
Nineteen: Is it really her?



Haneul returns to the dorms and parks her car on the same spot. She gets out of her car and grabs the goods but there were a lot so she takes two bags at a time when going to her room. She did this 4 times as there were 8 bags full of goods.

She is now back in her rooms and sees the 8 bags full of goods. Haneul checks for the time and sees that it has passed 3pm. She is also grateful that she didn't bump into the sevens while getting her goods up her room.

She removes her cross-bag and face mask then begins to organize the food and washes them before placing and organizing them in the fridge. She then starts to organize the utensils like the pots, plates and whatnot, washing them before placing and organizing them in the top and lower cabinets.

She then grabs the last two bag of goods which are the necessities. She walks to the bathroom, putting the toothpastes, toothbrushes, shampoos, and soaps in the compartment box behind the mirror. She then walks to her bedroom and places the soft towels and rugs in the laundry basket to wash them tomorrow.

She places the two boxes of tissues on top of a table and opens one of them, grabbing three rolls of tissues and walks out of her bedroom to put the tissue inside the bathroom, in the living room and the kitchen.

Haneul looks around the kitchen and sees how organized everything is, making her feel full. She looks at the time again and it's almost 4pm. So she gets ready for the show later. She heads to her bedroom and gets her towel to take a shower. She did her business and got out of the bathroom with a towel on and her hair a bit wet.

She walks back to the bedroom with her used clothes and dumps them in the basket. She grabs another pair of underwear, the bra is a sports bra, and wears them and then dries her hair with the towel. Once the hair was almost dried, she hangs the towel somewhere and proceeds to the closet.

She grabs and wears a high waist denim pants, that is kinda stretchy and reaches her ankles, wears black socks and walks out of the bedroom to go to the living room to wear her hoodie, denim jacket and coat there. Once she worn them, she grabs her cross-bag and her face mask, walking towards the room door. She wears her black combat boots, wears her mask and gets out of the room, closing and locking it before leaving towards the elevator.

She didn't see the sevens all the while going out of the dorms building. She walks towards her car and gets in and drives towards the ICSYV building and sees the staffs running around preparing everything for the show tonight. She parks her car and gets out.

She walks towards the PD, Ms. Mok, who is coincidentally outside, monitoring everything. "Ms. Mok!" Haneul yells a little bit and waves at her. Ms. Mok could see Haneul and smiles at her, waving back. Haneul jogs her way to Ms. Mok and greeted her a good afternoon.

After the exchange of greetings, Ms. Mok told another co-producer that she'll be going somewhere for a bit and that co-producer is to be monitoring in her place. Ms. Mok leads Haneul inside the building and walks for a good minute till they reached a room where the 'mystery singers' stay and get ready.

Ms. Mok enters the room with Haneul trailing behind her. "Hello guys, this is girl who's one of the mystery singers." Once Ms. Mok closes the door behind them, she introduces Haneul as one of the mystery singers. The mystery singers who are in the room did not know each other but just met on the day of the show.

It's purposely done so as to nothing is to be leaked before the day of the show. "Please take care of her!" Ms. Mok says and the makeup artists, stylists who choose their clothes, and hairstylists. "Annyeonghaseyo! Nice to meet you all!" Haneul greets them all politely as she bows.

"Annyeong!" They greeted her back, reciprocating her politeness. "My dear, what do you like as a hair style?" A hairstylist walks towards Haneul and leads her to a seat which Haneul followed. "Uhm, I guess as it is but more cleaner since my wavy hair is messy from coming here. I just want to be completely myself in the show."

Haneul says truthfully, removing her mask, looking at herself in the mirror with a innocent smile and then looks at the hair stylist who was also looking at her in the mirror. The hair stylist was stunned by her smile and her beauty. "Wow, you're really pretty." The hairstylist complimented Haneul and Haneul blushes a little.

"Thank you, you're really pretty, too." Haneul compliments her back which the hairstylist laughs at the compliment and thanks her. "Let me just brush your hair since you want it to look more cleaner." The hairstylist says as she gets a comb and starts to brush her hair gently. Once the brushing was done, Haneul's hair looks more cleaner and tamed.

"My turn!" A makeup artist came into view, looking excited ever since she saw Haneul remove her mask from earlier and thought that she looks so pretty and wanted to do her makeup. The hairstylist chuckles at the makeup artist and made way for her.

