
Hunter X Hunter: Road to Hell

A law-abiding citizen who was carried away by real estate, as well as a retired government-hired killer, was reborn in a new world where only the strongest have the right to speak. Will he survive and conquer new unknown lands?

Hellish_Rabbit · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs


Leo scratched his hand, feeling that something was crawling along with it. The irritation did not stop but only grew and then he slapped it with all his might. There was a splash of water and Leo opened his eyes from shock and jumped up. A frightened little crab that wanted to eat rotten meat fell off his hand and ran towards the sea, fearing that he would become food for this revived corpse.

The sea breeze blew in Leo face, the sun was just rising from behind the horizon and the low waves with foam looked really delightful like a painting from a canvas.

There was only one small problem. Leo lives in a densely populated city!

Clutching his head, which from sudden movements began to split, he slowly began to remember what he was doing. He stood on the balcony of his apartment on the 28th floor and considered new documents for an apartment in Moscow. The wind blew and snatched his documents from his hands, and then .. It seems like he was trying to catch them and the darkness embraced him.

"I died?" Leo said aloud to himself.

But pinching himself with all his fingers on the leg, he jumped from the pain, hissing. It was only then that he noticed that his hands looked incredibly strange. Short, thin, all in bites, as if some piranhas were trying to gnaw at him. Did he become a world traveler like in those fanfiction?

Leo checked his body first. Now he is its owner and he would not want to find a surprise wound. Fortunately, the body was not wounded by terrible wounds, only scratches, but incredibly thin. How many years he could not determine for him now, but it was clearly not enough. Or he was in the body of a dwarf ...

His stomach rumbled and he felt hungry heavily. The body seemed to understand that it was still alive and demanded food to rebuild itself. Looking around Leo saw a fishing boat nearby and, seeing no other way, went to look for the owners of this boat. Also, the strength was not enough even for a couple of steps and Leo, realizing that he was losing consciousness, fell facedown, holding on to his stomach. The pain was incredible and suddenly he felt as if something slipped under his hand. Removing his hand in horror, he watched as something slid like a snake under the skin on his stomach and it froze, as if realizing that it was noticed.

As if finding a second life, the body was filled with strength and Leo ran to the fishing boat and tools near it. There was no one around, but this did not really bother, since in his eyes there was only a sharp clean knife lying near the box. Grabbing a shiny object, he instantly calmed down. The light of eyes darkened in Leo and, as if he did not cut his stomach but was making breakfast, with precise movements, like a surgeon, he opened the skin without damaging the insides.

At the same time, Leo was surprised. The reflexes of this body were incredible, which is impossible with this child's body. Even with such hunger, his hands did not tremble - as if the body remembered all the reflexes from his part-time work from a past life, but that's basically impossible. Dropping the knife, he pierced something with his long nails and slowly pulled it out. Fortunately, IT did not grab the organs with its teeth and, leaving the body, curled up like a hose. The body was slippery black, mouths filled with teeth in front and back. From one species of this creature, ordinary people would die of fear, but Leo, as if doing this every day with a calm expression on his face, pressed the creature with a stone to a piece of wood.

Opening the fisherman's box, he saw a fishing line. Taking it out, he cut off the right amount. Then he found something thin and sharp and with all this healed the wound, ignoring the pain. Wiping the sweat from his brow, he turned his attention to the writhing creature. And taking a knife, he wiped it on a rag. Approaching, he sat down and looked closely at him. After examining him carefully, with careful movements of his hand like a conductor, he beheaded the creature twice. After that, he cut it lengthwise and looking at his insides as he walked away. Fortunately, Leo did not find any reproductive organs, so there were no eggs or larvae inside of the stomache, fortunately. The creature had only a gut and two mouths like a worm.

Turning it over carefully, he thought. In his past life, he did not remember such creatures. He did not know where the previous owner picked up this muck. Since the memories were difficult to remember as if they were all tainted. Some faces appeared in consciousness, anger was felt inside, but that was all. The previous owner is gone. His stomach felt better, so the problem was in the overgrown worm. The blood from the sewn-up skin stopped flowing.

After a little rest, he looked around again. Nearby there was some kind of path and, gathering his strength, clenching his teeth, he slowly walked, not wanting to open the wound. It was unpleasant but bearable. The path went further and further and finally he saw a field and something like a market with peoples walking there. Someone saw him and ran to him screaming, but who it was, with dull eyes Leo could not see.

Everything in his eyes swam and the earth embraced him.