
HP: The Gray Sorcerer

Arthur finds himself reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter and awakens a powerful Gacha System. He begins his new life by acquiring a phoenix as his pet and spending time playing Quidditch with his girlfriend Cho Chang, reading books in the library with Hermione, or searching for the rare Crumple-Horned Snorkack with Luna. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 35 advanced chapters at my patreon

Abyssuit · アニメ·コミックス
237 Chs

Chapter 56: Invention


Watching the doors of the Headmaster's office slowly close, Arthur shook his head in dissatisfaction.

Professor Dumbledore was so unfair. It was him who allowed Arthur to choose a reward.

Why did he suddenly change his mind when Arthur mentioned the Elder Wand?

But it wasn't a complete loss. In the end, Professor Dumbledore agreed to help Arthur get in touch with Nicolas Flamel and see if he could learn alchemy from him for a while.

On the way back, Arthur, by any chance, ran into Fred and George, who had a nervous look on their faces, which made Arthur want to laugh.

"What's wrong with you two?"

Arthur curiously asked the twins.

"It's nothing. Some of our little inventions were discovered by Professor McGonagall," Fred sighed.

When Arthur heard this, he was interested. These twin brothers seemed to have developed several pranking products in the movies. He wondered what they had been caught with this time.

"Can you tell me about it? What are these little inventions?"

They were excited when Fred and George saw that Arthur was interested in their inventions.

George proudly took out a pack of candies.

"This is Skiving Snackbox. After eating it, you'll have a nosebleed for a while, but it will stop in a few minutes," Fred added.

Arthur took one and opened it to have a look. There was a small magic attached to it that would cause a person to have a nosebleed.

However, the effect wasn't that strong, just as Fred said, it would only last a few minutes for an average wizard.

"So, how did Professor McGonagall catch you?" Arthur asked.

"It's all George's fault. If he hadn't sold it to Angelina, we wouldn't have been caught," Fred replied.

"Don't blame me, Fred. It was because you sold it to Lee," George retorted.

"No, it's their own fault. Both of them ate Skiving Snackbox during the History of Magic exam," Fred explained.

Arthur understood now. It seemed that Lee and Angelina tried to use the Skiving Snackbox to skip the History of Magic exam, but unfortunately, they were caught.

After all, it wasn't just a coincidence that both of them had a nosebleed during the exam.

Seeing the two of them arguing, Arthur couldn't help but smile. That was the charisma of the Weasley twins. They could always bring joy to people no matter when.

"Never mind, let's not talk about that. Arthur, do you want to buy some of our Skiving Snackbox?" Fred and George quickly changed their mood and turned to promote their product.

"Sure, give me some. By the way, do you have any other fun stuff?"

The twins exchanged a glance when they saw Arthur's interest.

This was a big customer!

They immediately put on a smile and led Arthur into a classroom.

Once inside, Fred performed a magic trick and produced a pile of round balls wrapped in colorful packaging.

"Are these the dung bombs you used against Filch last time?" Arthur curiously looked at the balls and guessed what they were.

"That's right! Weasley's specially crafted, top-quality dung bombs!" Fred nodded. However, Arthur's taste didn't match such products, so he wasn't interested in buying them.

"Is this the only type of product you have?" Arthur looked at Fred and George with some confusion.

In the original story, they had plenty of tricks up their sleeves.

Even in Harry's fifth year, they used up all their inventory before escaping from school and playing a big prank on Umbridge.

"We would love to have more products, but research requires a lot of funding," Fred explained as the twins' faces fell.

"We can only slowly collect funds, and once we have enough money, we can continue with product development. We were hoping that Skiving Snackbox would bring in some funds this time," George added with a sad expression.

"Are you interested in accepting investment?" Arthur proposed, looking at Fred and George in their current state.

"Really?!" The twins' eyes lit up, and they shouted at the same time.

"How much do you need?" Arthur nodded, not out of pity for the twins but because he found the Weasley twins' inventions quite enjoyable.

In the end, they even opened a shop in Diagon Alley. Although Arthur didn't lack money, he didn't want to miss out on this opportunity right in front of him.

George excitedly explained, "50 Galleons! No, 30 Galleons! We only need 30 Galleons, and we can develop two or three new products. They will definitely sell well!"

"Is that enough?" Arthur expressed his surprise.

"It's enough, it's enough. Arthur, you don't know that George and I have saved up only 10 Galleons this year. With 30 Galleons, we can buy plenty of raw materials," George explained.

Arthur didn't expect that the twins' experiments would be so cheap. He spent no less than 2,000 Galleons on alchemical materials for his own practice this year.

After some thought, Arthur reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag.

The bag made a jingling sound when held in his hand. George and Fred stared wide-eyed at it.

"There are 200 Galleons in here, enough for you to use for a while."

"Is this...really for us?" Fred murmured, surprised.

"Yes, it's all for you. Don't hold back, make more products as soon as possible. We'll open a Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes in Diagon Alley," Arthur said.

At the mention of this, the twins' eyes sparkled. Opening their own shop in Diagon Alley was their greatest dream.

Arthur looked at the twins lost in their fantasies, and nodded in satisfaction. He had a good relationship with the twins.

He knew that both of them had great talents.

By helping them solve their problems, he directly gained favor with a pure-blood family and made some money.

It was a win-win situation.

Taking the money bag, George pretended to be serious and said, "Master Gaunt, we won't disappoint you. You can rest assured."

Fred also playfully tapped George, pretending to be dissatisfied. "What are you chattering about? Master Gaunt? Call him boss!"

Arthur chuckled at their jokes. These two were always creating laughter.

After agreeing with the twins on a 70-30 profit split, Arthur watched Fred and George rush back to develop new products.

Meanwhile, he headed towards his room, ready to spend the last few days of the semester.



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