


As weeks months years passed me and Jungkook trained together. Namjoon helped me to make master plans, hacking them and tracking them down. Rem, Ash, Rob are now in hell. Next Nat and finally Blackmask.

I walked into a club. Went to it's washroom and changed my huntress outfit into a normal girl's outfit and came out. I went into my car.

I stopped the car infront of my house. I mean our. I lifted the heavy big bag and went in. I walked into the kitchen. I moved a cupboard. I lifted a wood from the floor. I can see the stairs now. After fixing the wood back I went down holding the big heavy bag. As I reached down I went to the door and scanned my retina. And the door opened.

Revealing my baby. Aww, he is soo cute. As he saw me he run towards me. He jumped on me making me fall with the bag. I petted him. He is m hyena. I call him "Hunter".

I opened the bag there was the "thirsty man's" deadbody.

me: My boy is hungry? momma got a meal for you. Human body your favorite right?

Hunter already started to eat him up.

me: Woah! easy boy, easy.

I stood up and went up at home. As I went upstairs I saw Jungkook in my room, walking this to that side. I fake coughed. He looked at me and ran to me. He immediately hugged me, I hugged him back.

Kookie: You are alive!

me: Obviously. killing mice is easy kookie.

I broke the hug and went to the balcony. He came behind me.

me: well the rumors are funny no?

Jungkook laughed and said, Our neighbors think that we are engaged!!

me: hahaha. We are not even dating. But fine excuse to live with you. Cause in their point of view, I am a girl whom you have been dating for years. So none will look after my true identity. So no princess or huntress. So we are safe from tracking.

Kookie: Yeah but because of this rumor I am going to get no girlfriend and you won't get a boyfriend either.

me: Seems like I want one.

Kookie: maybe you don't but I do.

me: What?Boyfriend?*teasingly*

Kookie: No girlfriend you poophead.

me: Aww my lil bunny is so grown now. Anyway, my boy was all alone down there. Why didn't you went to him?

Kookie: Yah I don't want to die now. And also because of your rumor, I don't want to die being a virgin.

me: Yah!! My boy is so innocent. He only eats deadbodies.

Kookie: Yup. After he will kill me I am going to be a deadbody anyway.

me: Come on oppa!

Kookie said in an annoyed tone, Don't call me oppa. It's "Jungkook". J goes to U, U goes to N, N goes to G, G goes to K, K goes to mingle Os, Mingle Os goes to K. "JUNGKOOK". Should I spell Kookie also?

me: fine..forgive me and have some mercy. I am going to meet Jackie now. bye~

As I went out of our house. I was going to the tree I planted for Jackson. It was a "Sakura" you know cherry tree. I love it when it blooms in spring. On my way to the backyards, I felt a back hug. Let me guess, It's Namjoon. Only he hugs me this tight from the back. Ouch, that really hurts.

me: Yah! Jerk loosen up it hurts.

Joonie: Glad to see you alive.

me: Why everyone wants me to die tonight?

Namjoon chuckled. As he broke the hug I turned to him.

me: So you got him? I wanna end it soo soon.

Joonie: Let's go to our secret base first.

me: Okay.....

As we went to the underground secret base where hunter is.

I am sitting next to Namjoon and on my other side hunter is sleeping. I am softly patting him. As Jungkook seated a bit away. Aww cute scared bunny.

me: Now tell me you got Nat?

Joonie: He is already dead.

me: Fucking what?*shocked*

Joonie: Remember we heard a gun shoot while exiting from your mansion years ago? Guess it was him.

me: It's surprising that how can a man kill his own gang member! But guess pretty normal in cruel Blackmask's case. But are you sure?

Joonie: Yeah I checked on the report agent 001 made. And the evidence says that tho. Well, it can be a plastic surgery drama also. Maybe he is living in any other face. So don't worry I won't stop searching.

me: Blackmask is so bad. He didn't gave me the chance to take my own revenge. But how did you get a chance to see the report agent 001 made?

Joonie: Well it's something that almost took my life to finish. It was as dangerous task as controlling your anger.

I pouted.

Jungkook lightly chuckled and said, What about Blackmask hyung?

me: Yeah Joon...After that my revenge will end and I can go in peace.

Joonie: I am unable to track him.*sigh*

me: Yah! come on! how long will it take? I want to kill him so desperately. First I will give him electric shock, Then I will cut his fingers including his legs ones. Then my Hunter will cut his dick off. after that I will just give him an acid shower. After that shoot him in both eyes.....

Namjoon yelled, Stop it already! will you?!?!

Then he let out a big sigh and said, Your mind is all about violence! can't you be the old Y/n. Even if it's just for a day?

Kookie: Yeah Y/n! you were so cute back then.

me: Okay guys I changed. You get that? I changed.

Joonie: I have an idea for you. You will Join The University. WHERE NORMAL HUMANS STUDY. Well you know hacking so well so how about C.S.E? Don't worry about admission. Everything is ready.

me: Wait! what? No.

Joonie: Want me to shave your eyebrows?

me: Should I get the trimmer or you will?

Joonie: Come on Y/n.....Ok, then I won't help you to trace Blackmask. I ALREADY COLLECTED SOME IMPORTANT DATA YOU KNOW~

I got shocked but excited. So I let out a sigh and said, Fine.

As I can see the brightest smile on their faces.

me: Yah stop it now! And Kookie what about today's practice? It's 6 a.m already.

Kookie: Y/n not now. I was worried all night about you. So I couldn't sleep. I want to rest now.

me: What? I fought all night. I am not even tired now.

Kookie: Cause you have more strength than me. Happy? Now let me go.

me: Well I thought after practice I will buy you as much as banana milk you want~~never mind.

Jungkook jumped to get up and said in a serious tone, Yah! Why are you still sitting you lazy ass. We need to practice. Get up already!

As he started walking out. I looked and Namjoon and said, Today is the day you have to prove your friendship, My friend pay for the banana milk.*dramatically*

Before Namjoon could say anything I ran out.

Sorry guys for this late update. And I also know I am being so slow for Taehyung's entry. But wait up something is coming up soon.

CrazyFireflycreators' thoughts