
Hue in my world (Bl)

[Based on the BL: Color Rush 18+ content and themes] "Someone being obsessed with me?......Doesn't sound that bad to me...." Dhiraj, a CEO , is deeply unsatisfied with his long strand of one sight stands and wants to seek more. He wants to be someone who would be totally obsessed with him. Just like monochromes are with their chromes. If only he was someone's chrome he wishes. Little did he knew his wish might just come true, when he stumbled upon a young man wearing thick black glasses, Nakul, who's a monochrome. [The story is set in an Alternate Universe. Monochromes- people who can only see things in black or white; Chromes- people whose presence give monochromes the ability to see colors] Tropes and themes: Possessive/obsessive lover, Sunshine x Grumpy, self centered husky x precious black cat, Fluff-Smut combo [Man x man/ gay romance; the storyline will contain mature content]

Yug_Meow · LGBT+
74 Chs

The unexpected visit!!

The man took some deliberate steps towards his destination. And minutes later he reached there. His man's place. Rather workplace. Nakul stood in the office lobby of Dhiraj's company. He knew the people working there won't just allow him to walk in to Dhiraj's office. So he dialed Dhiraj's number. Soon Dhiraj picked up. His voice, as always, spread warmth all across Nakul's body.

"Hey babe?! How come you call me? Missing me already?" Dhiraj sounded surprised. He was after all, Nakul rarely called him when he was out working. And Nakul's answer was an ever rarer occurrence.

"What if I said I did?"

A pause. It took a moment for Dhiraj to register that reply. But once it did, he replied, "Well....if you did then it will become a problem for me. Because I would immediately want to rush home. To see you. To kiss you."

That cheesy remark made Nakul giggle. But he must refocus himself. He was yet to carry out his perfect plan. He calmed himself down and purposefully lowered his tone. "Ummm.....What if I said that....I missed you so much that I came to see you....at your office?!"

Nakul waited for his response. But he didn't get any. Maybe because the man on the other side was completely dazed hearing those words. He couldn't believe them. "You-you're here?"

"Yeah. And I don't know how to get to your office, so I called you."

"Ah-wait right. No! Tell me where you are. I'll send someone to get you."


Nakul told him where he was standing and soon after the call, a lady approached him. With utmost hospitality, she greeted him as she led their way to Dhiraj's office. It was stationed on the top floors, reserved exclusively for higher level officials. Nakul simply took in the glass encased architecture of the building. The lady soon halted in front of a massive door. She opened it. And there he was. The puppy looked like a mighty lion as he was seated on his throne.

"Sir, he's here." The lady escorted Nakul.

Dhiraj's expressions didn't change even when his eyes spotted his baby. Maybe because of the fact that they both had company. Nakul understood that. He too played it casually.

"Thanks. And uhhh....I'll let you know about things." Dhiraj hinted at his instructions he had given earlier. He made it clear before Nakul came upstairs, to cancel any meetings that were scheduled and to not to disturb him in any way or form for the next couple of hours.

"Of course." Pressing a smile on her face, the lady left. Now it was just those two love birds. But Nakul carried on his act of acting casually.

"You have a beautiful workplace." Nakul remarked as he looked everywhere else other than his man. He was doing that on purpose in an attempt to see how Dhiraj will respond to that. He can play Dhiraj's little game too.

"Damn....That's a view!!" Nakul looked out of the huge window and the view left him awestruck. "Must be great getting to look at this everyd-" Suddenly he was turned and the next moment his eyes fell on another pair of eyes. They were filled with hunger. No-rather desperation. And those sexy hands, loosened up the tie, exposing the view of an even sexier collar bones. Nakul gulped at that view. He got pushed by the back at the glass window as equally hungry lips met his.

Dhiraj had pinned Nakul against the window, kissing him, devouring him with every passing second. The hands couldn't stop either. So they snaked around Nakul's waist, pulling Nakul against his groin. Bodies mingle and if only they could tear apart the clothes that were restricting them from feeling each other.

