
Chapter 49



"How is this shirt?" I asked for the nth time. "Hyung everything suits you" he replied for the nth time. I glared at him irritated with his constant replies. "You do realize that you are not helping even a bit right?" "Gosh hyung! It's not my fault that you are ing hot and y and top of that you are cute too and whatever you wear cannot make you look any less beautiful so everything suits you." I blushed and stood there wide eyed for few seconds before clearing my throat. "Umm...Whatever I am going to buy this then" I mumbled and selected a pair of t-shirt and jeans which I thought looks better on me than the rest. After he did the payment we went out and he called a cab and gave an unknown address to the driver of which I have never heard before. "Gguk! Where are we going? Weren't you going to take me for lunch?" I asked confused. "Trust me hyung" He replied while giving me his famous bunny smile. I blinked once. Twice but then decided to go with it. We both crawled at the back seat and I was about to put my earphones when he snatched them "Pay attention to me instead." I groaned but obliged smiling later and we started chatting on random topics. I got so engrossed in the chat that I didn't even realized when the cab came to halt. I looked out of the window and noticed that we were in what seemed like the middle of some forest? Why Gguk brought me here? "Don't tell me that you are planning on killing me here Gguk" I commented after stepping out of the cab. He chuckled and shook his head in denial. He paid the driver and he droved away leaving only me and Gguk and lots of trees surrounding us. "Why are we here?" I asked again. He gave one of his hand to me to hold while carrying the shopping bags in another. I lifted my hand and hold onto his and he squeezed my hand which for some unknown reasons gave me tingling feeling. "Lets go" He whispered into my ear sealing my lips from his spell to speak any further which I didn't know until now that he possessed and I just nodded my head. For some reasons I was not feeling scared or terrified. We could get lost, we could get attacked by animals or even a group of gangsters but instead I was feeling safe which I have only felt with him in my life. Neither my parents nor Tae can give me this feeling of extreme safety and peace which I feel with him only. It's like he is my home. Sometimes this attachment of mine with him makes me scared. Is it possible to get this attached with your brother? He laced our fingers and gave a light squeeze telling that he will always be with me. The thought elicited a smile on my face. The way we were walking on was not so smooth. There were many rocks and pebbles even small bushes were making our pace slow. He suddenly stopped making me bump into his back and then lightly stumble back. He turned around and lifted me up in his arms making me squealed in surprise. "W-what are you doing?" "There are so many rocks hyung and I don't want to get you hurt." "b-but it can slower down our speed and you will be tired." I spoke trying hard to not blush anymore than I already was. Why am I even blushing? It's just Gguk and not Tae. "What are you saying? You are as light as feather hyung. I can barely feel your weight." I hit his chest and rolled my eyes but wrapped my arms around his neck for support. He smiled at me before giving a peck on my forehead making me blush even more before resuming his walk. The look, the emotion which I saw before, now I see that every time in his eyes. Does something changed or was it always there and I never paid attention? Whatever it is but I cannot decipher it. "We are finally here hyung." He whispered while looking down into my eyes and for some reasons which even I didn't know, I couldn't move my eyes away from him until he spoke again. "Hyung?" I blinked and blushed and turned my head in front and what I saw made my eyes widen and mouth parted in surprise. "Happy birthday hyung." I didn't realize when I started crying and he put me down delicately like I will break just by a mere touch. "G-Gguk?" "My surprise for you hyung. I don't know if you like it." I turned towards him teary eyed. "Like? I more than love it Gguk. Thank you so much but you didn't have to do it." "It's nothing in front of you hyung. I can do anything for your single smile." I choked and hugged him tightly. "Did you plan to spend whole night here or are you going inside." He said while chuckling and stroking my hair. I nodded and detached myself from him and he again intertwined our fingers and led me inside. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMIN!!!" Came a lot of people's voice making me flinched a little. My eyes first fell on my mom and dad standing together and giving me warm smiles. So this was their emergency. I smiled at them. Next to them was standing Tae who smiled and winked at me making me smile again. Next to him was Yunki hyung also giving me his gummy smile which I have seen first time and kind of got mesmerized by it and I smiled at him too. Next to him was Hoseok hyung giving me his sunshine smile while holding Jennie in his arm who was also smiling at me. And at last was Namjoon hyung smiling his dimple smile. There were many more people too which I never met before. Everything was so beautiful and mesmerizing. I couldn't stop myself from crying again and walked to them. They all hugged me one by one while wishing. "This was all Gguk's idea how was it?" Namjoon hyung asked and I turned to Gguk while smiling in tears and thanked him. "Yah! We all arranged this." said Hosek hyung grumbling and I chuckled and thanked them all.
