
Chapter 85



Today also Jimin didn't came to college and I am getting agitated more and more. The looks Jeongguk has been giving me from past few days are making me feel guiltier and on top of that Mr. Min has also been avoiding me from past few days. Not much but I can tell he is trying to keep his distance. In short my life is 'perfect'. Right now I am sitting on the couch and watching some anime on my laptop and munching on some chips. But my thoughts were only on Jimin. "Hey Taehyung? Did you see my phone? I think I left that somewhere here." Came Yunki hyung's voice. When I lifted my eyes, I saw him searching behind cushions. "I don't know. I haven't seen any phone here." "Really? Damn! I need to call someone and that is not with me I..." "Yunki, it's here" came Jin hyung's voice. "You left it there in the room when you came to me." "Oh thank you hyung." "By the way I am going back to mansion to bring some clothes." "Alone? No it's dangerous for you." "Don't worry Yunki I won't be alone. Hobi will be with me and I think after last night, that person won't come back again." "You can never no hyung but fine if Hoseok is with you. Stay safe both of you and call me if anything happens" "I will" with that hyung left. "Did you talk to Jimin?" Yunki hyung sat next to me but with a one person gape between us making me pout lightly. His body was turned in my direction slightly. "No. He is absent for two days as you already know and he didn't answer any of my calls and messages." "You should clear the misunderstanding as soon as possible or you will loose him." "I-I am gonna tell him the truth." I spoke hesitantly. "What truth?" He asked with a frown. "That I don't love him but you." I said firmly looking into his eyes. His eyes slightly widen making me nervous again. "Are you crazy? You are gonna loose him like that!" "There is no point in dragging this fake relationship anymore hyung." He averted his eyes with a frown. "You know that I will never love you so doing this won't bring me closer" "I know. I am not doing this for getting closer to you but to prevent Jimin from getting hurt anymore." "You think he won't get hurt when he knows?" "He will. But a painful truth is far better than a beautiful lie. I can't keep him in dark for longer hyung. Our relationship is not like before anymore so it's better to end this here." "D-Do whatever you like" with that he left. I sighed finally determined to solve everything now. I dialed Jimin's number but as usual got no response so I decided to go to his apartment instead. I am taking this step now because maybe tomorrow I won't have same courage and Hobi hyung was right. The soon the better. I got up from the couch and headed to my room to wear something warm. After finally going with a dark blue hoodie with ice blue jeans underneath and black gloves, I headed out. I was chanting that I can do it. Everything will be fine after this and with that I finally reached at their door. I hesitantly rang the bell and waited for him to open the door but to my disappointment, it was his brother Jeongguk who opened the door and whose face soon got a frown after seeing me. "What are you doing here?" "I want to talk to Jimin." "He is sleeping." He was about to close the door but I held it. "Please Jeongguk. It's really important for me to talk to him now." "Why? So that you can make him cry again?" I sighed "Please" "No" I somehow was able to got inside and quickly ran to Jimin's room's door before knocking it. "Jimin!" "Hey you rascal come back! I won't let you disturb him." came Jeongguk's voice but I ignored him. After few seconds the door opened revealing a poker faced Jimin. "What you want?" He asked without giving me any glance. "Hyung I promise I tried to stop him." Came Jeongguk's voice "Jimin please we need to talk. Please hear me out for once." His eyes met mine for a second before turning to look behind. "Gguk we will be in my room OK?" I relaxed. "But hyung you will talk to him after that time?" "I think everyone deserves an explanation" I started feeling guilty by then. I heard Jeongguk sighed and darted to his room after stomping his foot. We both walked into his room and he locked the door behind. He walked to his bed and sat down while I was still standing near the door before he gestured me to sit on a chair and I did. "What you want to talk about?" He asked coldly making me shiver lightly. "I-I am sorry" he scoffed but I continued nonetheless. "It was all my mistake...I should....I should tell you before." "When?" "Huh?" "When did this all start?" his eyes were boring holes into me by then "When...When I first time met him" I lowered my head in shame and heard him laughed dryly. "And you are telling me now Kim Taehyung?" "It's not like this Jimin. I didn't know in start that I like him it was just a mere attraction which I thought will go away in two days but it has gone...increasing. I wanted to tell you before b-but was fearing to get you h-hurt." He got up from bed and walked towards me making me widen my eyes and I quickly got up from the chair. "Why?" He asked with his face too close to me that I could feel the heat of his anger radiating from his body or maybe that was just an imagination of mine. "I loved you Tae." I never saw him this hurt which shattered my heart too. "I loved you too Jimin." "Lier" "No Jimin I am not lying. I seriously loved you at one point of my life but..." he started laughing lightly but tears were streaming down his cheeks. "But. This is the one thing I was scared of coming between us. But. I loved you but. But what Tae? But I was not enough for you that you started loving someone else? But you got bored with me and decided to find someone better? BUT WHAT KIM TAEHYUNG?" I quickly shook my head in denial "No Jimin. Please don't say like this. You were more than enough for me. It's not my mistake that my heart decided to fall for someone else." "Then whose mistake is this Tae? Mine?" "It's no one's mistake. Please Jimin. Please forgive me." "H-How? How shall I forgive you? Would you have forgiven me if I did something like this? Tell me Kim Taehyung would you?" I remained silent "You wouldn't"