"Okay, I was just looking from behind there and really wanted to do your makeup. You're so pretty!" The makeup artist compliments Haneul with a smile. "Thank you. You're really pretty, too." Haneul blushes as she compliments back.

"So what do you like? What kind of style are you going for?" The makeup artist asks Haneul and Haneul already knows what she wants. Simple. She knows how to do makeup but she doesn't bother to wear because she only wears makeup on occasions or if she feels like it.

"I want something simple. Like a little bit on the eyebrows, a little bit of the eyeliner, a bit of lip-tint or lip-gloss and a bit of blush." Haneul says with a shy smile which the makeup artist was shocked that she did not want to wear something more. Haneul sees the shocked look in her face so Haneul quickly explains.

"It's not that I don't like makeup. I just want to look like myself even with a bit of makeup on. I want to look simple and as I am in the show." Haneul says with a smile and the makeup artist was shocked yet again since she has not met anyone who wants little makeup as the clients she has always like full faced makeup.

"Okay, let me handle it!" The makeup artist was moved yet still in shock but she is determined to do as Haneul says as it was her first time doing simple makeup. After a few minutes, Haneul was done with her makeup and she looks pretty like before with the simple makeup on.

"I love it, thank you!" Haneul thanks the makeup artist with enthusiasm that the makeup artists laughs since she never saw such an enthusiastic client with just simple makeup on. "You're welcome." The makeup artist says then made way for the stylist. "What would you like to wear?" The designer asks Haneul who shakes her head.

"No need. I'll just wear what I'm wearing right now." Haneul says bluntly with a smile towards the stylist who was shocked also. She didn't think Haneul would just wear what she's wearing. "Are you sure?" One of the mystery singers asks Haneul while getting her makeup on.

"Yes, I'm sure. I just want to appear as I am." The innocence laced in Haneul words made the people inside the room in awe. They don't see such an innocent and pure person many times. It's pretty rare nowadays. The stylist nods her head and leaves to tend to the other mystery singers.

Once everyone was done preparing, they were sent in the waiting room. "Oh, I'm so nervous!" One of the mystery singers said as his leg begin to go up and down. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll do just fine." Haneul reassures the mystery singer and the rest of them as they slowly calmed down due to Haneul.

The time was getting nearer and the mystery singers heard knocking on the door. "Everybody, let's go backstage and get ready. The show is about to start." A staff enters the room and tells everyone as they got up and do what they were told. Haneul wears her face mask as they head to the backstage and watches the tv monitor of the front view of the stage after arriving.

"In 5.....4.....3.....2.....1..... Go!" The producer says and the show began.


Kim Jong Kook who is one of the MCs started the show with singing a song then was being joked around by the other two MCs, Leetuk of Super Junior and Yoo Se Yoon. They then did their signature intro of the show to officially start it.

Haneul was looking at the Tv monitor as she watches and the tv monitor shows the panels which Haneul was shocked to see Taecyeon was one of the panels(but in the real show he wasn't in it I just want him in it). Haneul sees the rest of the panels and sees Hwanhee from Fly to the Sky(who isn't there in the real one as well), her vocal teacher, there which shocks her too as her heart begins to beat harder due to being nervous.

The MCs starts to introduce the panels one by one as the mystery singers were waiting patiently. Haneul's heart beats faster as the MCs start to introduce GOT7. "The global idol group that is going all around the world! Today they are going to hard carry ICSYV.... GOT7!"

The MCs yell the name GOT7 together as GOT7's Hard Carry starts to play. GOT7 came into view holding their mics trying to lip sync to their song which they did not do well because they don't do lip sync cause they always sing live. Everyone was clapping their hands so hard for them as they perform.

"Welcome, GOT7!" The MCs welcomes GOT7 and they start to talk about some things. Joking around, introducing themselves and such. Then after them talking to each other, GOT7 and the MCs made their way to their spots. GOT7 sitting in their spot and the MCs standing next to them.

"Right now, we will start with the mystery singers' visuals. Let's reveal the mystery singers!"

The lights dims down a bit with the stage showing a display as the staff tells the mystery singers to go up the stage. Haneul being the 7th mystery singer, walks towards the 7th stage which is also kind of critical because GOT7 is near to her and they might figure her out. She hopes for that to not happen yet.