The lips didn't stop. First Dhiraj and then Nakul, they both returned the other's kiss with equal vigor. Nakul's tongue, hungry to get a taste of his man, joined in. He's just as desperate as me. I want to fuck him right now. That thought drove Nakul into a frenzy. He started leaning into Dhiraj as they kissed. Dhiraj was off balance. His body was becoming overwhelmed due to Nakul's passion. The hands were starting to move south and their rock hard cock rubbing against each other only increased their need for a release.

Nakul pressed forward, making Dhiraj go backwards but their tongues didn't stop. Still wanting to explore, they kept intertwining with each other. Soon Dhiraj reached the couch and fell on it. It was only then that they both took a breather.

"I think it is YOU who missed me more. Is this how you greet everyone who comes to see you? Never really got this kind of welcome but....I don't mind it." How could Nakul not pass a remark? He showered Dhiraj with more of those soft pecks.

"It's only reserved for you. Should I welcome you this way every time I see you?" Dhiraj wore that smug smile of his.

"I like the idea." Nakul grinned more as he placed more kisses on Dhiraj's cheeks that made the man giggle. Suddenly it felt like they were just teenagers experiencing their 1st love. Technically that was the case for Dhiraj.

Sitting up, Dhiraj enquired Nakul about the sudden visit. "So what do I owe this pleasure to?"

"Do I need a reason to be here?"

"Umm..No...I was just-"

Dhiraj got stopped midway by Nakul's kiss. His baby was being too generous to him. What's gotten into him? Usually Nakul wouldn't be the one initiating "stuff" or even be this straight forward. The kitty that he was, didn't let him to be so....honest about his feelings and "needs". But who am I to complain if he wants to shower me with all his love. I'm simply going to enjoy this.

"I....did miss you. I...." Nakul's eyes turned away coyly. And that simple gesture made Dhiraj's heart go boom boom!! WHY IS HE SO GODDAMN ADORABLE!!!!! He stopped himself from squeaking out of joy.

"I....wanted to see you." A blush of red sweeped all across Nakul's cheeks and neck. "I shouldn't have come here?" His eyes questioned Dhiraj.

NO!!!!! "Of course you can." He ran his fingers through his baby's hair, fixing it. And once again, Nakul couldn't help but be grateful. You are so kind to me. How could I keep myself from falling for it? It was always inevitable.

"But. I will have to excuse myself a bit. There is this one thing I must complete. It won't take that long. I promise. Give me 15 minutes." Dhiraj placed a kiss on Nakul's nose. As much as he didn't want to part from his baby, he HAD to complete the task he was doing before Nakul came.

Nakul didn't have a problem with that. But to execute his plan, he must make his move quickly. It's nearly 2:00. Rajat will get by 4. Till then, I must do it. Making a mental note of that, he replied, "Only 15 minutes, right?"

"Ahh...20 plus or minus 5?! I guess?!" Dhiraj corrected his estimate.

"Okay. I'll wait for you."

With that, the wait began. Nakul patiently kept observing Dhiraj. And soon the 15 minutes were up. Dhiraj wasn't done. He was still focused on the MAC in front of him. 15 minutes became 20. 20 into 25. And 25 into 35. Dhiraj wasn't done. Nakul's patience was thinning out. And although Dhiraj could sense those eyes, he tried to ignore them. I must look cool in front of him. That was his driving fuel.

Nakul on the other hand was busy focusing on something else. 45 minutes passed by and he knew it was time to make a move. He shifted his weight. Literally. From sitting in a relaxed position, he leaned forward, almost making it intentional that his eyes were focused on a certain someone. He rested his chin on his hand, now leaving no room for speculation at where his eyes were fixated upon. The puppy who was trying so hard to ignore that intense of a gaze, could no longer hold it in.

"Okay. I'm sorry for the delay but can you stop boring holes right through me? What are you even looking at?" Dhiraj was clearly annoyed.

I do want to bore a hole right through you. But I might be thinking about a different one. Nakul's mind was going haywire. How could it not when there was a feast placed right in front of the hunter? He bit his little finger as he voiced his intentions. "I'm just admiring the view in front of me. You know.....observing how sexy my man is when he is so engrossed in a task. The way you are so focused on the screen. And how your eyebrows make these small furrow lines. And how those long fingers are holding that pen. And how you are so serious and noting things down."

