
HP: The wholesome life

This is a whole some, slice of life, kind of fanfic. It's more about fun and Funny situations then fighting and killing. It's not about Harry and voldemort. It's about how you would live your life, if you were in HP, instead of planning and being a paranoid mess. But rather enjoying your second life, while growing, the mc will be powerful but not like something overpowered. __________________________________________ If you want to read ahead and support me Patreon.com/Rakasa on break till the end of April, I'm very busy with my College entrance exam prep.

Rakasa_dark · 書籍·文学
51 Chs

Chapter - 32 Love Letter for Snape

Thanks to Sparsh Kumar for joining my P@treon, here's a chapter just because you joined.


If you want to read atleast 10 chapters ahead support me on P@treon


Professor Tywin was incredibly lucky.

Judy Crouch's spell nearly missed hitting his genitals area near the base of his thigh by just a fraction of an inch.

If Judy's hand had wavered even slightly, Tywin would have cried tears of blood.

Though there aren't any bones in the Dick, but the tissue that is responsible for erection could have been removed, which would have resulted in him being an eunuch for his entire life.

As there's no cure for that problem.

Afterall, no wizard had such fortune like tywin before.

Madam Pomfrey yelled at the professor . "You shouldn't be teaching such dangerous spells to the first years."

she exclaimed, visibly angry. "I don't know how you all even lived till now to become a professor ,

with your clumsiness and carelessness you would have been 6 foot under till now."

Grateful once more, Madam Pomfrey thanked William and even suggested that he could teach at Hogwarts in the future.

" you are a better professor then both of them combined young man."

She emphasized the school's need for an exceptional professor like him.

Snape and Tywin felt rather embarrassed lying in their beds, listening to madam Pomfret rant.

Madam Pomfrey tossed a set of pajamas to Tywin with an angry expression. "Professor, you'll have to stay the night, as the bone will be growing overnight."

From her cart, she retrieved a large bottle labeled "Bone Spirit."

"However, with Professor Snape in your company, it shouldn't be too boring fornyou,"

she remarked, pouring a steaming potion into a mug and handing it to Professor Tywin.

"It's quite bad in tasting, but effective."

Professor Tywin eyed the lumpy, yellow, viscous, mucus looking like liquid in the cup, feeling a sense of nausea just from seeing it, before drinking it in a single gulp.

The raw bone spirit scorched Tywin's mouth and seared down his throat, causing him to cough repeatedly, the yellow liquid spilling out.

Yet, the visual impact was more disgusting compared to its taste.

Madam Pomfrey, still making faces, grumbled about how risky the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was and how today's professor's are just so incompetent.

If Madam Pomfrey were the headmistress, she will only allow classes related to medicine at Hogwarts.

Snape was lying nearby in a bed, wearing black pajamas with a cartoonish design of two silver does flying,

william couldn't imagine him wearing this with his bat like appearance and snake like tongue.

A sly smile formed on Professor Snape's face, and in his characteristic snarky tone, he remarked,

"Well, well, well... Who do we have here? Tywin, were you with a tebo?"

"Nothing like that, professor snape," Professor Tywin replied with a smile. "Just what happened to you, but without the poking ."

Snape's mouth was shut after hearing the last part.

Looking at Snape professor tywin snickered for he had won this round.

The burns on Snape's face had mostly healed, yet he still had a bandage around his neck, resembling a dog's collar.

Despite Snape's desire to leave, in this hospital, nobody dared to oppose Madam Pomfrey, not even Dumbledore.

William observed a few get well soon cards and a jar of creme fraiche with some fruits on side on Snape's table-a rather pitiful sight.

Apart from what William, Cedric, and a few Ravenclaw students had sent, the table only had cards from the professors.

Surprisingly, there were hardly any from the students, not even from Slytherin.

This made William question whether the staff's cards were nudged by Dumbledore under the guise of "reminding" them to offer their condolences.

It was clear that Professor Snape wasn't particularly well-liked!

And more things along the line.

William's dark green eyes widened in shock.

Morgan's saggy tits!

He actually spotted a bunch of flowers in the trash can-Roses.

In any culture, roses symbolises love, and the magical world was no different.

'What in Merlin fucking Morgan in the...sorry, how come some one even like this old bat with his personality.'

Professor Tywin mused, following William's gaze to the flowers. He discreetly reached for his wand beside the pillow and performed the Levitation Charm on the bouquet.

The entire bouquet lifted and flew into Professor Tywin's hand. Attached to it was a small pink card adorned with a brightly dressed witch blowing kisses.

