
I’ve become a God?

Felix a fortunate man taken out by truck-kun finds himself as a god who can create worlds and life. He has freedom to do anything but what will he do?

DaoistXw4ft3 · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1: Awaken

On a fateful day a young man named Felix Mercia was on his way to school when suddenly a drunk truck driver struck him as he crossed the road.

"W-Where am I?".Nothing but darkness and void were seem. Abruptly Felix heard a robot like voice behind him. He turned around quickly and saw nothing.

"Analyzing host,


Status: Healthy,Afraid





Population :0


"Recognizing host.... Success, greetings host." The robotic like voice said

Felix was at a loss of words " CREATOR!!!!!! Many thoughts ran through his head and he thought it was a dream.

A blue panel then appeared in front of Felix frightening him. On the panel it said to choose the type of world to be created.

The choices that were given were: A plane which is a flat land with mountains valleys etc, A planet, or secret realm.

Felix pondered and chose for his first creation to be a plane. He said plane in his mind and the panel vanished. He then felt ecstatic and deduced that he was being filled with godly power. He then saw a large plane fill the void space. He then had an idea, first he made water, then he made trees, then he made mountains, then he made valleys, then he made lakes, rivers,and oceans, then he created plants, he then created precious minerals.

He finally stopped when he saw another blue panel. It now had a shop option on it so he curiously said shop. Suddenly a variety of things starting from plants all the way to celestial beings and weapons appeared.

The first thing he decided to do was create life. First Humans, the first 2 humans appeared in the far left of the vast plane. This place was favored with rich minerals. Time passed and the to individuals named themselves kelnezus and Serena. These two bore many children and kelnezus established a monarchy naming himself its king. Felix saw this and it was good. He then created elves.

The elves had a a Very high affinity with nature and spirits. So along with the elves Felix created spirits like Treants, Faries, Sirens, Ghosts etc. He places these beings on the far right of the plane.

He then created draves in the south,and beast in the north. Lastly in the center he created a hundred mile tall tower. He named this Tower the Tower of Hevean. He used this as a beacon for all races. Then a problem occurred …. Felix Couldn't Create!!!! He asked the system the problem and it responded saying he has run out of Creation Energy. "Creation Energy??" The system responded promply saying that " Creation Energy is the energy behind you ability to create. To accumulate CE you must gather Faith from you creation"

Felix understood and set out to decend on his creation…