
HP: The Foreigner

Axel had lived a questionable life but after his death by his own hands he was granted a chance to live again. With the responsibility of saving the world from unknown threats, Axel begins his new journey in the drastically different world of Harry Potter as a foreign soul. . . . A/N: Here are a few things, No harem. No system. It's an AU with huge changes so if that's not your cup of tea, you've been warned. Atleast a chapter per day

Ferzd · 書籍·文学
9 Chs



-Rita Seeker

The recent attack on Hogsmeade has seriously wounded Britain's magical community. The perpetrators call themselves N.W.O their motives and goals are yet unknown.

"The terrorists used an incredibly complex ward to isolate the northern county and intentionally attacked the city guards, first disabling them from helping as they conducted the massacre." The head of hogsmeade city guard, Mr. John Fox says in an interview with the daily guard.

"There were at least six master level mages among them. A lot of our men had gone home for the festivities. We were spread too thin. They took full advantage of the festivities." Mr. Fox answers to the question about why the guards were absent.

More than 300 wizards have lost their lives including many Hogwarts students. Is it the incompetence of our ministry that allowed this tragedy to happen or is the enemy just that powerful?

Many surviving wizards have asked why the great wizard Albus Dumbledore didn't do anything to protect them even though he was just nearby in Hogwarts.

Is this the end of a tragedy or simply a start to another painful chapter in our country's history? How will the ministry react?

One positive note is Harry Potter, son of James Potter and Lily Potter, the two heroes who defeated Voldemort was there and saved many wizards from perishing in the flames.

"He was like an angel sent by the heavens." A surviving wizard said about the new young hero. He is set to be rewarded with the second order of Merlin for his heroic act.

Neville closed the daily prophet. His eyes were filled with tears… he couldn't believe it. Alphonse was dead...

Al was in Hogsmeade. Harry confirmed it. They haven't found his body yet. He was declared missing. Any hope he had was quickly draining away. 'No Al won't just die like that.' Neville shook his head.

Deep down he knew the possibility of him surviving was almost null… yet he hadn't lost all his hope.

"Neville." He heard his mum call him. He wiped his tears as he headed downstairs.

As Alice saw her son she couldn't help but feel her eyes moisten. Neville and Alphonse were close enough to be called brothers and her son hadn't taken the news of his loss well.

She quietly pulled her son into a hug to comfort him as Neville silently cried in his mother's embrace. She looked out of the window. It was a cloudy day..

Inside the ministry of magic.

All the leaders of magical Britain were present inside a conference hall.

"This.. how did this happen! In Hogsmeade no less?" The minister of magic, Cornelius Fudge spoke first. He was a middle aged man with a stern face. A well groomed moustache covered his upper lip but one could clearly see his frown.

"The enemy was too strong." The head of DMLE, Aedan Bones sighed. He was a relatively young man with a charming face and silver hair which seemed to almost glow that made him stand out. He was the successor and nephew of Amelia Bones who had recently stepped down.

"And prepared." The headmaster of Hogwarts said in a sombre tone. He had gone to visit his lifelong friend/enemy at Numengrad for Christmas when the attack happened… as if they knew he was going to be absent, which should be impossible as few people even knew he was going to Numengrad at that time.

"So what now?" The head of public relations, Amanda Avery asked. "How are we going to react?" She was a middle aged woman with brown hair that was neatly bundled up in a ponytail. She had a worried look on her face.

The tragedy that happened had severely damaged the trust in the ministry with many complaints, it hadn't gone to the point of riots but considering Hogsmeade was one of the largest wizard cities as well as the fact that it was so close to Hogwarts, that wasn't too far off. As the head of public relations and the one responsible for representing the ministry in the eye of the public, it was her problem to deal with.

"Sirius found a peculiar ward around the northern sector… or at least what's left of it." Aedan said. "Our agents are researching this ward but it looks like it had a self-destruct function as we could barely find traces of it."

'A peculiar ward.. knowledge of my absence and massacring wizards…' Albus wondered… 'If I am correct in my assumptions…'

Albus' eyes widened as if a sudden realization had hit him.

"Sir Dumbledore?" Amanda called him. "Ah sorry.. I was just wondering about something." Albus reassured her.

Harry Potter looked at the sight before him. He had failed. Once again he had failed to keep his promise. Many people had died and he didn't even succeed in killing the red mask.

He looked at the badge of honour given to him. It looked so… condescending. As if it was mocking him.

He fought with all he had got, from the knowledge and experience that he had gained from his past, he did all he could but… it wasn't enough.

Harry had to get stronger.. much stronger.. even stronger than his past self, even stronger than Dumbledore, if he ever wanted a chance to stand against… it.

He looked at the cloudy sky as he remembered the moments of his past. His naivety, his blind faith, his confidence and his weakness had made him pathetic.

He would not make this mistake… not again.

Harry tightened his fist as he went towards the window and disappeared in a flash of light.

Three months later…

It had snowed quite heavenly last night.

Rubeus Hagrid, the half giant professor of Magic Zoology had just finished his census for magical creatures this year.

He was responsible for counting the number of creatures in the outer part of the forbidden forest to showcase them in his classes.

He suddenly felt someone approaching his hut. He turned to see a young man. Few bits of snow covered his pitch black hair which was tied up in a makeshift bun. Though his most striking trait was his silver eyes… or eye, his other eye's irises were a lot lighter, almost white.

The young boy wore a makeshift cloak made from a deer's hide. A scar ran through the left side of his neck.

The boy's eyes lit up as he saw Hagrid. Hagrid saw the boy move his lips as if to say something though he was too far to actually hear it.

"I'm finally back." Al smiled.

Hey, any ideas or thoughts about the story could be quite helpful. I am the general outline of the story planned already but there is a lot of room for change... and I would really enjoy reading your suggestions.

Sincerely, Have a nice day!

Ferzdcreators' thoughts