
Hunter X Hunter: Road to Hell

A law-abiding citizen who was carried away by real estate, as well as a retired government-hired killer, was reborn in a new world where only the strongest have the right to speak. Will he survive and conquer new unknown lands?

Hellish_Rabbit · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs


Leo woke up in an unfamiliar room. The wooden ceiling greeted him. The first thing he did was check his hands. Seeing all the same small hands, but already bandaged, he was convinced that this was not a dream and he was reborn. Although how he died after everything he went through was... funny. How did he manage to fall out of the balcony? Or maybe someone "helped" him? It was a bad idea to drink alcohol back then.

Slowly, flexing his stiff muscles, he got up and went to the mirror.

A child of about eleven or twelve years old looked at Leo from the mirror. White hair falling down to the shoulders, black eyes absorbing light, very thin body. Carefully and quietly opening the door, he went out into the corridor and looked at the nearest window. From a simple wooden framed window on the second floor, a moonlit field could be seen. Deciding to find the one who helped him, Leo went to where the noise came from below.

From below came voices like an argument. Leo listened to the words in a strange pronunciation. But after listening to a little as if forgotten memories came back and he began to understand.

"I'm against you going there! He left you as a little irresponsible to his grandmother, and now you want to leave me for him? " - there was an angry female voice. - "You can even ask me all night, but I will not let you go! You are only twelve! "

"But when Ging took the exam, he was 12 too! I will write letters to you and I will visit you also after exams! " - spoke loudly a child's voice.

A sob was heard: "And look where it led! He left his family, his child, your mother unknown, and you see, he is traveling there somewhere !!! "

"So I'll go and find him! I want to know what it's like to be a Hunter that even a father will leave his child! Mito-san please let me go to the exam! "

Exam, Hunters, Gon ... It was like a small nuclear explosion occurred in Leo's head when he realized where he was.

World of Hunter x Hunter! A world of battles and blood. Violence and murder. A world of monsters and treasures that lie in uncharted lands. The strength of Nen that defies the very logic! A smile spread across Leo's face. The eyes narrowed and rolled back. "Fabulous," Leo whispered out loud as if in ecstasy.

Danger always beckoned to him. And in this life, he will not change. Finally returning to reality, he realized that he needed to go to the exam if he wanted to live this life to its fullest. But the body is incredibly weak and it takes at least a month to recover. Remembering the argument, he decided to listen again.

There was silence. Thinking that they had already finished arguing and he missed everything, he decided to go down when suddenly Gon spoke again. Without stopping, Leo silently descended the stairs and entered the doorway. Nobody noticed him. Mito was a rather beautiful woman, and Gon, exactly as if anime with his green clothes, sat opposite her at the table and looked at her like a ram that would die but get what he want. Suddenly, after a long silence and gazing into each other's eyes, a brilliant thought came to Gong.

"When dad went to the exam he caught that monster fish, the Master of the Waters. If I catch it, will you let me go? " - said Gon quietly.

Mito looked at him speechlessly.

"I have to tell you something. Father did not leave you, it was I who forced him through the court. " She hung her head in shame and stopped looking at Gon. "He wanted to leave you with his grandmother when he first brought you. But then I got angry with him and got custody of you. Ging left the island and I never saw him again. "

"I always knew that Aunt Mito" - Gon smiled all over his face - "When you lie, you don't look at me."

Mito smiled and wiped away her tears. Running to Gona, she hugged him.

"Well, if you catch the Master of the Waters, I'll let you go. But only if you do this! And now it's already night to sleep fast! "

Letting go of him from the embrace, she almost kicked him towards the door and only then dumbfounded noticed Leo standing.

"My God, why are you on your feet with your wounds!" She gasped

"Thanks for taking care of me," Leo bowed.

Mito waved her hand saying that was nonsense. "When you appeared then from the forest, we were all scared and did not know what to do. We don't have a hospital, so I decided to take you to us for a while. Where are your parents?"

"I don't know honestly, I don't even remember my name…" - Leo hung his head. And he was not lying. The name of the former owner of the body was on his tongue. And as if he had to open his mouth and say how the name disappeared. No matter how hard he tried, he could not remember either the name or the face from the memories.

"Well, don't worry, we don't mind you living with us until you remember your parents. In the meantime, go to bed tomorrow I'll ask my friends, maybe they know your parents. " - She said, taking Leo by the hand and leading him to where he came from.

"Goodnight!!" - Gon shouted and ran somewhere.

Leaving me in the room after checking the bandages Mito said good night and left. Drawing the curtains, Leo lay down. He will need to sleep well and start rebuilding his body tomorrow.

Morning has come. A small red bird was sitting on the window sill and intently hammering the window frame with its beak. Suddenly a hand appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the bird.

Grabbing the bird, Leo looked at her angrily. With a wave of his hand, he threw it towards the trees like stone. The bird was able to balance and in the fall unfolded its wings and flew away frightened. Having opened both frames, he decided to ventilate the room. Taking a deep breath, he looked at his nails. Stretching out his fingers, he bent them in two places and felt like nails were climbing out of the fingers. But the nails only came out a little. Apparently, this requires muscles. And now he has skin and bones. The reason he used it was simple. Some of his memories came back this morning. There was one where he caught a snake and ate it. He landed behind her. The snake 6 meters long did not even notice him. Stretching out his hand, the muscles and veins crawled out. Claws like an animal instead of nails appeared and with a wave of his hand he destroyed the snake's head into pieces. And then he took out a knife, cut it, and ate it. How such a guy ended up dead is a question, however.

Leo, wiping his sweat, remembered only one family where small children have such skills and nails. A family of assassins. Zoldicki.

