilling, but looking at the large and well-equipped elf team, he knew that this opportunity could only slip away from him.

Azog and the wolf cavalry kept breaking through and fled, but the slow ones were hacked to the ground by the silver-armored elves who were chasing after them.

Finally, after everything calmed down, everyone finally raised their heads slowly.

Carl was the first to react, but after seeing the decorations of the elves, he quickly grabbed two handfuls of dirt on the ground and wiped them towards his face, but he immediately wiped his face.

Gandalf rubbed his old waist and slowly got up from the corner, just in time to see Carl's movements, and he was a little puzzled.

But there was no time to ask, and in a blink of an eye, I saw the Orcs who had already left in a state of embarrassment, and the elf team that suddenly appeared in front of them, but a long-lost smile appeared on their faces.

Because...they've arrived at Rivendell!

Rivendell, located on the northern edge of the Misty Mountains, is the birthplace of the clear and beautiful Burui Neng River, where there are broad and peaceful plains and high mountains and green valleys.

The so-called green mountains and beautiful waters, the fairyland on earth, like fog and fantasy, maybe it is here.


This place is so beautiful, even more intoxicating than the Shire.

Bilbo stared at his big eyes, looking at the beautiful valleys and rivers around him, as well as the houses, bridges, and islands, which were cleverly located in the period, but his mouth could not help but grow up.

Just smelling the air can make people feel refreshed and refreshed.

Hearing Bilbo's praise, Gandalf smiled and affirmed:

"Of course, this is a beautiful and rich place to live. We can take the opportunity to rest here, enjoy delicious food, and then continue on the road."

Gandalf had a good relationship with the elves, and this was the domain of his good friend Elrond, so when he heard these words of praise, he naturally felt a little proud in his heart.

Sorin, who was on the side, was indeed a little unhappy when he heard the words.

Although this place is indeed a fairyland, it still does not make him feel the slightest pleasure. For Gandalf... deceived him.

If he didn't know now that he was being led astray by Gandalf, he wouldn't deserve to be called Thorin.

This humble, kind, and kind old wizard had planned to bring them to Rivendell from the very beginning, but he still foolishly trusted him in the beginning.

Although he knew that Gandalf did this with good intentions, he still harbored grudges in his heart.

Dwarves are inherently incompatible with elves, as the people of Middle-earth are well known.

As the king of the dwarves, Thorin naturally had a deep prejudice against the elves, so it was inevitable that Thorin would be angry with Gandalf, who deceived him.

He didn't want to face these high elves, especially when he was so down.

However, as of now, it seems that he has no way to change this bad situation because they have come in.

Following the guidance of the elf captain, everyone was welcomed into the splendid hall.

"Gandalf, my king will come, please wait a moment." After the captain of the guard saluted Gandalf, he quietly retreated.

The elves here obviously knew Gandalf, and everyone respected him.

I just found out from a friend that there is already a translation of this fanfic, but it seems like it was abandoned a year ago. As there are still more parts to be translated, I will post five chapters a day and eight on weekends until I reach the existing translation. From then on I'll go back to my normal rhythm of one chapter a day and five on the weekends.

Today specifically, I decided to add a bonus.

Furthermore, on March 1st I will launch my other translation project on my Patreon: a One Piece fanfic. From what I've researched, this fanfic hasn't been translated anywhere else yet.

Subscribe to my patreon.com/SolarisVitally to read other projects.

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