After the mystery singers got on their spots, they start doing their poses. At that moment, the lights start to come back along with flashy lightings. Everyone starts becoming excited as they see the mystery singers.

They start to talk about the mystery singers' visuals and such. They start to introduce each mystery singer. The first round is the mystery singers' visuals. They showed mystery singer number 1's two identities, one of the two is the real identity and the other is not.

They start talking about the mystery singer number 1's visuals. They even made little jokes here and there to make the show lively while being serious about saying their thoughts. They meet the rest of the mystery singers and did the same until the 6th one.

The next one was Haneul and she stood straight trying to not show her nervousness but her relaxed state. When they finally see her with a face mask on, everyone started to whisper and starts to talk.

Her identities being 'The girl behind the username _Miracle7_ or a student who has nothing else to do but to join'. This really confused the audience, GOT7 and the panels.

GOT7, the audience and some of the panels made an uproar when they saw her identities. "Is this real or is this fake? She's even wearing a mask!" The question made everyone go in an uproar since they were on edge knowing they watched the video that Haneul posted in instagram and twitter.

"Is she really here?" One of the sevens say while the rest of the sevens were shocked. Some of the panels knew about the username _Miracle7_ as a talented girl but they don't know who she really is. Only Leetuk, Shindong and Hwanhee knew as they tried to cover it up.

"Yah, this could be a set up. They do this all the time." One of the panels say trying to make a reason since the show really does do this. "They try to set something up that is either a real or a fake one. But I don't really know about this one."

One of the panels say as he puts his chin on his hand, thinking. "But what if, she really is the girl behind _Miracle7_? We won't really know until we try to figure it out." Shindong reasons out as well which seems to confuse everyone again. "He's right." Hwanhee comments out.

They start to talk about Haneul and made their comments and such while the sevens were talking and looking at her, trying to figure her out but couldn't

"She really looks similar to Miracle7 since Miracle7 also wears a mask and doesn't show her face but I'm not really sure. This is also weird cause she kinda looks like Haneul a bit. I mean the wavy hair, the height and other things. I don't know anymore." Yugyeom made his comment known to his members in a whisper, which the rest of the sevens noticed this as well, not being too sure since he's a fan of her, _Miracle7_.

"Miracle7 even posted on instagram and twitter that she would reveal who she is soon but I don't know if this is her.." One of the panels says and everyone starts to agree with her.

Everyone starts to become more and more confused as the time passes by. "Okay, let's continue on with the show! Now GOT7 have to select two mystery singers to eliminate."

"GOT7, whose voice do you see?"

GOT7 starts to huddle together to come up with a plan. "We should keep the 7th mystery singer until the third round. We could ask her questions about it." Mark suggests which the rest of the sevens agree with him since they want to know as well.

They begin to talk about who to choose to eliminate and came to an agreement. The sevens disperse from their huddle and looks at everyone. "The tone deaf we see..." Jaebeom trails off. "The tone deaf we see iiisss?" The MCs says their words again.

"Number 4 and number 2!" Jaebeom says confidently with a smile. "Mystery singer number 4 and 2!" Leetuk yells out. Haneul calms down as she heard the number was not hers.

Some of the panels and some of the audience were against what they chose, thinking that number 4 and 2 are good singers. The mystery singer 4 starts to move from her stage and out to get ready.

While getting ready, everyone else were making and saying their comments. "Open the door of truth! Show me the stage~" Yoo Se Yoon says as the stage of truth comes out, the stage splitting into two as a round stage comes forward.

GOT7 became nervous as the stage of truth came into view with mystery singer 4 on it. The atmosphere becoming intense. The mystery singer, who is a female, starts to talk since she was eliminated. "If only I danced well, I could have become the direct juniors of GOT7 seniors."

Mystery singer 4 says her words and everybody starts to become confused as well as GOT7 and the panels. Mystery singer 4 says more words and says her thanks in the end. The panels start to say their theories and such.

"Mystery singer number 4, let us hear your voice!" Leetuk says while doing a motion with his hand. A guy came out and stood next to the mystery singer. The guy was from the previous episode and season which baffled everyone.

Their song starts and the guy sing his parts. The guy was a talented singer who's singing beautifully. Then the time comes where the mystery singer is going to sing.

