
HP: Whispers of the Wizards

In Ainsworth village, a boy named Rey, Awakens with no memory, hands astray. Crippled and burdened, he faces each day, Yet harbors magic, talent to display. In Hogwarts' halls, his struggles unknown, His hands betray him, a battle to own. Bullied and taunted, his spirit's not blown, For magic within him, a power unshown. With wand in hand, he defies the odds, Though hands falter, magic applauds. Through blood and tears, he finds his gods, Unleashing talents that defy all facades. Amidst the darkness, a light shall ignite, Rey's magic shines, a beacon so bright. Bullies retreat, their torment takes flight, His strength and courage, an inspiring sight. Through Hogwarts' halls, Rey claims his place, Mastering magic, with grace and embrace. His crippled hands, a challenge to face, Yet his talent soars, a magical race. In the end, Rey's story unfolds, A tale of resilience, as fate unfolds. From hardship, he rose, his spirit remolded, A shining example, his magic untold. ----- The cover is not mine. THERE IS NO MC CHEAT GAME SYSTEM. This is Harry Potter Fanfiction but explains a full magic system that actually has logic and some mysteries behind it. You will follow the main character as he learns new knowledge and how the world around him works, his struggles, and his courage.

Watertime · 映画
5 Chs


In a village secluded far away from civilization, a boy, which was about eleven years old, with eyes as vibrant as sapphires and hair like freshly fallen snow sits on a simple bed. He was looking around the room trying to remember what happened to him before he woke up here.

There was a closet in the corner that hinted that it was filled up to the brim, the boy was slightly curious about what was in there that made it so full. There seemed to be something sticking out of it.

But the room felt oddly familiar to him, he couldn't quite remember why. He slowly got up from the bed while supporting himself with his hands. But something felt off. He couldn't move his hands like he wanted to.

His eyes showed surprise and confusion as he tried to control his hands over and over again. It felt that the connection was somehow broken and he couldn't feel much except a tingling sensation in his hands.

His mouth widened in shock as he realized that his hands seemed to be disabled. He tried to make a simple gesture but he couldn't quite manage to do so. He felt worried about what he should do at this moment.

He found himself in a room that he saw for the first time. He didn't know where he was or where he came from.

All he knew was his name, and that was Rey.

He was still sitting on the bed when he heard footsteps outside of the room, then a woman opened the door with a loud boom slamming the door open and entering the room. She quickly rushed towards Rey, worry written all over her face.

Rey was quite stunned by all this enthusiasm. He backed off a little just from the scare this woman gave him.

The woman noticed that Rey was scared. Realizing something, she also backed off a little worried that she would scare Rey.

She knew what recently happened to Rey, he was her son after all. She was worried sick the last few days, that was because Rey was in a coma for some time.

Everything because Rey hurt his head when he fell off a cliff, he not only hurt his head but even his spine.

As he was in a coma for a few days, she could only watch and hope helplessly as he laid on his bed all day.

She knew that all of it was Tim's fault, one of Rey's friends. But she could not just say that it was Tim, just because of the special situation of their village.

Their village has an old history ranging back to thousands of years. The secret of magic is known here and some people could even harness this supernatural power.

The village was named based on one of the ancestors' names, Ainsworth. The ancestors, based on the legends, were powerful wizards that could control the environment and change rocks to gold with a simple flick of their wands. But even the most powerful ones died because of old age.

Village ancestors were so scared that their children won't be able to use magic as they did and carry on their legacy that they created a ritual that would make sure that in every generation that carries their blood, there would be at least one child carrying some of their talents and being able to use magic.

Of course, this ritual had consequences that took it's toll on the ancestors making them even weaker than they already were.

The child that carried this gift was considered a treasure by the whole village as they would later become big and powerful magicians.

Rey was such a child, but unfortunately, he wasn't the only one who seemed to be chosen as there was another child that had magic, although that should be impossible as only one can have the gifts bestowed by the ancestors.

And that other child was Tim, he was the same age as Rey but showed his supernatural powers much sooner making him the favorite.

However one day Tim saw Rey accidentally use magic, a flame of jealousy and fear appeared in Tim's mind. He was worried that Rey would steal the fame and gifts from the ancestors that originally belonged to him.

Tim, with his little brain, figured that if he was the only one that could use magic, he would surely get the talents from the ancestors. That was why Tim decided to push Rey off the cliff when the right moment appeared right in front of him.

Unfortunately for Tim, Rey survived the fall, but he fell on his back injuring the back of his head and part of his spine.

All of this made Rey's mother depressed for a while as she knew what could her child do if he learned magic. She already noticed a few months ago that weird things were happening frequently around Rey, but didn't mention them too much as she believed the chosen child was already Tim.

