
Hunter of Mysteries

Reincarnated as a person from the other world, adapt to the world with countless mysteries and secrets, which give Mana as a reward for discovering them, the age of mysteries.

DuckyAurora · ファンタジー
1 Chs

0001: New World

My body was fragmenting bit by bit, forming a human body, black hair, blue eyes and a pale body.

— Where am I? — I said it with a very tired tone.

[ Matching Aerkeris... ]

— What's that? — A screen appeared with a message.

[Welcome to this world, Reincarnated! I am your assistant called "The Illusionist" one of the most powerful constellations, but my powers are weak, due to your much lack of mana. ]

— Agh... My head hurts so much... —

[ Relax, I'll explain everything that's going on so calm down. This is a world of mysteries, which come from things called "Pillars." There are many pillars in this world, but each pillar has a guardian. There are Pillars of Fantastic Beings, Pillars of Phenomena and Pillars of Theory, which defy all the rules of the world. Incredible, isn't it? ]

— Yes, it sounds like a fantasy world... And what am I supposed to do here? —

[You should start by knowing your name, your name is Posklov Hoeberg. Your eyes are blue which are SSR, but the others will see you brown eyes, which is the lowest rank (F-), that's because of the curse you have, you can take advantage of this, since they won't take much interest in you and you can attack from behind. ]

— That sounds very... Weird, because people have colored eyes? —

[ That's because mana is conserved in the eyes, and according to the color of your eyes is the ability and efficiency you can use the mana, that's why they are classified. Your special power is to be able to copy any attack and use it for less amount than the hunter who uses it, you can also improve it and you can use it permanently. Let's start by leaving your room. ]

— Pol, go hunt fast! — A white-haired woman came banging on my door, grabbing my shirt.

[She is Lovania Hoeberg, your sister, I suggest you treat her well, as she is much stronger than you, has 37,899 mana and is purple eyes (A+) one of the most powerful eyes. ]

— Go hunt and come back with something at least! — She threw me out and slammed the door.

— Ouch... What's wrong with her? — I said while rubbing my head.

[I don't know sir, I never had any siblings.]

I looked up and it was night, I asked myself, "Why is it still night? Did she throw me out of the house at night?"

[ It's not that sir, there is a Pillar Phenomenon that has not yet been defeated and that's why there is the moon, this pillar is called "Pillar of Infinite Night." Which is considered a danger class "Dragon" ie it is too dangerous, as it makes lack of nutrients from the sun and does not allow the photosynthesis of plants.(We have to

be thankful that it is still autumn) ]

— I see... — I walked towards a random place, the streets were gloomy and there were towers of giant buildings, it looked like a very poor place. "So this is where we live..."

[ Sir, ahead of you there are 5 fantastic beings called "Zombies" ]

- Coming! - I went running to my first mission in this world, in this fantastic world.

[ Sir, I can take the form of a sword but now I am too weak, still use me! ]

A semi-blunt sword appeared in my hands and in front of me zombies appeared, I tried to cut a zombie but it failed, as I still lacked a lot of strength.

I screamed and swung my sword but I realized that I was too weak and got tired very fast.

[Sir, this eye as I said "Copy" but you can also improve them by a lot, here there is also something tricky, all the actions or verbs that you perform can level up, which allows you to be faster or more accurate, depending on what you do, now I'll show you what you have achieved by swinging the sword. ]

Below the text shown to me by the Aerkeris appeared another text saying. [Swordsman (0) --> (3) ] - So now I will be better with the sword? -

[Yes my lord, now every time you swing me you will be able to level up "Swordsman" and you will get better and better at the sword. ]

— Wow! You are unbelievable. —

[ ⁄(⁄ ⁄-⁄-⁄-⁄ ⁄)⁄ ]

I laughed a little, but seeing that the zombies were still moving I stepped back and thought a little. "Zombies die by cutting off the head or aiming for the brain."

I waited for a zombie to come at me and with the tip of the sword I pierced the zombie, the zombie disappears and drops a crystal.

[You see that crystal sir, that's a mana crystal rank (F), the zombie dropped it after dying, those are used to sell them, so pick them up before you leave. ]

— Understood. —

I applied the same with the other zombies, they approached and I put the tip of the sword in their brains, after finishing with them I collect the mana crystals and leave the place. — Where should I sell these crystals? —

[ I will guide you by saying left or right. ]

Aerkeris guided me through several places and I arrived at a lighted place with a lot of people with gobardine, many colored eyes, some very intense and some less intense. — Wow, there are a lot of people, it's like a mafia place. —

I handed my 5 crystals to the receptionist and she paid me with 700 TIR, but in a strange way the money was not physically handed to me.

- Why didn't she give me anything? -

- Huh? Oh you're brown eyes, look, think of money. -

I thought of money and an amount appeared on my wrist that said "1500 TIR"

- To transfer just place your hand on another hand and say the amount, have a good night. - I smiled and thanked him for this and left on my way home.

- I am getting the hang of this world. -

[It's very easy to understand this world, but you are still very weak, you know how to use the sword now but you don't have a bit of mana, what's more, as soon as we get to the house I will teach you how to use mana, so you can finally go and hunt some creatures. ]

- I have a question, how many hunters are there in this world, and how do I know which one is the strongest? -

[In this world there are 900 million hunters and there is also a ranking, the hunters who are in the top 100 are called "Rankers" these are the most powerful in the world, maybe someday you will get to know them, because they travel around the world to become stronger. ]

- That's awesome, thank you very much Aerkeris. -

I got home and my sister was waiting for me. - Where were you? You were exactly 48 minutes and 56 seconds late. -

- Here, I got 700 TIR - I gave her a handshake. - Transfer 700 TIR -

My balance went down 700 IRR and my sister's wrist went up. - Well... At least you did a good job.... I guess? -

- Thanks, I'll go to sleep. -

[You're actually going to train mana, but hey, it's okay to tell lies sometimes. ]

I went to my room and sat down.

[ All right, think of a ball and try to generate it. ]

A ball of mana started appearing on the tips of my hand.

[ Hold it for 50 seconds and each time try to make it bigger. ]

I did this for 50 seconds and each time my ball got even bigger.

[Every time you get one more number on your mana counter, stars will appear on your arm, that's how they identify them, now you have reached 100, so you should have 3 stars together on your right arm. ]

I looked at my right arm and it was true, I now had three shining stars on my arm.

[ Now let's go to the next thing!]

- Ah? -

[ Layer of mana, the one that strengthens and gives stamina to the body! ]