
Chapter 21 21

Akira opening his eyes in his bed and stretched his sore muscles and fast forward time on his muscles for them to recover.

"yesterday should be the day Saitama and genos enter the hero association, now that i think about it, why would they put the writing test on the requirements. is the monster going to ask you about physics, it doesn't matter" he shook his head and trained until he got exhausted and showered.

"haah, good shower" he heard his phone ring, he picked it up and said.

"hi, who I'm talking to?".

"hello sir Godspeed, it's hero association, i called to inform you that a new S-Class hero has emerged he's called Cyborg and he's the lowest rank currently, which might change considering his abilities".

"oh thanks for telling me i appreciate it, and if there is an emergency and I'm available I'll do my best to help".

"thank you sir, it's my job".

he then hung up, 'now what to do?' Akira said as he had the urge to play games.

he ordered a pc and a console plus all the games he noticed that they are similar to his past life's.

"well let's see the monsters at Z-City to try my swordsmanship on".

he then activated *Time Speed* and disappeared from his position.

at an inhabited and abandoned street with some debris he appeared and scouted the place searching for a prey, and he found it a tiger man who had yellow fur was running on all four while twitching his sensitive nose and going directly to Akira.

'he probably caught my scent and came running at me, hahaha' Akira thought as he got his new ordinary sword out and took position to try his new move that he just thought about.

he steadied himself and straightened his back and focused then with *Time Speed* activated he swung while rotating the sword slightly to both directions which created a wind blade that shot out and slashed at the cat man, he didn't die in one shot but he was cut deeply and began bleeding and fleeing.

Akira not wanting to waste time pulled his gun and shot the monster's head.

he saw the headless body drop and switched his line of sight to the slightly hot sword in his hand.

'so this move works, it just need to be practiced and i need to try it out with the God-Tier sword'.

Akira summoned the sword and targeted the building nearby, he did the same action but it resulted in different outcomes.

The wind blade shot out at a blinking speed and cut through many buildings behind the targeted one and it left a huge scar on the ground

'thank god this city is big and abandoned, i need to practice more for me to use it faster and more conveniently' he smiled.

he then turned and flashed out of there, after causing a lot of noise this might attract heroes and monsters and he doesn't want to deal with them right now.

he checked the sword and used reverse time on it to fix the small cracks on it, and began to train that move using the wooden sword that made weak wind blades.

Then he trained for 2 days and took a day off because his console came with some games, and he was dying to play, plus he was bored of repeating the same activity but that doesn't mean he will give up. he spent some time playing and continued training, after that he slept and welcomed another day.

[if you're interested in watching me Write Live Check ThyCubeVT On Twitch :)]

{Thanks for reading}
