11 Chapter 11: The Red Prince.

- Nothing very complicated just from the transport of goods.

- Basically I transport slaves and drugs?

- Yeah, you got it. So it's okay?

- I need this money and I owe you, so yes.

Leo got up from the chair and reached out his hand to Prometheus.

- Deal done, kid.

Prometheus did as Leo did and shook his hand.

After their verbal agreement Leo left the living room. So Prometheus went to his room. He was in a pretty good mood. Money had been a problem for him. Initially Prometheus had planned to leave before the end of the year and to do some work as a mercenary. But thanks to Leo's offer, Prometheus would no longer have to leave and he would probably earn a lot more money. Prometheus lay down in his bed and began to think. He was wondering if he was prepared enough to do a cargo transport mission. In general in 99% of the cases the missons of this kind went smoothly but sometimes in 1% of the cases the carriers encountered problems. Whether it's rival gangs or the police. Prometheus was far-sighted in nature and then began to think about a plan that would allow him to escape in the event of a problem.

Meanwhile, Leo went to a secret room in the red mansion. In this room there was an office. Leo sat on a chair in front of the desk and then breathed his mana into his desk. Suddenly holes appeared on the desk and transparent stones came out. They were each expelled by at least 10 centimetres. The stones shone and jets of light came out. These lights quickly transformed into human form and then kinds of human holograms floated above each stone. Leo Prit the word.

- I greet you.

Voices were heard without anyone really knowing where it came from.

- Hello

- how are you doing?

- Why did you call us here?

- Yo.

- ….

These paths and holograms were in fact those of the colored kings. The colore king was a title given to the country's greatest cartel leader. Each king was assigned a colour that depended on their business. For example, the green king was the largest retailer of rare and endangered plants, the rainbow king was the largest drug trafficker.

Leo spoke.

-Green, rambow, black, white and orange I need to talk to you.

No one spoke they seemed to be waiting for Leo's announcement.

- I think I have found a successor.

Green king started talking.

- And who is that? Brutus? With your incompetent team you won't last long.

Green king was a very ill-polished person and had a grudge against Leo.

- No, his name is Prometheus and he seems fit to me. And green I never planned to make Brutus my successor, dirty bastard.

Orange spoke before Green could answer.

- Shut the fuck up green, you're pissing everyone off. Do you want to die?

Orange also had a problem with Green. Orange kept talking.

- You're in a position to say you found your successor Red.

- Exactly.

- Then we have a red prince.


Three days later

It was dark, Cheerby town was asleep. On a roof a shadow was moving, it was actually Prometheus. He wore a soft leather protective suit covered with a long black hooded coat. Prometheus was waiting for the time of delivery, he had nearly 2 kilos of devil's powder on him.

- more than 5 minutes....

Prometheus looked at the time on the watch Leo had provided for the mission. Leo had also lent Prometheus an undercover suit he was wearing and a spell badge. The badges were magical equipment of very high quality. The principle of the badge was actually the same as that of the spell scroll. The difference is that the badge was not for single use only and could be used at all times as long as the wearer had mana in his body. The badge worn by Prometheus had two spells, the first was a muscle strengthening spell and the second was a level 1 flame spell that Prometheus can only use once.

- Only 4 minutes left...

Prometheus continued to make the dice without knowing that at 1 kilometer from him there were two state investigators.

- You see something Rajnish.

- As always.

- Are there any movements?

- No. No.

- It's a boring...

These two state investigators had been commissioned to investigate and dismantle the Red King's organization. These two investigators were not just anyone. One was Rajnish, also known as the man of the night. He was actually a very powerful stealth warrior who had perfect night vision, he was known to be able to always surprise his prey. As for the man with him, his name was Nostradamus. He was 22 years old, very young to be a state investigator. Nostradamus was actually a kind of living legend. In his previous life Prometheus had heard about it. Nostradamus was the son of two first-rate magical family members. Nostradamus was born with two incredible innate skills. The first was called the eyes of the Themis. Nostradamus was actually able to see the future of anyone he touched, this skill was extremely formidable in combat and in everyday life. But his second innate competence was much worse, a mad power. Nostradamus was actually born with a mutation of the innate power that his father had passed on to him. This power was called the Vulcan's touch, this skill allowed the holder to burn everything he touched as long as he had physical contact. But Nostradamus was born with a new and much more powerful skill, the eyes of the Vulcans. Nostradamus could burn with a single glance everything he had already touched. With these two skills coupled The Eyes of the Themis and the Eyes of the Vulcans Nostradamus became a kind of living legend. Nostradamus had the political power of two great first-class magical families but also the power to know and destroy these enemies. Rajnish got up and said:

- There's movement, let's go.