All this time while Rey's mother was thinking about all of this, Rey continued to wonder who this woman was and what she wanted. Although he felt weirdly close to her, he couldn't get himself to remember.

Rey was visibly uncomfortable in this situation, but his mother already understood why Rey is behaving this way. The fall on his back must have made him lose his memory, she thought.

But then she looked at his shaking hands that seemed to be in an unnatural position. She then knew that memory wasn't the only thing he lost control of.

She looked at her child with pity visible in her eyes as she sat down next to him and started explaining who and where he was. She tried to be as subtle and careful as possible, trying not to make Rey have some kind of mental episode from that.

Rey began to calm down as he listened to everything she said.

The conversation continued for a hour, mostly mother talking and Rey listening.

"So, you are telling me that I lost memories and can't control my hands properly because of some Tim?" Rey asked once again trying his best to understand.

"Yes, exactly." Mother responded, glad that her child knew what was going on even though he lost memories.

"I don't remember Tim, but if what you say is true, then it's really shameful of him that he would hurt me just because he was scared."

"Wait! What if he tries to hurt me again if he finds out that I survived the fall?" Rey started to get anxious again imagining things that might happen.

"Don't worry, I will make sure that everyone thinks that you are still in a coma. You just cannot go outside for the time being." His mother soothed him with words as she looked at him warmly.

"Oh okay, I don't remember if I have any friends anyway," Rey said more calmly this time, while trying to find a better spot to sit as he sat for almost an hour straight.

"I am sure you do sweetie." Rey's mother said kindly.

"I believe you should get some rest. You must be tired by now."

Rey nodded as he understood that he was already feeling heavy and sleepy. "Yes, I agree with you."

His mother slowly stood up so that Rey could finally lie in his bed comfortably. She wanted to give him a kiss on the forehead, but she knew she wasn't that far from a stranger for Rey, and she didn't want him to become more uncomfortable in his own home.

She believed that time could heal his memory and they could be just like before. With that, she slowly left his room and closed the door behind herself, still staring in Rey's direction thinking about all the things that happened.

Rey did the same thing, he tried to fall asleep but couldn't help himself. He looked in the direction his mother left, he knew she would protect him, she was his mom after all.

His thought drifted off as he started imagining what he could do in the future if he had the ancestor's gift. Especially, if he had magic.

'My mother said that every chosen child would go to some kind of magic school. Only there will they learn how to use magical powers. I wonder if I could ever attend that school.'

Rey spent the rest of the night fantasizing about all the possible futures and ideas. Some images flashed through his head quite randomly, always disrupting his thoughts.

A sudden sleepiness overwhelmed Rey as all the things that happened today started taking their toll on Rey.

The morning sunshine shone on Rey's bed as he woke up. While still lying in his bed, he looked around his room starting to get more familiar with it again.

He felt his hands tingle as he moved them around. He tried getting up and did so quite easily even without using his hands.

He finally went to the closet he saw the day before and curiously extended his arm trying to open it.

He wondered why the closet doors weren't opening, but then he looked at his hands.

'Of course. What did I expect, I can't even close my hands. How could I expect to grab a handle and pull.' Rey wanted to smack his head but refrained from doing so. He was still a little ashamed. A frown appeared on his face.

He used his thin elbows to reach for the handle and then pull. The closet opened revealing a packed closet of clothes and accessories.

Rey's eyes widened a little because even though he lost his memories, he still had some common sense and knew that this was a little too much, but such result made his frown go away as he smiled cutely.

Blinded by the light coming from the outside he heard a noise, a beautiful black owl was standing on the frame behind the window, looking inside his room. It used its beak to knock on the window like it was announcing itself.

Rey was stunned, he didn't know if it was normal but didn't feel like it was. He rushed to open the window by putting his elbows together to manage to pull the window open.

The owl waited patiently for Rey to open the window. It was like it really had some wisdom.

Rey was really amazed at what the owl was doing. He then focused on the letter the owl had, he slowly and carefully used his elbows to take the letter from the owl and put it on his bed.

Once the letter was given away the owl did a motion that was similar to bowing and then flew away through the window that Rey didn't close.

Curious about what kind of letter it was and who it was for, he quickly went to his bed to open it the excitement was all over his face at this moment.

A moment later Rey's mother opened the door and went into his room with a small frown on her face. "Rey? Did you hear that knocking? "

She slowly directed her gaze to Rey as he had a letter on his bed and was sitting right beside it.

Her face slowly changed as she realized what it could be.

"Is...Is that the acceptance letter!?"

Hello guys! Author here.

This is my first fan-fiction so I would appreciate any feedback if something is confusing or doesn't make sense. I hope you will like the story.

Watertimecreators' thoughts