The tension in the air was felt and the moment she sang, everyone cheered and clapped. GOT7 was correct, they got one of the tone deaf. Some of the panels and audience who were against with GOT7's decision became embarrassed and laughed.

The singers ended their song and they start to introduce themselves. "Mystery singer number 4, is a tone deaf!" After that, the stage mystery singer 4 in on starts to go back to its place and the mystery singer 4 waves goodbye with a smile.

The stage becomes one again but splits into two again and out came mystery singer number 2 with a dj set up. He stood on the stage and made every confuse about the appearance. Some think he's a good singer and some think otherwise. "As a EDM trot singer, shall I throw a EDM party for everyone here?" Number 2 asks which everyone cheered.

"Let us hear your voice!" The three MCs say in unison and Number 2 starts his stage. The moment he starts, everyone perks up and starts to dance with him. Number 2's performance was good with dancers in front before he starts to sing. The moment he sings, everyone was shocked and some clapped.

Number 2 singer was a tone deaf, too. Number 2 continues on with his performance giving his all which entertained everyone. The performance was finished and everyone calms down. He introduced himself and after some talking, the stage went back to its place.

5 mystery singers remain and the second round begins. The lip sync round. The MCs were explaining to everyone what the second is about and BamBam and Yugyeom were caught talking to each other. They laughed it out.

"Let's start with mystery singer number 1, let's have a look at their lip sync stages." Leetuk says and the spotlight was on number 1. Number 1's face and another guy's face came into view from the big monitor. The two guys were to lip sync so as to confuse everyone. Number 1 starts to lip sync and made a mistake then the other starts as well but it confuses everyone.

Number 1 finishes and the panels made their comments. The rest of the 4 mystery singers did their lip sync and everyone also made their comments. It was Haneul's next, the last one to perform her lip sync and she stood straight with a straight face under the mask.

Everyone in the set and everyone who's watching was anticipating the mystery singer. Haneul and another girl who's wearing a mask was shown on the big monitor. The other girl was dressed to look like Miracle7 to confuse everyone which worked.

Everyone become confused again. The song Let Me by GOT7 played which GOT7 perked up when they heard their song's melody. Haneul starts to lip sync and the voice everyone heard really sounds like the Miracle7 they know, listened and watched.

They were mesmerized by the voice and were also confused at the same time because they couldn't see the expressions and how she lip syncs because they were both wearing face masks.

This became more challenging to everyone who's watching. Hwanhee, Shindong and Leetuk were listening to the singing and they were proud of her. GOT7 didn't know what to do with the 7th mystery singer but they are still determined to keep her till the third round so as to question her.

After Haneul was done with her lip sync, everyone says their comments. "This is hard because we can't see how she lip syncs with her mask on but I could tell she's a good singer. The voice really sounds like the girl Miracle7." Hwanhee says his comments which some panels agreed while the other panels rebutted.

"Or maybe she isn't and it is just a cover up. Maybe they asked the real Miracle7 if she could be recorded just for this purpose." One of the panels say which some of panels also agreed. GOT7 was contemplating about it as well as did the audience.

"We have seen all 5 mystery singers' lip sync stages. Now's the time for GOT7 to make their decision in choosing two more mystery singers to eliminate. So, GOT7! Whose voice did you see?"

GOT7 huddled again while the panels try to say their comments. "The voice we see is number 5 and number 3!"

Mystery singer number 5 and number 3 went down. Number 5 went to go to the stage of truth while number 3 waits for his turn. Number 5 came out on the stage of truth and waved at everyone with grace. They spoke in english since they were from the outside of the country who are staying in Korea for the time being.

"Mystery singer number 5, let us hear your voice!" The MCs yell in unison and number 5 get ready. As they two singers in number 5 were getting ready, another singer came out looking graceful like them and stood on stage with them. This intrigued the audience and made them think many scenarios.

GOT7 was shocked as well and thought of either they made the wrong choice or not. Their song starts to play and they somehow felt familiar with the song. The one who just came to stand with the two other singers, sang first, then the middle then the last one. Everyone was shocked and amazed by their vocals.

After the song was done, everyone cheered for them and gave their comments. "Mystery singer number 5, are skilled singers!" Everyone claps for them as the stage went back to its place behind the stage. After a few moments the stage came out again and mystery singer number 3 came out.

Number 3 stands on the stage of truth while he prepares himself with his guitar and his companions who'll be performing with him. "Mystery number 3, let us hear your voice!" The MCs yell in unison as number 3's performance starts.

