15 Arrival in Mistral

Nora and Ren, after leaving Kuroyuri, arrived at Mistral with a week before the start of the new term at Haven, which was a good opportunity for them to get familiar with the Area. After a night in a hotel, Nora was up with the sunrise "It's morning, It's morning!" she said while rapidly moving around excitedly. "Ren, It's morning."

"Yes it is, Nora." Ren sat up and looked at his excited companion.

"Time to wake up sleepy head!" Nora said "It's moning, it's morning, it's morning, iiiit's morning" she said cheerfully while she was speedily moving arounf the room.

Ren got out of the bed and grabbed a change of clothes to go shower. He fully intended to shower and change into fresh clothes before going anywhere.


Jacques Gelé, after winning a good some of money by wagering on Pyrrha Nikos in the regional tournament, was actually pissed again. In the process of insuring his bet succeeded, he'd spotted something that he wanted.

She was an extremely beautiful woman with black and red hair, and wore a scandilously sexy red and black dress, and a white hooded cape with a rruby ed-interior, held on by a beautiful sillver broach shaped like a rose.

Jacques Gelé was a man determined to get everything he wanted. In the pursuit of power and weallth, he had once married a pathetic woman named Willow Schnee, but she was never enough to satisfy him.

The pathetic woman may have loved him, but to Jacques Gelé she and their children were a means to an end. As the head of the Schnee Dust Company, he'd had access to the women he'd desired. As long as he made sure no child was conceived, he believed that he could do whatever he wanted, and just because of that he felt that he was robbed of what belonged to him by that old fool, Nicholas Schnee, Nothing Nicholas had done, though, was able to deminish Jacques Gelé's accessment of his own worth. He believed it was only a matter of time before he rose to the top again and eliminated those that tried to rob him of his destiny.

Yet the woman he wanted had disappeared, and none of the fools he hired could find her. She had not left Mistral through any of it's gates, nor had she boarded a bulkhead to anywhere, and the surveilance verified she hadn't snuck out, yet no one could find her, so he felt he was being denied what was rightfully his,

How dare she slight him? Didn't she know who he was?" These were the thoughts going through his head.


On Patch, Summer Rose and Taiyang were at her home, with the girls all out at the moment.

Summer sneezed.

"Summer, you aren't coming down with a cold, are you?" Tai asked with worry.

"I'm fine, dear. I have no idea where that came from. Maybe someone is talking about me?" Summer suggested with a chuckle as she went over to kiss her husband and they embraced each other.


Jacques through a glass of wine against a wall and it shattered. Hearing the sound, one of his bodyguards rushed in to confirm Jacques was alright "Bring me Lil' Miss Malachite." he decided it was time for him to move forward with his plans to seize Mistral and make it his own.

At least by seizing Mistral, he felt like he might be able to cope with the fact that something else he decided was his was taken from him. A huge grin started to spread across his face as his guard left to do as he had instructed.


It was mid afternoon, and Nora was still leading Ren along, wanting to check everything out. Considering this was their first time in a city of this scale, he couldn't actually blame her, but he felt she had too much energy.

They had a whole week before school, and yet it seemed like they'd already visited half of the city, and this place was not small at all. Ren was already exhausted, but Nora looked like she was not going to run out of energy any time soon.

By the time school started, Ren started to suspected that they'd know Mistral better then most people who were born there, and he did not think that was an exageration.


Jacques Gelé was seated in his office, waiting passively. A servant had already cleaned up the mess he'd created, so the room was back to being impeccable.

The door opened and an overweight woman with short blond hair and a purple and white dress entered. Jacques was a bit disappointed that she came alone, having heard that she had two beautiful daughters. He'd hoped to see just how true that rumor was, but it looked like today was not the day "Welcome Lil' Miss." Jacques greeted her with a grin.

"Lets cut to the chase, Mr Gelé. We're both business people. What do you want?" Lil' Miss asked him, smirking as she took a seat across from him.

"I have a very lucrative business proposition, but I need help gethering people who have skills, people who are not afraid to disregard certain...laws...that get in the way." Jacques explained to her and started pouring two wine glasses, preparing to tell her his plan, or at least as much of it as he needed too, in order to convince her it would be profitable.