Shockingly, there it was-the small card from the bouquet, right in front of Professor Snape's bed in Hogwarts Hospital.

William's mind raced, wondering if Professor Snape might end up facing an unexpected "wizardly ambush."

But soon, he dismissed his elaborate thoughts, realizing such "fancy" schemes weren't used in the magical world.

This was probably just a straightforward confession. But that's what made it more unbelievable.

Observing Professor Tywin's cough, William watched Professor Tywin like a poet, he read aloud emotionally:

Understood! Here's a playful yet insult-laden love letter crafted for Snape:



those eyes,

Darker than your disdain for foolish Gryffindors,

that hair,

Slicker than a poorly brewed potion on exam day,

Your tales,

More twisted than your dislike for fame and a certain dead potter,

I wish you were mine,

You're a sight to behold, a brooding Potions Master in a flowery apron,

The wizard who could out-sneer a Slytherin snake!"

The one who brewed the potion

Through my heart.



Before Professor Tywin finished reading the poem,

the whole card exploded in an instant, with Snape glaring at Tywin.

His glare was like he was out for blood for this humilation.

Not one to chicken out, Professor Tywin picked his wand and aimed it at Snape.

"Come on, Severus, let's do this ,I've wanted to kill you for a long time."

The fake smile on Tywin's face disappeared, and he shouted, "You bloody scum fucking betrayer."

"I am not..."Snape's eyes shrank sharply, and a flash of pain flashed.

"You are not? Then tell me how did voldemort knew about James location?

How come you get to live peacefully at Hogwarts for ten years, without any trial?" Professor Tywin said coldly.

"Severus, you should have been the one sentenced to Azkaban, not Sirius..."

William stood there dumbfounded.

William stood there bewildered. He didn't recognize any of the names Professor Tywin mentioned, except for the Dark Lord.

What was evident to him was that Snape and Tywin had some sort of past together.

They could have been classmates, but definitely they were not from the same house.

Madam Pomfrey overhearing the commotion hurried into the room.

Yelling at both of them, prompting both Tywin and Snape to simultaneously lower their wands.

Shortly after being asked to leave, news spread like wildfire across Hogwarts about Professor Tywin's unexpected hospitalization.

Within days, another professor was hospitalized, sparking rumors associating William with these misfortunes.

His inadvertent involvement led to a cheeky nickname: "Black william" inspired by the Black cat's bad luck ability.

With the rumour about william circulating, some of the faculty started keeping their distance from William.

But the popularity of william was an all time High among the students at Hogwarts.

William's influence in the classroom was clear to everyone, both among Ravenclaw students and throughout Hogwarts.

Many hoped william will do something more interesting, perhaps connected to the hospitalization of the third and fourth professors.

Unfortunately, Professor Flitwick, had different plans.

Instead of diving into spell teachings, the first week of his class revolved solely around demonstrating wand movements and gestures..

There are only seven fundamental movements, but there are more than 230 varieties derived from them.

When dealing with ancient Rune spells, the wand movements become more complex and versatile.

Professor Flitwick only focuses on the most fundamental movements that are needed for school tasks and everyday activities.

The more complex details are left for advanced classes or for students who have the extra time and interest to delve deeper into them.

For others, these aspects can be explored if they have the extra capacity for study.

For regular students, there aren't too many demands or expectations.

To prevent any teaching accidens, Professor Flitwick doesn't allow the first years to use wands,

Making them use wooden sticks with similar shapes instead.

He didn't wanted anything like Snape or tywin to happen.

With this he prevents the accidental poking of wand in butthole or other disappearence of bones that might lead to further hospitalization of professors.

William swung the stick perfectly, but Professor Flitwick hastily interrupted him and awarded him a point before telling him to stop.

William really felt the unfairness.

He wasn't the one who was responsible for the accidents,

But rather he was the one who was helping in minimising the consequences.

Why should he be looked as the perpetrator, why should he be called Black william.

However, dealing with the aftermath did have its perks. In a mere two days, William earned a hundred and twenty points for Ravenclaw.

The entirety of those points were added from the teaching accidents involving Snape and Tywin.

With this influx of points, Ravenclaw surged far ahead, as evidenced by the numerous sapphires in the hourglass.

Their points were equal to the other houses average of one third of the semester time.

All that in just 2 days, it was a new record for points if anyone was counting.


Give me your stones and I will pray for you, so you will get a Love letter as well.


But seriously give me your stones vote for the story so more people can read it.