
I’m a causal with Godly Powers

Life was very calm and simple for one man, but that all changed when many people, including that one man, around the world fell into deep comas. He and the others awoke a few months later, only to find that they’ve awoken with powers. Powers that he man was all to familiar with. Others woke up with the same powers as him, but his being a lot different than theirs. They were gifted those for one reason, and one reason only. That reason is to fight of out-worldly beings/creatures that come through portals from their world to Earth.

Yucano · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter 6

You know, I knew I felt as if someone was next me on the floor and that someone was Harribel with her head on my chest and and draped around my stomach. Then a leg draped across mine own two legs. As nice as this felt being close to her, we had other things to do.

I go to move her arm away but as soon as I moved it just a little her she groaned in her sleep and put her arm back where it was. She pulled me tighter against her and cuddled into me more. I sighed as I started to poke her face to wake up.

"Hey, rise and shine sleeping beauty" I said softly. I poke her cheek. She swats my offending hand away and digs her face into my side. "Harribel c'mon, we gotta get up already. We got a long day ahead of us" I said with another poke.

She groaned again and as she tiredly looked up at me with spite after waking her up. I shrugged and poked her again. "Hurry and get up. The faster we get those errands done, the faster we can do some training." This got her eyes to widen just a bit as she slowly got up and did a little bit of stretching.

"What kind of errands are we going to do?" She said through a yawn.

I roll out of bed and do quick Flash Step (fast movement ability for Soul Reaper's) to my closet. I pull some clothes out for me and Harribel and toss them on the bed.

"I'm going to take you to the mall so you can pick some clothes to wear" I said as I Flash Step back to to the bed and grab my clothes. "Hurry and put these clothes I got on the bed for you" toss a basic white tee and jeans at her. "You can change here and I'll change in the bathroom."

"Why do we have to change in separate places?" She quickly asked. "Why not both of us change here?"

I wasn't shocked she asked that. "Why the hell are you so different?" My question made her look at me quizzically.

I did I few laps around her trying to find anything that was off about her, but I couldn't find anything. "It's so strange…" I said as started to get lost in thought.

I had no idea whats making her personality change. I mean she's still the same. Half-way open eyes, as if she looked tired. Not too loud of a voice, but loud enough to hear. She looks the same too. There wasn't anything that I can spot that was different. The only thing odd is how she's acting towards me. I'm a complete stranger to her.

I know she for reason she has feelings for me and even said she trusts me, but why? I just can't wrap my mind around it. So many theories going on in my head to the reason that might affecting her. Some making sense, but others I had to do some digging into.

My thoughts are then interrupted from a certain someone hugging me from the back. Her arms wrapped across my chest as I felt two soft pillowy orbs push up against me. I felt my face heat up a little as I look over my shoulder to find Harribel looking up at me with her same half lidded eyes looking back up at me.

I jump a little as her hands started to get grabby. I felt her hands slide under my shirt as I felt her fingers trace the outline of my abs in very tantalizingly way. Her hands then started to go down south as I felt her grip the hem of my sweat pants.

At that second of me feeling that I brought my hand over my shoulder and put a little power into a forehead flick to her head. Her head flew back a bit and she skidded back a few feet. She fall to her knees holding her forehead in pain. I shook my head as got rid of the intrusive thoughts I was having.

"For Christ sake girl, you need to keep your hands to yourself" I said with a disappointment sigh. "Now hurry up and change so we can do what we have to do."


I don't know how many times I'm going to sigh today, but I feel like I'm going to be doing it a lot. At the moment we are currently out on the streets of San Diego heading towards the mall. So far, no one suspects a thing who Harribel is. Though, we are getting a lot stares due to me being well known around here and cause the stunning beauty who was wrapped around my arm.

Many people waved towards me and I respectfully waved back some even came up to me and personably thanked me for keeping the world safe. It's a nice thing for people to do this. It always brightens my mood and I can tell the Arrancar was getting annoyed about it. I started to notice less people coming up to me as they all stayed a good distance away and just waved my way. I found out that Harribel was glaring at the people who wanted to come to me, but quickly turned the other way when they saw her staring at them.

I can understand people being scared of her; she is quite intimidating. For me though, she's quite annoying. Especially how she's being very clingy at the moment.

Don't get me wrong, it's cute and all, but this is odd behavior coming from a female character from an anime who's always been looked as a very calm and collected individual. So seeing this behavior from her is kind of weird. Hopefully it doesn't turn into some kind of obsession.

'Though, that wouldn't feel to bad to think of a girl who's fucking hot as hell obsessing over you.' I thought with a dopey smile. I then quickly remembered what we were doing and got rid of any pervy thoughts I was having. Can't be having those thoughts, I have to stay focused.

As we walked I felt Harribel press my arm in between her breasts and the thoughts I just rid of soon flooded right back into my head. I covered my face with one hand to let anyone see my blushing face.

'I have a feeling this is going to get a lot crazier than it is now.'