The song starts with an accompaniment of an instrument while number 3 patiently waits for his turn. Number 3 starts playing his guitar, getting ready. He begins to sing, everyone was shocked by his voice. GOT7, the panelist and the audience were flabbergasted.

His voice smooth and cool. Everyone was in awe as they continue to listen to him sing. After he finished his performance, everyone clapped for him. He introduces himself and after exchanging some words, he waved goodbye to everyone while the stage of truth goes back to its place.

The stage becoming one, once more. The ones left are now Mystery singer number 1, 6 and 7. The third round begins. The three mystery singers who were left stood in front of the stage to be questioned for 100 seconds.

"The 100 seconds starts now!" Yoo Se Yoon says as GOT7 and the panelists prepares themselves to question the three mystery singers. The panels and GOT7 asked number 1 and 6 their questions and were about to question number 7.

"10 seconds left!" Kim Jong Kook says which made the sevens panic. "Are you really the girl behind Miracle7?" Yugyeom asks in a hurry. Haneul smiles under her mask at the question when she hears it from Yugyeom.

She didn't say a word but just nods her head and the 10 seconds mark finished. The panels and GOT7 were distraught as there were no more time to question Haneul. Everyone was on edge due to mystery singer 7.

"Okay time's up! It's time for GOT7 to choose one mystery singer to eliminate! GOT7, whose voice did you see?" Kim Jong Kook asks GOT7 who were still huddled up trying to discuss who to choose.

After a few seconds, GOT7 turned to face everyone. "The voice we see is.." Jaebeom says as he trails off. Everyone was waiting for the answer as they were on edge.

"Number 1!" Some agreed and some didn't. The panels were trying to give their reason of agreeing and reason of against their decision. Number 1 went to the stage of truth while the other two were left. Number 1 came out on the stage of truth and everyone gets to see him up front better.

Panels made their comments once they saw him coming. "Mystery singer number 1, please let us hear your voice!" Leetuk says and number 1 gets ready for his performance.

The music played and everyone was anticipating if he's really a singer or not. The moment he sang the first words, everyone clapped and laughed. Number 1 continues on with his performance, entertaining everyone. After he finishes singing, everyone claps for him.

The panels made their comments which made everyone laugh. After exchanging some words, the stage of truth went back as number 1 waved goodbye. The last round came and everyone is still on edge because they think that either one could be tone deaf or both of them are tone deaf or both of them are singers. The last round where two panelists will be chosen to be witnesses for the proof of the mystery singers. Then, they'll try to convince the guest to choose their singer.

GOT7 was having a dilemma in choosing the one they want to sing with. The two mystery singers were standing next to two podiums in their sides. The chosen panels were Park Joon Hyung of G.O.D for Haneul's witness and Lee Sang Min as the other mystery singers' witness.

"The last round is here. Chosen panelists, please head to your destined place and be a witness to their evidences." Leetuk says and the two panelists stood up and went to their place. The two panelists wear the headphones as the evidence is being played.

Lee Sang Min made some expressions trying to convince that his mystery singers are skilled while Park Joon hyung listens to Haneul singing which he expresses a shock look, loss of words and looked at Haneul with a shocked face.

Everyone was watching intently on the two panelists expressions. They were confused of what Park Joon Hyung was showing. Park Joon Hyung gave a thumbs up while still listening to her singing. Once they were finished listening and watching the evidences, they removed the headphones.

"You may now try to convince the guest." Yoo Se Yoon says as Lee Sang Min starts his. "These guys are amazing. They'll be great if you choose them to sing with you. Really." Lee Sang Min tries to convince GOT7 who were listening intently. "Are they really skilled vocalists?" Jackson asks and Lee Sang Min nods his head, he wasn't lying.

Park Joon Hyung was still looking at Haneul in awe. "How about mystery singer number 7, Park Joon Hyung-ssi(the ssi at the end means Mr. so like Mr. Park Joon Hyung.)?" Kim Jong Kook asks Joon Hyung as he hasn't said anything. "Daebak(Awesome). Like really daebak. If you don't choose her, you'll regret it. I promise you."

Joon Hyung says seriously towards the sevens and Jackson has never seen his hyung, Joon Hyung but mostly he calls him Joon with the hyung so Joon hyung, that serious. The same thought inside the sevens' minds; Is it really her?