Dhiraj's eyes widened. Those compliments hit him like a truck, making his neck burn bright red. His pale skin only made that crimson red stand out more.

Nakul didn't stop there. I should shorten the distance between us. So he got up, acting as if he's all curious and neared Dhiraj's desk. He soon checked the papers Dhiraj was writing on. And that got Dhiraj all confused.

"What are you doing?"

"I just wanted to see your handwriting. Are you sure you are in the right profession?"

That question puzzled Dhiraj even more. "What are you talking about?"

"That's the doctor's handwriting." Nakul pointed towards the little scribblings on the paper.

And now the great, the amazing, the outstanding CEO was left embarrassed. "That... That-My handwriting's not bad...okay?! All adults write this way..." He tried to salvage his remaining pride.

"Oh! Is that so?" Without saying much, Nakul took the pen and started writing with neat and precise strokes. His handwriting looked like Picasso's work next to Dhiraj's scribbling. That only embarrassed Dhiraj more.

"Well.....you are a highschool teacher. Your handwriting SHOULD be good....."

"Okay....okay....How much time more?"

"I'm sorry. Just a few minutes." Saying that Dhiraj got back to focusing on his task. But if only Nakul would let things be that way.

"Okay!! I'll just stand here." Nakul asked, standing behind Dhiraj's chair.

"Okay." Dhiraj got back to his task and the other man resumed his observation. But not for long.

The time had come to put his plan into action. His hands moved. He positioned himself behind Dhiraj, as he then proceeded to hold Dhiraj's shoulder. Dhiraj shivered at that unexpected touch.

"What are you doing?"

"You seem stressed. Let me massage your shoulders a bit." Saying that, his fingers started to massage Dhiraj's shoulder blades with just enough pressure to make another shiver run down Dhiraj's spine.

He's not making things easier for me. Dhiraj bit his bottom lip as he asked, "Baby. What exactly are you trying to do?" questioning Nakul's intentions.

"Just trying to.....relieve you from stress? Helping you relax?" Nakul wore a mischievous smile. It was obvious what he was trying to do.

"And do you really think, you touching me this way is going to help me relax?" Dhiraj raised his eyebrow.

Nakul was not ready to give up. He turned Dhiraj's face to the screen as he bent down to whisper in his ear, "Focus on your work honey. We should get it done as early as possible right? So that...we can get back to what we started?" He sucked on Dhiraj's earlobe. Tugging it lightly, letting those tingling sensation seep deep inside Dhiraj's body and mind. And Dhiraj responded to that by closing his eyes as he let the vibrations of Nakul's voice spread throughout his body, even to his dick.

Fuck! How can I focus when you are torturing me? Dhiraj gulped. He MUST get his work done asap. He returned back to his work, even more determined to complete it. Nakul returned to massage too, but the truth was, he never actually intended to let Dhiraj complete his work. Where's the fun if things just happened how they are supposed to happen? If he just let Dhiraj complete his work, that won't be fun.

Nakul wanted to tease his man. Rile him up. Get his cock hard. Drive him crazy. Leaving him wanting for more. Craving to get fucked by him even though he knew better that he should be completing his work. Begging to get fucked by his baby. Yeah. That's what I want. I want him to spread his ass for him right at this table, where he is the man in charge. How good would it feel when every time you sit here, you will remember me. Remember my touch and the things we did. I want to mold you to my liking honey. That thought itself is so exhilarating.

The basic carnival instincts took over the monochrome's mind. The thirst to engrave his existence on to his man was now driving his actions. And his fingers moved to the spell of those thoughts. Going from Dhiraj's shoulder blade, to his neck to the back of his ear to the side of his temple. Sure massaging those points would relieve a person's stress, but when one adds seduction to that equation, the moans come out as a result.

And Dhiraj too started feeling it. The way those cold fingers grazed from the back of his neck to his ears to his forehead, he knew it was something else. His eyes close, relishing the heroine[drug] like high they were giving him. Driving him towards the edge. He wasn't quite right there, but they were working their magic. The dilemma of completing his work or giving into the pleasure returned. What should he choose?

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