
I'm a new author I hope you can support me on my future works, thx u!!

作者: ghong_gere
Realistic Fiction
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What is I'm a new author I hope you can support me on my future works, thx u!!

WebNovel で公開されている、ghong_gere の作者が書いた I'm a new author I hope you can support me on my future works, thx u!! の小説を読んでください。...



Grim World Online

In the year 2076, a Augmented Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game or ARMMORPG called GRIM WORLD [ONLINE] was released. It stands out among all other ARMMORPG's due to it's God Tier ability for its nearly limitless character customisation options. After an unheared of 18-year run the game servers are about to be shut down. Within the game exists a famous guild, Lovecraft, it's 34 members (known as "the Pantheon") are credited as the best of the best, hand picked PVP players in the game. However four years after the guilds official founding only 6 of the members remain, the remainder having quit the game. Of those 6 only one, a Dragoniod character named Nyarlathotep, continues to play as the guild leader and maintaining their headquarters, The Eternal Mountain, Voormithadreth. He invites the remaining guild members but of those 6 only one appears and only for a short while before leaving. While saddened by this, he grudgingly accepts the reality that his friends all have their real lives to take care of and decides to stay logged in until the servers shut down while wandering the guilds headquarters reminiscing of better times. However 2 hours before the server shutdown Nyarlathotep discovers a hidden chamber within the eternal Mountain, Voormithadreth that triggers a unheard of final relic weapon quest that changes his life forever. (Disclaimer- The events of the ONGOING STORY are fictional events and are not a representation of any historical battles, locations or people. If there's any correlation between this story and another it is purely coincidental. All images posted are only for visual aid and by no means represent the final design of the characters. All credit for the artwork displayed goes to individual artist that created them.)


Death's Lover

"Why are you wearing cow head mask? Lilith asks you this question the third time." Amon groaned, tipping his head up. It made the snout of his mask point at the sky, making Lilith giggle as she found the view funny. "It's weird. Lilith thinks you're ugly that's why you're hiding your face." Hearing this, Amon couldn't help but look at her through his mask. If only he wasn't wearing it, Lilith would see how he arched a brow at her statement as he didn't like what she said. "You said it's rude for people to be ignored. Aren't you being rude for making such a remark?" "Oh!" Lilith gasped, making her cuter as she immediately touched her mouth with both of her hands in an attempt to shut herself up. The little girl spoke again, her voice heard even though she talked softly. "Lilith didn't mean to... Lilith is sorry. But Lilith was honest. Doesn't that make Lilith a good girl?" *** Amon, the Grim Reaper, appeared in the mortal realm to fulfill his job in collecting the souls of the dead. However, an unusual event occurred when he was about to collect one dying pregnant woman's soul. She was giving birth right before she died, making Amon panic and worry as her dying wish was for him to save her child! With the Grim Reaper actually a softie and is willing to take care of the infant despite the rule of their job to not interfere in mortal affairs, what lies ahead for Death and his now-growing human, Lilith? *** "Why do you wear that?" "19 years have passed—" Amon started, "—and this is still what you want to ask about?" "Well, yes." Lilith grinned. --- WARNING: Some chapters of this story contain mature R-18 content. FUN FACT: The world here is connected to "The Soul Eater's Possession" story's world, but this can also be a stand-alone book. COVER ARTIST: Haryu WSA ENTRY 2022 Update Schedule: 1 chapter every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday 6PM GMT+8. Want to further show your support? Send me a ko-fi~! ^^ Link: https://ko-fi.com/mysticamy

MysticAmy · ファンタジー
265 Chs


Weather Change is about a man name Cruff who was a genius boy back then in school but he went on to lost his genius idea because he couldn't change from the type of person he sees. A young handsome boy Cruff,brilliant with craft and electronics design. He can design anything you ask him to design and then craft them as well. Cruff lossing his genius ideas was his father. Who was a drinker and gambler. For his mother she was a very generous and kind woman,so submitted to her husband. But Cruff father is so careless about the way he leave his life. Any time he comes home he beat him up and when the mother talk he start quarrelling. Then the father begin to beat the mother too, until the mother one day go unconscious. when Cruff was 7 years old,his father chase him out of the house because he refuse to follow his orders by following him to the game shop.He wanted Cruff to go and use the money he has save for his mother for gambling but Cruff refuse and he ran with the money to his friends house,he hide it there. So he went home,he call for his mother but he can't hear anyone answer,he enter the house and see his father holding his mother angrily, a belt for Cruff as well. So he went back and bring the money for his father. It was so long since when he stop all his graphics electronic design and crafting. He had started a new life, which is the weather of Cruff has changed because of his father. So he had to go out with boys whose thought are not the same as his thinks. His mother trying to stop him several times but he didn't listen to his mother, for he became very problematic. Oh that soft Cruff has gone now he is smoking,drinking and gambling just as the father. One very day,Cruff is now 20 years old when his mother call him for advice and remind him of his father's behavior before his father left and go when he was just 9 years old. So 3 years later Cruff with some of his friends were at a night party when a sudden short was fire in one of the rooms,at the building they were doing the party. Nobody hear the shot because they were busy dancing at the party unless a man who was at the next building,heard the shot and try to call cops. The man who shot turn behind his back and look throw the window and see a guy whom he thought saw him doing the kill. He try to shoot at him but he shot miss him,he ran out for his life, now people notice the gun shot. Everyone else began to find a place where to escape. Cruff and his friends try to escape, when they saw the strange gun men running down the stairs.They were out of the building when he saw a man running down from the other building the gun men were shooting at the man. So he decided to help the man with his friends,they run towards the man. While the gun men were still running down the stairs trying to shoot the man,they were running to help the man. Cruff see a beautiful lady,while he was running with his friends to save the man.The man started shouting for help,they are coming for me,Cruff and his friends rush to help the man but it since that the voice sound familiar to Cruff hears. But he can't remember the sound of the voice anymore. So they first reach the man who was damage,while trying to jump a high table in front of him before. Cruff can't recognize that he was his father but the man recognize the face because the face looks like him while he was a young man but him too was confuse. He didn't know if he is right if the young man who helped him was his son. But he was in a serious pains when he had one of Cruff Friend call his name and he faint. Cruff with his friends try to rush him at the hospital when the cops came. They were able to take him to the hospital for treatment,but the doctor said he has lost blood,so urgently need a blood transfusion. All his friends donate but no match,only his blood match. As soon as he went home tell his mother about it. When the man recover he went home were he had left his boy and wife. He went there to beg for mercy Cruff .

Osman_Sesay_9417 · 都市
1 Chs
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