"Are you being serious or are you just acting, Joon Hyung-ssi?" One of the panelists asks him and he looks at them still in awe. "I'm serious. If you don't choose her, you'll regret it!" Joon Hyung says and at the end he laughs because they were joking with him due to him being too serious.

Lee Sang Min and Park Joon Hyung gave more reasons to why the sevens should choose their mystery singer and ended after a few minutes. "Alright, GOT7 should choose one mystery singer to sing with. Whose voice did you see?" Leetuk asks and made a motion with his hand. GOT7 was huddled together again.

"I'm siding with Joon hyung. I've never seen him so serious before. He's always childlike whenever we hang out but that's what my gut is telling me so I don't know with you guys." Jackson says his thoughts and the rest of the sevens nod their heads, understanding what Jackson said.

"Sang Min hyung also gave good reasons too but I'm siding with Jackson. I feel something in my gut that number 7 should sing with us. Don't you remember what Haneul said to us before? To trust our gut?" Yugyeom says and everyone was stunned at his last sentence. "You're right, she did say that. Let's trust our guts boys."

Mark says and the sevens nods their heads at the same time and faced towards everyone with a determined look. "The voice we see and want to sing with is...." Jaebeom trails off as he looks at everyone who were waiting for the answer.

His eyes laid on Haneul's with determination. "Number 7!" Those two words created chaos in the set and to people who were watching on tv. "Alright! Number 7 please stand next to GOT7." Leetuk says as he guides her to the sevens with a smile, his smile meant being proud of her.

Shindong and Hwanhee tries to fight off a smile coming out knowing she did it, knowing she got chosen. Number 6 left to go to the stage of truth. The two guys in number 6 stood on the stage of truth as they were being brought forth. Number 6 said some words before starting their performance.

They get ready as they descended down the stage since they'll also dance. The two guys got into their position as guys in black came into view and took their positions as well. Everyone did not expect that to happen and the song Hard Carry by GOT7 plays.

Mystery singers number 6 start their performance with the dance which they are skilled dancers. The moment they sang, everyone cheers for them and clapped for them. Their voices accompanied with the song made everyone dance with them. They made their performance entertaining for everyone. They ended the song and were accompanied by the MCs.

Mystery singers number 6 introduces themselves. "Mystery number 6 are skilled vocalists!" After exchanging a few words, they left after saying goodbye.

"The moment that everyone is waiting for! GOT7 and mystery singer number 7 please come forward to the stage!" Leetuk says as everyone becomes excited for the performance.

The whole time they were walking towards the stage, the sevens tries to make Haneul talk but she didn't budge. The sevens were getting nervous since they don't know if she really is the one behind Miracle7 but because of what they remembered from Haneul is to trust their gut and that's what they did.

The song, If You Do starts playing and everyone starts to be on edge. The sevens starts to sing.

"Jackson : So it's me again? Huh...

Mark : Why you gotta be like this? Forget it...

Jinyoung : Niga hamyeon Good naega hamyeon kkeut

Eotteoke maeil nage teullyeotdago malhaneunde

Igireyeogoman haji nunmuri neoui mugiji anni

Jackson : Cheoeumen dangdanghaeseo kkeullyeosseo

Hajiman maeil nan mureup kkulherosseo

Jogeum jalmothan geotdo bupullyeoseo

Nal jeolbyeogeurio mireo buchyeosseo Uh

Yugyeom : Kohsi molla geruado neol sranghanikka chameul su isseosseo

BamBam : Every day every night feel like a fool, you gotta know

Yugyeom : Neon naege waewaewae tto hwaman naenaenae

Jinyoung : Uri dasi doragal su isseulkka~"

Everyone was waiting for Haneul to sing the chorus but they didn't expect what comes next. The song lowers and just like Haneul planned, the video she said to show came into view in the big monitor. "Isn't that the video Miracle7 posted at midnight?" Mark asks as he sees the video being played. The sevens, the panels, the audience and to everyone who was watching were shocked and didn't expect that.

The video played as the masked Haneul begins to talk. "Hey guys! This is Miracle7. For the past years, I've been in Instagram and Twitter posting my videos for you guys to enjoy and in all those videos, I haven't shown my face. I guess I like being mysterious. Hehe." Everyone chuckles with her since they think that she's cute.