But he didn't look like Kilua or anyone else from the original. Deciding to forget about it for a while, Leo went to the bathroom and went to the kitchen. While he could not hunt himself as in the memories due to the weakness of the body, so he will take advantage of Mito's kindness.

"Good morning," Leo said.

"Good morning, sit down." - the grandmother greeted. Mito said hello too.

After a quick breakfast, Mito went to ask her acquaintances where Leo came from. And did the child disappear? Leo, having eaten to the full, went into the yard to do a warm-up. During the night, the wounds healed and did not interfere with the training of the body. Too strong healing, as if he had super strength. Super strength...

Leo slapped his forehead. Could he have unblocked nen so early? But he did not see her and did not feel it. Finding a nearby tree, he sat in a meditative pose and plunged into himself. Imagining the blood flowing through his veins. From shoulder to arm and back. After half an hour, he opened his eyes as if awakening from dream and looked at himself. There was fog around His body like a thin film. It was almost imperceptible, but if you look closely Leo noticed it. Having calmed down, he began to remember what it was. Also, he didn't remember much from the anime, and he read the manga too quickly. If he remembered correctly that nen is life energy. His desire. His intention.

Leo stretched out his hand and sent a nen onto his hand. All over his body the nen became smaller, but on his hand it became much denser. Fortunately, he understood this. But, he did not remember how to develop the nen.

Frowning, he began to direct the nen here and there, training, but he did not understand what to do next. As he remembered in the anime, when Killua and Gon were unlocked, there was a VERY tight nen around them. What Leo had is a thin layer that would blow away with the breeze of a wind. Continuing to move it with a will, he noticed that the control increased. It took less and less time to transfer from one place to another.

Many hours passed and Leo still sat under the tree, forgetting about hunger. No matter how he tried to remember about nen, he did not remember so much. Someone in the manga said that power is based on emotion. But how do you use it? Leo had no idea. They all had a special power based on nen. They made it with vows. There was one Kurapika character. He vowed to use chains only on members of the Spider Gang. And the chains were very strong.

With a sigh, he relaxed. However, as soon as the nen relaxed, it began to flow out again. Frowning, he focused again. The belly rumbled. Deciding that it was time to start getting food for himself, he went to the side of the forest, warming up along the way. Considering that the body was now strengthened by nen and the knowledge of the past life and reflexes of the body, he was confident of victory on the animals.

He went quite far in marking his path. And In a clear area covered with moss, someone crouched growling.

Climbing a low tree, Leo saw a wild boar who squatted hard trying to get rid of the excess load. Deciding not to kill the boar on the jerk, Leo waited until he did the job and wiped himself off on the moss. Suddenly an idea came up. Create your own technique nen. ... Leo did not know how to make it, but decided to try his own way. Concentrating nen, he let it go between his palms, quietly spreading his hands. The thought of what he wants stuck in his head. His will was strong and tempered by the blood of both his and his enemies and goals. All his life full of hardships, he did not live in vain and became who he is, He needed strength. The power to let him survive and rise to the top. So that he goes where he wants. Do what he wants. But he was weak and he did not know how to develop. So the idea was simple. I will take lives, souls themselves. And make them mine. I want to take the life of others and make it mine. I want to take the life of others and make it mine.

I want to take the life of others and make it mine.

I want to take the life of others and make it mine.

I want to take the life of others and make it mine.

I want to take the life of others and make it mine.

I want to take the life of others and make it mine.

I want to take the life of others and make it mine.

I want to take the life of others and make it mine.

Like a madman, he repeated it to himself over and over again.

Leo imagined an indestructible red and black scythe in his hands. The design popped up in his head step by step. The one who is killed by it will give everything that he has to the owner of the scythe. Strength, time, soul. Imagining the taste of iron, the cold heavy handle, he began to celebrate as heavy appeared in his hand. I want to take the life of others and make it mine.

I want to take the life of others and make it mine.

Suddenly it dawned on him. He needs rules if he wants the skill to be stronger.

I donate 20 years of my life to create a scythe. I donate 20 years of my life to create a scythe.I donate 20 years of my life to create a scythe.I donate 20 years of my life to create a scythe.I donate 20 years of my life to create a scythe.I donate 20 years of my life to create a scythe.I donate 20 years of my life to create a scythe.I donate 20 years of my life to create a scythe.I donate 20 years of my life to create a scythe.I donate 20 years of my life to create a scythe.I donate 20 years of my life to create a scythe.I donate 20 years of my life to create a scythe.

But as soon as he started thinking about it, he suddenly got a headache and when he opened his eyes, he was confused. The scythe was in his hand, but he didn't have time to finish. He didn't had a lot of nen. The body remained unchanged but felt as if it aged for 2000 years. He decided to act. Directing his eyes to the boar that was eating moss not far from his heap, he laughed out loud.

"Dinner time!"

Jumping from a rather large height, he swung a heavy handle and a long blade went straight into the boar's head. The boar died and fell. Scythe lit up and began to turn red. From a dull color, the blade turned bright scarlet. The blood began to rise and the scythe absorbed it. An impulse ran through the handle like veins and a pleasant feeling of coolness hit the hand. The whole body was like a baby's body. Rested and well-fed. Fatigue was removed as if by a wave of a hand. Leo was happy that his risky adventure had borne fruit. He sensed this energy when he killed a boar. His life and strength lasted but as far as he did not know. Stretching out the braids, he felt that the scythe had become lighter. Or his body became stronger. Deciding to continue, he ran, cutting off nen from the scythe. The scythe has turned into a small version on a chain. Hanging on his neck, Leo ran on to hunt.

Dark eyes absorbed the moonlight, hair fluttering as he ran. Thirsty, as if in the desert, he ran deep into the forest for new prey, completely forgetting about Mito, exams and Gon.