
Hunter x Hunter (HxH): Seeking Immortality

Elias Deville was an odd individual, with some unfortunate circumstances befalling him. After a certain incident, he was never the same. After he turned 18, he immediately joined the military and seemed to have turned his life around, and was all around living a fulfilling life... until that fateful day... Note: This is not a system novel. Perhaps, I might explore other worlds... and if you want a spoiler, read the very last bit. *Cover is not mine *No characters from Hunter x Hunter are mine SPOILER BELOW! Be warned. . . . . . I am planning on having the MC fuse with Meruem and re-reincarnate into the past. At that time, he will have some changes and do things differently.

Solar_Horizon · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Quiz x Test

Dolle Harbor

"As a token of my appreciation, I'll give you a hint: head up to that great cedar tree over there. it's a shortcut to the exam site!"

"So it's a shortcut? Thank you, captain!"

A teen with short hair, a big, round nose, and a worn martial arts uniform was hiding behind some crates, listening to the whole thing. Of course, Veld knew about this but didn't care, as it wouldn't have an impact.

Veld walked over to Kurapika and Leorio and told them what the captain had said. Leorio said, "Hmm. That's strange. According to the notice I received, the exam is held somewhere in Zaban City. That tree is in the opposite direction."

"Perhaps you misheard him," Kurapika said.

"No, he definitely told me that we should head over to that large cedar tree."

"Sheesh, this notice isn't helpful at all! It doesn't even say where in Zaban City to go!"

"Our task is to locate the exam site with limited information. This is simply another test to screen the applicants."

"I-I knew that!"

"Regardless, I'll be heading over to the cedar tree. I trust the captain," said Veld.

"Hey! The bus heading to Zaban City is about to leave!... Oi, Kurapika, you're going too?!"

"Veld's thoughts are quite logical. Why would the captain misdirect us? The captain doesn't seem like such a person. There's also the fact that the Hunter's Exam so far hasn't relied on deceit to screen the applicants."

"Is that so?" Leorio said with a sour attitude, "Wasn't very long, but nice knowing you."

As Leorio was walking off in a bad mood, he heard some people talking in an alleyway in hushed voices. "So it was a trap... it seems that none of the buses headed towards Zaban City made it there." His partner responded, "Hehehe. Rookies usually fail this part because they're too naive."


"Wait for me! Kurapika! Veld!" Leorio shouted, running after them. After he caught up, he laughed nervously and said, "I knew you'd be lonely without me, so I decided to stick with you guys a while longer!"

'How did Leorio not see that shady guy behind us? Is he blind?'



Inside a seemingly abandoned town, Leorio commented, "What an eerie place. I don't see a single person."

"Nope, there's people here."


A wooden door slid open, and some odd people in gas masks walked out, pulling a cart with an old lady on it. Next to her, some more gas-masked individuals carried some instruments, one with a crow.

"What's... what's with these guys?"


"Exciting?" Leorio questioned.


"Exciting..." Leorio echoed.

"Exciting two choice quiz!" The old lady suddenly opened her eyes and mouth fully and raised her voice from a soft whisper to a booming holler, spit flying everywhere. The sudden change caught Kurapika and Leorio off guard. The white-clothed, gas-masked clowns with instruments started played a short tune, the crow cawing at the end. This time, even Veld was a bit dumbfounded at the cheesiness.

"You boys are headed for the cedar tree on the hill, correct? To reach that tree, you must pass through this town. If you wish to proceed, you must pass my single-question quiz."

"Oi, Oi. What's with this all of the sudden?"

Ignoring Leorio, the lady said, "You'll have five seconds to answer. Give the wrong answer, and you'll be disqualified."

"I see, then this is a part of the Hunter Exam," Kurapika remarked.

"I see how it is. I happen to be a quiz exp— wait, one question?!"

"Your answer must be either 1 or 2. Any other answer shall be incorrect."

"Wait, all three of us share a question? So, if one of them gets the question wrong," Leorio pointed at Kurapika, "then I'm disqualified as well?"

Kurapika, with a clearly annoyed tone, responded, "As if! I'm more concerned about the reverse happening!"

To prevent further argument, Veld intervened. "Actually, this way is better, as only one of us needs to know the answer to the question."

"Fair point."

"Hurry it up, slowpokes! Otherwise, I'll answer the question first."

"Who are you?" questioned Leorio.

"He followed us from the port. How did you not see him on your way back up here?" Veld said.

Leorio twitched. "Seriously?"

"Sorry kids, but I overheard your conversation with the captain."

"What will you do?" asked the old lady.