"I've been hiding my face ever since I started posting my videos and I guess it's finally time I reveal myself to you guys." Haneul in the video tilts her head and showed her eyes smiling. Everyone smiles with her due to her eyes smiling cutely.

"I'd like to thank everyone who liked and loved watching my videos. Even after revealing myself, whether you guys stay or not, I'll always show the best version of me and show you more amazing videos soon. Here I go!"

The Haneul in the video gets ready to remove her mask. "This can't be real, right?" One of the panelists asks what everyone was thinking while Haneul was watching Ms. Mok who was going to signal her on when she'll start singing.

The Haneul in the video removes her mask completely. Everyone was shocked and stunned especially GOT7 and Taecyeon while Hwanhee, Shindong and Leetuk looks proud. GOT7 looks at the masked Haneul beside them and they heard the last words in the video before it ended.

"Annyeonghaseyo! Seon Haneul-imnida! The one behind Miracle7." The video ended there and Ms. Mok made a motion for Haneul to start singing.

Haneul smiles, removes her mask and begins to sing and dance to the song on cue.

"Haneul : Niga hamyeon da manneun mari dwae

Niga hamyeon nan igiji mothaneunde

Gapjagi neon ttan sarami dwae

Joheul ttae deo nareul buranhage hae

Haneul : Naega hamyeon neon naega hamyeon

Mwon malmanhamyeon neon maeil heeojyeo

Naega deo dagagaji mothage

Deo saranghaji mothage hae, oh..."

Haneul sang her heart out, having fun while dancing. Everyone was amazed and cheered for Haneul. GOT7 were also stunned in their spot as they felt like idiots for not seeing the obvious. They joined her in the fun. When it was Mark's and BamBam's turn to rap, Haneul raps with them both.

"Mark and Haneul : Ni jeongongeun haetdeon yaegi tto hagi

Yeopguri jjilleoseo jeol batgi

Imi jeonghaejin jaepan batgi jichyeosseo

Beoseonago sipeo jeolbakhi

BamBam and Haneul : Neohanteneun chingu naegen barameul pilsu

Inneun buranhan jongjadeul il ppun

Tto dareun silsu niga hamyeon ok

Naega hamyeon huh~"

Everyone was shocked again by Haneul's rap skills. The sevens smiled brightly when she rapped with Mark and BamBam. Haneul became a back up singer, singing and rapping for the others when it came to the rest of the sevens' part to let them sing and rap.

" Yugyeom : Nan jebal jeokdanghi hagireul

Baraedo neon kkeunchi mothane

Mark : Jadaga tuk chimyeon naoneun mal jalhalge

Jackson : Hal mal eopseul ttaen kkok na jalge

Mark : Dapdaphae nuguege hantanhae

Jackson made Haneul say this part : Gakkeum gathin geotcheoreom chakgakhae~"

Everyone was having fun as they danced along and swayed with the beat. The sevens weren't only happy that they got their pick right but also Haneul revealed herself in front of them. Haneul dances for the rest of the parts.

"Jaebeom : Niga hamyeon da manneun mari dwae

Niga hamyeon nan igiji mothaneunde

Gapjagi neon ttan sarami dwae

Joheul ttae deo nareul buranhage hae

Youngjae : Naega hamyeon neon naega hamyeon

Mwon malmanhamyeon neon maeil heeojyeo

Naega deo dagagaji mothage

Deo saranghaji mothage hae, oh...

Haneul : It's up to you if you wanna break up

I don't care

Just do whatever you want

It doesn't matter to me

I'll just go to sleep

Jinyoung : Every day, every night

Feel like a fool, you gotta know

Yugyeom : Neon naege waewaewae tto hwaman naenaenae

Jackson : Uri dasi doragal su isseulkka!"

The ending is coming so Youngjae and Jaebeom told Haneul to sing the last part with him and Youngjae to finish.

" Jaebeom and Haneul : Niga hamyeon da manneun mari dwae

Niga hamyeon nan igiji mothaneunde (ooh...)

Gapjagi neon ttan sarami dwae (ttan sarami dwae)

Joheul ttae deo nareul buranhage hae

Youngjae and Haneul : Naega hamyeon neon naega hamyeon (oh... oh...)

