
Chapter 56


"Hyung lets go for dance" Gguk said excitedly while I was feeling nervous. I don't want to get near him for now after what happened before. I am scared. Scared of my own thoughts which were unknowingly taking place in my mind. I don't know what this feeling is but it is making me scared but low key excited. Before I could refuse or even let out a word he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room. Mom and Dad along with Namjoon hyung have already left. Hyung was looking sad or maybe it was just my imagination but I hope he gets fine soon. He is really missing Jin hyung these days and I have no idea what Jin hyung is doing but I hope he comes to Namjoon hyung soon. Before I realized we already got into hall and Gguk was dragging me somewhere I had no idea about. My eyes fell on Hoseok hyung who was with Jennie. They were kissing or more like trying to eat each others faces. I noticed that the mood of the party got much wilder after mom and dad left. Instead of romantic music it's now some dirty songs playing which I have never heard before. People started getting wild with each other and many drinks have arrived from nowhere. It looks like all the drinks are very expensive and I can't even name most of them. I nudged Jeongguk feeling disappointed and slightly angry at him. He stopped and turned to face me with questioning face. "Why the you wasted all your money on these drinks? Were you out of your mind? You should have at least done some savings instead of wasting them on useless things." I hissed. He furrowed and then look around before looking back at me. "I have no hand in this hyung. This was all Hoseok hyung's Idea. I didn't give a penny for all these trust me." I nodded finally relaxing and he started dragging me again. Where the he wants to take me? Suddenly he stopped making me stop with him and turned around. "This place is perfect. We can dance here." He smiled and pulled me towards him with my waist making me collide with his chest and I blushed profusely. After finally calming down I looked around and noticed we were in some corner with less crowded space giving us enough space to dance properly. I tried to push him away to get a descent gape between us but he held me even tighter making me glare at him. "I love your smell hyung. Please stay close to me, just like this." He whispered in my ear due to loud music playing, making me blush and I averted my gaze. Why the hell am I feeling like this? Why am I getting all shy with my brother? I looked around to clear my mind from awkwardness and my eyes landed on Tae who was standing alone in another corner staring at something, or...I should say, someone. Someone whom I have started hating these days. That someone was just drinking and looking at his glass but MY boyfriend have to stare at him like he is the most beautiful person. I hate this. I hate what I am seeing. Or am I just overthinking? Tae cannot do that to me right? He loves me. He cannot... cheat me, right? "Who are you looking at?" whispered a deep husky voice in my ear making me shiver lightly and finally turning back to meet his eyes. "Nothing" I mumbled. "Today your eyes are only for me hyung. They should look only at me and no one else" why am I liking his words? Why they are making me excited. I inhaled a deep breath to clear my mind but a peck on my lips thrown me back to all those unknown emotions again.


Mr. and Mrs. Jeon has already left and the way mood of this party has changed has surprised me. I am currently standing in some corner alone staring at him. Just by sitting and having a drink, he still looks ethereal. Is there something ugly about him? I don't think so that that word was ever made for him. He is much far away from that and much closer to perfect. A smile appeared on my face just by looking at him. After the...umm...kiss, he never talked to me let alone look at me. Talking about kiss. I will never know how the hell I got the enough courage to ask for such a thing and that also to him. Before I was scared even to look into his eyes but the next second I asked him to kiss me. But I don't regret anything at least I got to feel those lips which I was fantasizing for few days. But the fact that this was our first and last kiss, panged my heart. My heart is saying I want him but my brain is saying that I can't. Only if I was not with Jimin, me and hyung can be together. But what he was saying before? He did something horrible? What could that really be? It won't be that bad right? It's not like he has murdered someone or someone. Yeah my hyung can never do that. When we came inside he disappeared in the ocean of people and I didn't have the courage to go in search for him so I just spotted a less crowded corner and went there after grabbing some non alcoholic drink. I was looking around the people aimlessly when I noticed him emerging out from the crowed with a drink in his hand and sat on one of the lounge stool. He looked slightly drunk but that didn't hide his beauty. I was just kept staring at him unknowingly since then. Suddenly he turned to me and looked straight into my eyes more like glared into them. I shuddered at his dark glare but didn't averted my gaze. Why he is looking at me like that? Did I do something wrong? Is-is he angry ab-about the kiss? The thought made me teared up. He looked away and got up after putting his glass back on the table beside him and went out. Then I realized that he left the party. I wanted to go after him, stop him and apologize for everything but it felt like my legs were froze. What if...What if he won't talk to me anymore? I wiped my tears before someone see me in this state and walked to a couch and sat. This place was even lesser crowded giving me enough space to contemplate my thoughts. I felt the couch beside me sank but didn't tried to turn or even look at whoever sat there. "So you really have a boyfriend huh?" The familiar voice made me snap and look at the person who was none another than the boy from the kitchen. What was his name exactly? Booheon? Kooheon? Whatever. I am in no state of remembering anything now. He was staring at me with a slight mischievous smile on his face making me feel awkward and avert my eyes from him. "I thought Yunki hyung was joking before but it seems like you are already taken." He spoke again. "H-how do you know?" I asked again looking at him but curiously. "I saw you kissing him." He replied and I got confused. "What? But I didn't kiss Jimin today." I said. "Jimin? Who is he? He asked with a frown. "My boyf" Then I realized what exactly he was talking about. He saw me and hyung kissing before and now he thinks that hyung is my boyfriend. Oh god why the hell I said Jimin's name? Now he will think I am cheating on him and will probably tell him. He started smirking making me gulp in fear. "Someone is interested in two timing?" I clenched my fists and looked away. "Is there any place for the third?" He asked making me glare at him. "What the ? I am not one of your ." I snapped. "But I promise none of your two boys will know about me. Just one night?" "Just leave from here before I punch you hard." "Oh my baby boy is angry? How adorable" He was still smirking making me pissed. Then his smirk converted into a serious look making me slightly nervous. "If you love Yunki hyung then why are you with this Jimin guy?" He asked and I widened my eyes. What the he is saying? "I was noticing for the whole time and I saw you were only looking at Yunki hyung. I never saw you glance at any other guy nor talking to this Jimin of yours." "W-what are you saying?" I stuttered nervously. "I know Yunki hyung for a long time along with Hobi and Namjoon since we all are rappers and never once during whole time I saw hyung liking someone. For one time I started thinking that he is aual until I heard his love story with some guy in high school. He didn't tell me willingly but he was drunk one night and blurted out his secrets along with...many other secrets." He got lost in his thoughts at the end of the sentence and I wonder does he really knows about hyung's life? Can he then tell me what horrible thing hyung was talking about? "He...He told me that he did something horrible" He snapped out of this thoughts and looked at me seriously. "He did. But that was not his mistake. He shouldn't torture himself like this. He was just trying to save Hyunki." I looked at him confused as the mention of new unknown name. "Hyunki? Who is he?" I asked curiously. "He looked at the ground then back at me. "It's not my place to tell. It's hyung's" I pouted slightly not getting enough information which I wanted. "But remember, he is so fragile from inside so never hurt him. He is like an elder brother to me and if you ever hurt him...I will kill you." I widened my eyes and before I could react he left me lost in my new clutter of thoughts. Ugh! What exactly you are hiding hyung?