Veld quickly spoke, "Um, we'll answer first. After all, the type of question could very well change, or even become more difficult." 'I remember that the old lady asked the martial arts guy why he chose his answer, but she might not do that the second time. I plan on answering "2". I do not wish to be bound by canon, afraid to change it. That will impede me in the future. This risk is acceptable as, worst comes to worst, I'll just manipulate her to pass us.'


"Fine. But do it quickly!"

"Then, here's your question: Evil villains have captured your mother and lover. You can only save one. Select 1 for your mother or 2 for your lover. Which one will you save?"

Veld, who was right in front of the button, slammed it down and answered, "2."


"Oh, why do you say that?"

"I chose 2 not because I believe that a lover is worth more than my mother. However, if you don't choose, you'll lose both. No matter what angle you look at it, that's clearly worse than losing one. As for how to decide, one simply has to be decisive or flip a coin. Although cruel, is it not better to have one than neither?"

The old lady was shocked that a kid my age could think through it so calmly and thoroughly. "...Correct. The path is through these doors. Follow it and you'll reach the cedar tree in about 2 hours. A couple lives beneath the tree, serving as Navigators. Pass their test, and they'll take you to the exam site."


Kurapika and Leorio fell into deep thought as we walked along the path, staying silent until Leorio couldn't help but complain, "2 hours? It was 2 hours, 2 hours ago! Damn!.. I'm hungry, I need to take a dump, too!"

Veld said, "Leorio, the house is just up ahead."


*knock knock*

"Oi, anyone home?" Receiving no response, Leorio opened the door, saying, "We're coming in."

All three of them bore witness to a messy room, with shattered glass and splintered wood littered around the room. A two-legged beast with rabbit-like ears was gripping a woman's neck, and a man lay down on the floor, bleeding.


"Magical Beast!" Leorio shouted.

"A transforming Magical Beast, Kiriko!" Kurapika clarified.

"There's a woman in his hand, and it seems that the man on the floor needs medical attention!"

The kiriko jumped with great force, crashing into the window that was missing some glass, breaking it and escaping. "P-please, save my wife!" the man on the ground pleaded. "Leorio, stick with him, we'll go chase after the beast!" Veld commanded. "Leave it to me!"

Veld picked up some wood splinters, and he and Kurapika leaped out of the window, closely chasing the Magical Beast. 'He can follow the beast, even though it's obscured in darkness...' Kurapika was impressed by Veld. Veld jumped atop a branch, hopping from one to another to reach the same level as the Magical Beast.


Veld closed the distance between him and the Magical Beast and threw the wood splinters at the Kiriko's joints, striking them and forcing it to release the woman, who plunged to the ground. "Kurapika!" Veld called out. Kurapika surged into the air, the parabola of his jump reaching its maximum. At this point, he caught the woman and fell safely to the ground.

"Brat! You'll pay for this!" Kiriko held it's elbow in pain and sped away, Veld chasing closely after it.

{I'll skip Kurapika's part. Basically, the woman asked about her "husband's" condition, but she was wearing a mark that, in the region, marked her as single for life. Just as Kurapika noticed this, "Leorio" caught up to Kurapika, asking how things were going. Kurapika proceeded to hit "Leorio" in the head, his voice and form changing, asking how Kurapika figured it out, to which Kurapika responded that he was simply admonishing Leorio for leaving an injured man alone, especially since there were Magical beasts loose.}


Veld sped up tremendously, catching up to the Kiriko in just two seconds. The poor Kiriko didn't even have the time to respond before he was kicked to the ground, dragging Veld with him— Veld had grabbed on to the beast's fur so that he could land some more attacks. Just as Veld raised his leg to break the Kiriko's spine, saying, "Now time to find the one I initially injured," it panicked and said, "Wait! I'm the Navigator!"


In front of the house.

"How many years has it been since someone not only defeated us, but was also tell us apart?"

Leorio leaned over and whispered to Kurapika, "Can you tell them apart?"

"Not at all..."

"You see, the one whose elbow I injured was the husband."


"Allow us to introduce ourselves. We are the Navigators. We screen the applicants for the exam. The Hunter Exam site changes every year. It's rather difficult to locate. So, once the applicants pass our test, we guide them to the exam site."

The daughter said, "Kurapika-dono, you successfully used a vague hint to determine that we weren't husband and wife. Your knowledge qualifies you for the exam. Therefore, you pass."

The son said, "Leorio-dono, you never realized my true identity..." "Geh..." "However, your kindness and attentiveness, not to mention your medical capabilities were impeccable. Therefore, you pass!"


The husband said, "Veld-dono. Your beyond impressive physical capabilities and senses makes you worthy for the exam. You pass!"

"We will now take you to the exam site."