Mwon malmanhamyeon neon maeil heeojyeo

Naega deo dagagaji mothage (mothage)

Deo saranghaji mothage hae, oh...~"

Haneul finishes with the 'oh' and the song ended. Everyone clapped and cheered, even did a standing ovation. They really enjoyed the performance. The sevens hug Haneul and being suddenly hugged by the sevens is not what Haneul expected.

The sevens let go of Haneul and stood beside her with wide smiles. "I can see that you guys are happy for getting the right mystery singer as well as the famous Miracle7's moment of revealing herself on national and maybe international tv. How are you guys feeling?" Leetuk asks with a smile.

"We feel happy and lucky that we witnessed the reveal of Miracle7 and even sang, danced and rapped with her." Jaebeom says as he wraps his arm around Haneul shoulder which Haneul did not expect since she feels like ahgases are going to get mad. "Not only that..." Mark trails off and wraps his arm around Haneul's shoulders, overlapping Jaebeom's arm.

"We actually know her but we didn't know she's the one behind Miracle7. We felt stupid for not noticing and seeing the obvious." Mark explains which shocked everyone. They did not expect them to reveal that or say that.

"Now that we know it's her, we feel proud actually." Jackson says as he ruffles Haneul's hair. "How about you? Can you please introduce yourself to us again?" Leetuk asks which Haneul nods her head. She swiftly pulls herself out of Jaebeom's and Mark's arms, their arms flop down to their sides, some found that cute and funny.

"Annyeonghaseyo! Seon Haneul-imnida! I am 18 years old and I'm the girl behind Miracle7." Haneul says as she gets it off of her chest. "How do you feel?" Leetuk asks and Haneul just smiles. "I feel awesome, like I just opened up a part of me to the people who have been with me since I started posting videos."

Haneul says truthfully and smiles innocently to the camera. "Thank you." Haneul bows to the camera after saying her thanks sincerely towards everyone who have liked and loved her videos and everyone who saw felt her sincerity.

"Ain't that nice? So how did you and GOT7 meet since you said you guys know each other?" Leetuk says and asks the last part to Mark who became nervous and just realized what he said earlier. He was embarrassed to say it but Jackson says it like it's nothing.

"Oh, she helped me and Mark in a tough situation last time, then she met the rest of the members in a event and from there we kept meeting unexpectedly and intentionally to the point we became really close. She's like a part of us even if we knew each other for a few days or weeks. We feel comfortable with her."

Jackson's bluntness stunned everyone but he told the truth and everyone believed what he said. They didn't think negatively about that and did not mind because that's life and maybe fate.

Ahgases right now felt sad but also happy that they have someone they find comfortable with. They don't mind if it's a girl because it's their choice and life. Ahgases know their limits and are happy with what decisions GOT7 makes. What makes GOT7 happy makes ahgases happy as well. GOT7 does whatever it takes to make ahgases happy and so does ahgases towards GOT7.

"With that, we'll end the show with a surprise performance!" Leetuk says and the stage splits into two. Everyone did not expect a surprise at the end. Haneul and the sevens make way for the ones walking towards the stage. Everyone's eyes went wide, seeing who they were. Haneul did not expect to see her group in the last performance in SM Ent.

Hyoyeon, Amber, D.O, Lay, Kai and Taemin walks towards the stage with their Just Right outfits, ready to perform. Everyone was shocked to see the SM Ent. idols to appear and what shocked them again was Hyoyeon and Amber walking towards Haneul and tugs her towards the group to get ready.

"I don't see Rey." Haneul says as she arrives to the group. "Mr. Lee didn't want Rey to be seen yet so D.O is taking her place. We wanted to surprise you and here we are! Aren't you surprised? Hyoyeon asks with a smile and Haneul looks at her group smiling at them. "Very."

Haneul and her group takes their positions and Just Right by GOT7 begin to play. Haneul and her group do their poses and start their performance.


Heeeyy guyss!! Hows the chapter?? Isn't it exciting to see Haneul reveal herself finally after how many years of not showing her face? Well, I'm happy for her even though she's just a fictional character I imagined. How I wish we could write our own world where we get to choose what we want to be and to do.

Well, I want to be in a fantasy world where I have powers HAHAHAH like I'm obsessed with powers and fantasies. What you do want to be in?

See you in the next chapter guyss!! You're doing great so keep it up! I'm telling you that you are amazing and keep going forward!

