
HP: The Gray Sorcerer

Arthur finds himself reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter and awakens a powerful Gacha System. He begins his new life by acquiring a phoenix as his pet and spending time playing Quidditch with his girlfriend Cho Chang, reading books in the library with Hermione, or searching for the rare Crumple-Horned Snorkack with Luna. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 35 advanced chapters at my patreon

Abyssuit · アニメ·コミックス
237 Chs

Chapter 5: A Girl

Outside Garrick's wand shop in Diagon Alley, Garrick sent Arthur and Professor Snape off with a forced smile.

Professor Snape looked at Arthur strangely and said, "You will definitely become a great businessman in the wizarding world."

Arthur heard the hint of sarcasm in Snape's words, but he didn't care.

Just now, he sold one of Furry's feathers for 100 Galleons (one feather could make many wands) and got the approval to have a custom-made wand for free.

After that, Professor Snape helped Arthur purchase all the necessary items for first-year students.

At Arthur's request, Professor Snape took him to the Leaky Cauldron, where Arthur planned to stay for three days while waiting for his wand to be made.

Because he didn't have a wand, he needed the owner's help, Tom, to open the passage.

Arthur decided not to go back home and wait for his wand to be ready before returning. After informing Professor Snape and Old Tom, they left him there.

Arthur went into his room, did a quick clean-up of the somewhat dirty and messy house, and sat down on a chair by the bed.

Finally, he had time to check his system. When he entered Diagon Alley, his system kept making notification sounds, but he couldn't check it with Snape nearby.

"Congratulations, host. Achievement system activated."

"Congratulations, host for completing the achievement, Exploring Diagon Alley, and earning a reward of 200 coins."

Several other achievements appeared, including Gringotts Wizarding Bank, Ollivanders Wand Shop, and other places Professor Snape had taken him to. However, these smaller places only had a reward of 50 coins each.

'I'll have to visit every shop in the future. When I have enough power, I can even go to them for rewards.'

Looking at the gold coins on the system panel, Arthur decided to save up enough for safety before going on another adventure. After all, he was still a beginner.


Three days later, with the help of Old Tom, Arthur smoothly entered Diagon Alley. During the three days he stayed at the Leaky Cauldron, Arthur became acquainted with Old Tom thanks to his good personality.

During this time, Arthur also saw Harry Potter, causing a scene in the entire bar. Everyone was starstruck and excitedly watched Harry Potter as if they were his fans.

But he didn't approach him, knowing that Harry would be in trouble for the next seven years. Arthur didn't want to establish any kind of relationship with him.

After all, his surname was already sensitive, and Albus Dumbledore had probably set his sights on him.

Once he arrived at Diagon Alley, Arthur couldn't wait to visit Ollivanders Wand Shop and walked in.

"Mr. Gaunt, you've arrived," greeted Garrick with a hint of exhaustion. It seemed he had been working overtime for the past three days to make wands.

"Come over here, Mr. Gaunt. These wands are my creations from the past three days, all with phoenix feathers. However, their lengths and the woods used are different. Please try them out."

Garrick, though slightly tired, appeared quite excited as he invited Arthur to try out the wands.

"How about this one? Maple, nine inches." Garrick handed Arthur a wand, and as soon as he took it and waved it, a red magic shot out and blasted a large hole in the wall.

"No, no, this wand is too sensitive, even though it's suitable for you." Garrick pushed his glasses, took Arthur's wand, then turned and handed him another one.

"Try this one. Cherry wood, thirteen inches, it's a great partner for performing transfiguration."

Arthur felt he had no say in the value and could only take the wand. He waved it, and this time, no red light was released. However, as he swung it, all the wand boxes around him flew up.

"Wonderful, these both wands are very suitable for you, but there is a slight imbalance" After thinking for a moment, Garrick took out a wand that was entirely red and appeared a burst of heat.

"Sycamore wood, ten and a half inches."

Arthur took the wand, and before he could even wave it, he felt a sudden surge of heat in his body, his magic boiling over.

He unconsciously directed the magic toward the wand and raised it high. A phoenix burst out of the wand, wailing loudly and flew towards the door.

Just then, the door of the wand shop suddenly opened, and a pretty asian girl walked in. She was startled when the phoenix flew toward her, she froze in place without understanding the situation.

"Avoid her!"

Arthur couldn't help but shout when he saw this. He waved his wand to the right, and luckily, the phoenix seemed to respond to his command.

It obediently flew to the side of the girl and avoided her, crashing into the wall instead.


The phoenix disappeared as dust flew up. Arthur didn't care about anything else, so he rushed to the girl's side in three or two steps and held her shoulders.

"I'm sorry, are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

As he spoke, Arthur couldn't help but observe the girl in front of him. He couldn't help but sigh that she was really beautiful. Her small oval face had the three-dimensional features of a European and American person.

A pair of elf-like eyes were full of fear and confusion, making her look a little silly.


Cho's POV

Cho came to Diagon Alley today, planning to buy a set of wand maintenance tools from Ollivander's Wand Shop. Since her parents were both working, she came here alone.

But she never expected that as soon as she walked into Ollivander's, a fiery red phoenix flew straight towards her.

Completely caught off guard, Cho just stared at the phoenix as it brushed past her and collided with the nearby wall.

Then, a boy rushed up to her, looking at her nervously and asking about her condition, which slowly brought her back to her senses.

'He's really handsome' was Cho's first thought.

Arthur was already a handsome boy, but with the awakening of his bloodline, he had undergone some changes. He had become even more attractive, just slightly compared to the legendary 'Veela' level.

"I-I'm okay," Cho regained her senses and looked at Arthur's hands as he helped her up, her fair face showing a hint of blush, making her even more cute.

Garrick watched the scene in front of him, seeing the handsome boy nervously looking at the beautiful and shy girl.

Suddenly, he felt a bit of a butterfly in his stomach.



You can find up to 35 advance chapters at my patreon.