
Chapter 13: Tracing Charms!

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Less than a minute later, Harry had completed his transaction with the shopkeeper and was on his way out of the shop. As he walked back towards Diagon Alley, Loki noticed something out of the corner of Harry's eye.

Two burly men appeared to be following him, each dressed in shabby clothing and already holding their wands.

Loki ran over the route that had brought them here, his near-perfect memory recalling an alley coming up on his right and telling Harry to go into it.

If the men weren't following him they would walk past. If they were...well, they would be the first people Harry got to test his new wand on….

As the alley came up, Harry instantly ducked into it – and bumped into a third man, also wielding a wand. The sounds of footsteps dashing across the ground behind him registered upon Harry's ears and he ducked.

A bolt of red light zipped over his head as a man yelled, "Stupefy," blasting through his illusionary form and splashing into the chest of the third man who Harry suspected to be working with the others.

Harry was spinning on his heel before the man's limp body hit the floor, his wand whipping forward as its runes glowed with blue light.

The caster of the Stunning Spell was ironically too stunned by his spell seemingly moving through his opponent to react as an icicle burst from the tip of Harry's wand and stabbed into his chest.

"Protego!" yelled the final man just as Harry fired another icicle. At first nothing appeared to happen, but then blue light shimmered through the air as the ice shattered against a previously unseen shield.

Before Harry could react the man screamed, "Flippendo!"

The only sign of anything happening was a slight shimmering in the air before Harry leapt out of the way, narrowly avoiding the kinetic force.

Harry swept his wand at the wizard once again and the wizard cast another shield charm. Harry, however, had not been aiming at the wizard, who promptly slipped on the iced-over ground at his feet.

To Harry's annoyance he managed to keep his grip upon his wand and cast another shield as he sent yet another icicle at him. With a swear word, Harry span on his heel and ran, disappearing behind a bend in the alley.

The man was soon after him, rage burning in his eyes at the thought of his dead friend – and then something stabbed into his left side as he rounded the corner, seven inches of freezing-cold metal slipping between his ribs.

As he fell to the floor and darkness began to envelop him, he looked up to see a boy staring down at him.

Upon closer inspection, the child's eyes were red and he held the instrument of the man's murder in his hand, wiping the blood on his trousers as he grinned proudly. To the man, that grin wasn't proud, it was maniacal.

In the boy's eyes he saw nothing but ancient and alien power swirling as they returned to their natural green. A sharp pain in his side reminded him of his impending demise. No, he decided.

This was no boy, it was a demon…. Perhaps not a demon, the man had led a sinful life, after all, robbing people in alleys – this was a harbinger of justice.

Not an angel though, those eyes – almost the same shade as the feared Killing Curse – were far too terrifying to be angelic. This was a god. A fallen god.


Harry awoke to the sound of an owl of all things and frowned. It having been just over two years since he had first ventured into the wizarding world, he was used to such oddities when he was visiting there, but in the middle of muggle London?

Well, there were weird things in London, but they didn't usually include owls…. After a few moments he recalled that owls were used to send messages in the wizarding world, being the backwards society they were.

'Any ideas?' he asked Loki.

The god was silent for a moment, doubtlessly scouring his near-perfect memory for anything that might reveal what the owl wanted. He evidently drew up a blank.

'No wizards know your address, and there no wards that might alert them to your location.' He paused. 'Perhaps the muggles have decided to revert to avian messengers once again? It is such a stupid idea that it wouldn't surprise me….'

Harry snorted. He was fairly sure that he was the only human, magic or muggle, that Loki would actually ever like. The god thought of mortals with disdain at best and utter hatred at worst.

Until a year or so ago he had been more tolerant of them – that was until Harry had actually read a Norse Mythology book.

To say the least, he had been...displeased by their depiction of him, even if he admitted to a large majority of it being true.

Personally Harry thought that he was probably just envious of the worship his adopted brother Thor had gotten even though he had also went around killing people – not that he would ever mention that to Loki, of course.

Wandering over to his window, Harry opened it and began to reach for the letter in owls hands.

'Don't!' Loki suddenly said. 'I can detect a tracing charm on it, and there might be other things.'

Drawing his hand back rapidly, Harry drew his hands back rapidly as he stared at the letter. Upon it was a symbol he recognized from books: the Hogwarts crest. 'They don't usually have tracing charms on, do they?'

'I'm not-' Loki was interrupted as a series of sharp cracks broke through the morning's quiet.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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