

Yusuke and Shinji along with Jelia and I were seated comfortably, as I watched the progress of our invaders through the surveillance system and my System. So far our 20k plus defenders were holding firm and supporting the Aegis of Megido with their spiritual energies. Now, let's see if our friends here have any nasty surprises in store for us.

-Outside of Mooncrown-

Bodies tossed through the air, and limbs rained down upon the surroundings as many people of the forces of darkness rushed forth with a fervor in their hearts. They must destroy this Vampire God, for the balance of the world's powers must remain absolute. This was a do or die mission, and so everyone had already prepared themselves for death, however, this was just a plain massacre. The force field erected by the Vampire God was just too incredibly over powered. The infiltration units and their captains were flabbergasted as they tried breaking through in the sewers to no avail.

Keriel sighed in exacerbation as he kneeled down in sewer water and drenched in sweat. Lifting himself up from the ground and spinning around he called his team to attention. "Listen well everyone! We must break through the enemies barrier and we must do it now! Lastria bring me the Spear of Qayin! Surely this sacred artifact used for breaking barriers shall suffice. Everyone else stand back at attention and wait for my signal!"

A female dark elf hurried forward with a glowing white spear made of bone, and knelt with her palms flat and raising the spear above her head. Keriel nodded in appreciation before grabbing hold of the spear and spinning it around his body before taking a stance. Looking back he said, "Now, on my signal. When I attack, rush the barrier! 3... 2.. 1. Go!" With a powerful thrust forward a small hole opened up and Keriel stood the spear upright increasing the size of the hole. Lastria and the rest of the team made it through after Keriel, and watched as the barrier sealed shut. They'd made it in. Now to find the entrance to the enemy's base.

-Beneath Mooncrown, Nightblood HQ-

With a light chuckle, I stayed seated at my throne as I looked over at my closest of friends Shinji, Yusuke and Jelia and snapped my fingers. The three of them looked over in my direction and I said simply, "Checkmate. The fools may have made it through our barrier with a small team, however they stand zero chance against our combined powers. I'm a God, and these mere ants seek to crawl into MY home? It's time for a massacre!"

Looking over my surveillance, I noted that a male and female dark elf led a small team to our front door. Using a strange spear, the leader pried open the door and rushed inside. They are now running down the hallway, dodging shots of my turrets pitifully, before long making it to the doors to the throne room. Time for a little surprise.

Getting up from my throne, I used my fangs and bit open my right hand. Using my left hand, I drew special sigils on the back of the right hands of my comrades. Once this was done, I said, "System activate Blood Rain of the Triumvirate!" Following the System's instructions, I performed a series of many rapid fire hand seals before finishing with a palm blast towards the throne room entryway right as our enemies entered. Two lobstermen burst into blood mist, and the rest slid across the ground before slamming into the double doors. A System prompt notified me that it was a success and I watched proudly as my fam glowed with a blood red aura and their hair stood straight in the air flowing around from the overflowing waves of energy coming from their bodies. Hair dyed white, eyes of pure glowing darkness and radiant red skin, a set of draconic wings and claws for hands, they were the spitting image of carnage incarnate.

Looking toward my enemies with a glint in my eyes I said, "Tear them asunder!". Sitting back upon my throne, I relaxed and prepared to enjoy the show. The Blood Rain of the Triumvirate is one of my God Skills which awakens the power of the blood of a subordinate for 5 minutes. Now, don't underestimate these 5 minutes, because during the duration they become demi gods of their race. Yes, I can force a temporary evolution to demi god. Each transformation also brings them 2% closer to being a true demi god. As my direct kin they have the potential in their blood waiting to awaken, this simply pushes things along a little.

Shinji took off into the air for a drop in, Jelia swiftly made her way behind them for a backstab and Yusuke went in for the good old frontal assault. I was really looking forward to a good fight until the enemy dropped to their knees and said, "We surrender! I, Keriel, have called off our troops and instructed them to lay down their arms." Face palming with a sigh, I confirmed this dark elf's words and retracted the barrier and reigned in Shinji and crew. Jelia had a mad glint in her eyes and tried begging me to let her go rounds with them. I listened to Keriel's story and shook my head.

"I seek to unify the world under the banner of Nightblood. I don't seek to devour the blood of all living beings. In fact I require a minuscule amount of blood. This was all just one colossal misunderstanding. Now for damage control. Jelia you deal with getting our new friends situated. I must return with Shinji and Yusuke to the dorms."

Things turned out to be pretty anticlimactic, but sometimes less bloodshed is better. I mean the number of our allies has grown again! I am laying down in my room thinking about my future plans when I realized something. I've overlooked something very important. Who was the driving force behind the dark elf and his army seeking my death? Who is my true enemy? Should I even bother with school? These and many more questions ran through my mind as I allowed myself to drift off into a meditative state. Suddenly, I heard a System notification.

[Obtained skill 'Divine Realm']

Skill Name: Divine Realm

Skill Description: Open a small realm outside of space and time. Exclusive to gods. Realm size, and customization options increase with level.

Level: 1 Throne of God, Rank 1.

With a thought I found myself sitting on a majestic throne in complete darkness. Calling off the skill, I smiled as I truly appreciated that I'm a God. What awaits me next?

It's not quite what you have expected but here it is! I'm unconventional after all. Lol please enjoy this 1100 odd word chappie. Love ya guys!

Ellendriacreators' thoughts