
I'm in Middle Earth: Going to Kill a Dragon at the Beginning

When he woke up, Carl found that he had traveled to Middle-earth. There are not only elves, humans, dwarves, and hobbits with unique civilizations and tribes. There are also Orcs, Wargs, Mammoths, Undead, Ice Dragons, Smaug, Balrogs, Demon Lord Sauron, and even the supreme gods. Just when Carl was about to cry without tears for the wars and battles to come in this dangerous Middle-earth world, he found that he had… So, in this Middle-earth continent, the reputation of a ranger began to spread… Middle-earth people: “That person is a legend…” Gandalf: “The legend of the fart, the most greedy and shameless person this old man has ever seen is Carl.” Elf Queen: “Well…it’s hard to say…” Elrond: “That beast kidnapped my daughter!” Nine Nazgul: “Carl, he’s a devil.” Sauron: “I shouldn’t mess with him!…” This is a translation of the fanfic: I’m In Middle-Earth: Going To Slay A Dragon At The Start Subscribe to my patreon.com/SolarisVitally to read advanced chapters.

Solaris_Vitally · 映画
206 Chs

Chapter 143: The Harad

In the south of Gondor, there is a region called Harad, in which the Harad live.

The Harad people are also a group of uncivilized savages, but, unlike the savage barbarians who were originally in the Ened region, their savage and aggressive behavior is more pronounced.

They will often go to the south of Gondor to harass, burn, kill, and loot, and do these only to satisfy the ambitions in their hearts, not to fulfill the survival needs of their own race.

This is a group of purely murderous dark people who have already committed countless crimes.

To this end, Gondor has repeatedly sent troops to quell them.

However, unfortunately, in the end, they were not able to successfully repel them.

Because the Harad people also have their own powerful army.

In the jungles of Harad, they keep mammoths for war mounts.

And in the coastal town to the south, there is a huge military stronghold – Umbar town. There they build warships and form pirate legions. And every time there is a war, the pirate legion will sail up the river along the mouth of the Anin River, taking the opportunity to sow chaos.

There are fierce generals on the ground and fleets on the sea. Harad has both waterways, so they are not afraid of Gondor, nor are they afraid of other kingdoms.

Of course, their only taboo is probably nowhere other than Isengard.

Isengard is indeed their forbidden land, as their mammoth and pirate regiments have visited Isengard.

When they first arrived in Isengard, they were surprised by the changes in Isengard.

I don't know when a kingdom has been established in this land, and it has become so rich that they haven't noticed it for so long by their eyelids?

So at that time, they couldn't resist the temptation and attacked Isengard's territory.

And the result is predictable.

The scene can probably be summed up in one sentence: "The sound of artillery fire rumbles, and flesh and blood fly in the sky".

In their eyes, the cavalry of Isengard was simply inhuman.

These corps with strong maneuverability, speed, and fierce artillery fire directly countered their attacks.

In the end, the Harad army chased them for three hundred miles.

Along the way, they were killed and wounded countless times, and countless pirates and Haradians were blown up by the powerful explosives.

If the last survivors did not use boats to escape to the sea, I am afraid that they would not be able to escape, and it would be difficult to survive.

So, now Isengard seems to have become a forbidden place for the people of Harad.

However, apart from Isengard, the people of Harad would not have any fear when facing other forces.

The coastal town in the southern part of the Harad region, the town of Umbar, wore a strange expression at this moment.

Carl has come to the southernmost part of Middle-earth, to the town of Umbar, which is located on the coastline.

Further out, there is the endless sea, called the Ocean of Separation – Beleger.

Sitting in a pub in the town of Umbar, Carl drank a slightly spicy spirit by himself, listening to the noise around him.

He smelled the sea all around, and the words and curses mixed with cigarettes and alcohol echoed continuously.

"He's a horse! I'm scared, today is really unlucky. I went out for a day and didn't see a single fish." A rugged man took a sip of strong wine with his bare shoulders and complained.

The Umbar pirates are not raiding houses all year round, and sometimes they still have to catch some fish to supplement their "households".

"Haha," several of his companions turned their heads and laughed, "Yat, your luck should have been used up on women."

"What woman, don't talk nonsense." The man shouted subconsciously when he heard the words.

"Cut, just say it, what are you afraid of. Even if you are Bert's wife, he won't dare to do anything to you. That guy lost half of his leg last time he went to sea? But he doesn't dare to be as majestic as before. ."

"Well, that's true." Hearing this, the panicked man nodded and reacted.

"Hey, Knight, let's talk about how Bot's cock is feeling?" The laughter came again.

"I feel… the rough guy named Nate pondered, as if he had remembered something, and then laughed, "Haha, tell you, that taste is much better than the one at home, don't you know…"

Between the words, accompanied by the loud calls and touts of several men, the words were full of "sweet and pleasant" words.

The people at the other table next to them listened to their chatting and laughing, but someone sighed:

"Hey~ Bot is really pitiful, he finally went out to sea, but he still encountered that terrifying monster.

"Yeah, I heard that the whole ship died, but it's not bad that he can save his life."

"Not bad?" The person who lamented shook his head again, "That might be the case. I heard that this guy has many enemies, and his wife, alas~ I think he will not live long."

The voices were talking, but Carl walked over slowly.

Then, amid the chatter and laughter, a questioning voice came slowly: Hello, do you know where Bert is?


Several people heard the sound and slowly turned their heads.

The Harad people are indeed unruly, and Carl has to make a move to ask for information.

So when Carl left the tavern, there was no one alive in the tavern.

Carl slowly walked out of the door and headed towards his destination.

After walking a short distance, they came to the foot of a mountain on the coast. There was a brown house between the stones. It looked rather delicate, but at this moment, there were continuous scolding sounds.

"I said you dead thing, coughing and coughing all day long, can you be quiet for me!

"Cough cough cough.

"Did you hear what I said, pop!"


"Shut up."


When Carl pulled back the wooden door and entered the house, this was what he saw.

A half-dead man, covered in ties, was lying on the bed panting, his whole body exuding, his eyes full of anger and despair, and of course, sadness.

And the woman in front of him is constantly beating and scolding him, and will occasionally go to his face.

"Pa~ Another crisp sound, "Cough again, I'll cut your tongue off.

The woman didn't notice that the door was opened, and still beat her husband to herself.

Of course, she did.. as if nothing was wrong.