
HP: Bruno in Dumblegame

[Word Count: 42.76K] Meet Bruno Green, the bloke who's got the inside scoop on all things Harry Potter. He's just transmigrated right back into the thick of it, returning to his original eleventh-year body in that wizarding world, without any actual memories of his previous life. What a return, huh? Now, brace yourselves for some serious butterfly effects as the story kicks off, starting in the blazing summer before Harry's first year at Hogwarts. There'll be a new prophecy around, one that's got Bruno on a collision course with Dumbledore, while Harry's gearing up for his showdown with Voldemort. So, expect the unexpected and enjoy the journey! General Approach & Style: I'm crafting a narrative that remains as true to canon as a Hippogriff, but with a distinct twist — it might start with a leisurely pace, embracing the slice of life element, and as we progress, the tempo accelerates, with a primary focus on adventures that'll warm your heart. However, there's an epic journey waiting in the shadows, concealed by a mysterious prophecy. Well, looks like I'll be accidentally cooking up some suspense and tossing in a sprinkle of action here and there (in chapter six). Before that we have heartwarming dramatic moments, a sprinkle of humor, exploration of familial bonds, and the joyful chaos of friendship. Plus, yes, there'll be hints for the gradual development of a romantic subplot, and a promise of smut to add some spice when the time is right. Alright, folks, let's set the record straight from the get-go. Don't go expectin' a load of smut right outta the gate. We're talkin' first-grade students here, and as our dear Bruno once wisely put it: 'I'll give it a shot... But come on... They're just a bunch of kids...' Hah. As for calling my fic a comedy, well, maybe some of the goblins might not catch the drift, but it's all in good fun for me. So, why not? Updates: Now, for a bit of more serious business. I might be a fresh bloke in this bloody scribbling, and these updates might be a bit unpredictable at least for starters. Let's ease into it. Target word count for each chapter: 5K+ enchanted words per week, but I'll start biweekly until I get used to it, to prevent burning me out. Note: Oi, and a little heads up – English isn't my native tongue, but hey, I'm pretending like a pro! So if you spot a few quirks and blunders here and there, just play along, won't you? After all, we're all in for the adventure! Hah. But seriously, let me know if your eagle eyes spot anything odd. Disclaimer: Nope, I'm not a Sirius Black. I'm not the one who can summon Butterbeer on demand either. These characters and the whole magical gig? Courtesy of J.K. Rowling. I'm just adding my two Knuts for fun and mischief.

SeriousBloke · 書籍·文学
8 Chs

The Other Villain

The next day, Bruno woke up at dawn and his mood wasn't exactly rainbows and sunshine. He had to spend some quality time in the bathroom, dealing with the lovely aftermath of that last punch-in-the-gut potion he chugged before going to bed. It turned out that Olivia was right to convince him to stay at St. Mungo's until he completed the course of restorative elixirs. The healers quickly found a remedy that soon removed all the negative effects.

Leaving his ward was invigorating. He would be outside for the first time! All questions about discharge were already resolved by Olivia yesterday. Books and sweets were quickly packed into his bag, under the charms of extension, and they set out to leave.

On the staircase landing, Bruno stopped to take one last look at the door with the sign "SPELL DAMAGE". He was placed in this ward because, as Olivia explained, the healers believed he suffered from a curse while still in the womb. They assumed that Olivia had been subjected to some dark magic while pregnant.

"Think Dumbledore was lurkin' around when you were bakin' me? Ouch!" Bruno jumped feeling a stinging curse on his butt. "What's that for? I meant, when I was all snug in your belly. Alright! Alright! When you were pregnant."

Olivia gave him a smirk.

"Don't think so," she said, but Bruno could swear he noticed something odd in her olive eyes.

But soon they were distracted in the corridor. Bruno and Olivia were accompanied by the voices emanating from the portraits of stern-looking healers. On their way down the rickety stairs, the healers called out to them, giving strange diagnoses and suggesting eerie treatments. Bruno could only roll his eyes in response. One particularly audacious voice even had the nerve to claim that his skin had taken a beating from a light curse, making him appear darker. Bruno's dad was African, no doubt about that, but a medieval wizard barged in, pushing past five more portraits to offer his unsolicited wisdom.

"A severe skin affliction, my young lord. If nothing is done, you will become even darker than you are now..."

"It's genetic," Bruno shot back, but the wizard didn't bother listening.

"...the only remedy is to collect unicorn urine, smear it all over your body, and stand naked with mistletoe in your mouth during a full moon..."

His subsequent instructions were drowned out by Bruno and Olivia's wild laughter, causing the medieval healer to take offense and finally cease pursuing them. 

They entered the reception area still giggling quietly. To reach the exit to the Muggle side of St. Mungo's, they had to pass other wizards and witches sitting in rows on rickety wooden chairs. Next to one elderly wizard, Bruno noticed a house-elf who was handing him tea on a saucer while he waited his turn. The most striking were people with animal parts altered onto their bodies. Some of them emitted quite indecent sounds: a man in the corner with an elephant's trunk breathed as if he had constipation; a woman in the middle of the first row, covered in feathers, intermittently hooted like an owl. It sounded quite erotic, which embarrassed the female half of the room, while the men had ambiguous smiles.

"It's impolite to stare like that," Olivia whispered, nudging Bruno forward towards the large glass pane through which the Muggle world was visible.

The Apparation was not an option for children as it may do them some harm. Only elf magic worked more safer. There was also a way to get to the Leaky Cauldron through the Floo Network, but Bruno wanted to stroll through London instead. The sunny weather invited them for a walk around the capital. Bruno wanted to wander the Muggle streets for a while.

Passing through the glass felt like crossing a cold curtain, after which they were hit by the warm summer air.

"So, this is the real world," Bruno said, squinting at the sunlight.

"You saw it through the window at the ward," Olivia remarked with a playful tone.

Bruno rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a grin.

"Oi! Can't a guy have his dramatic moment?"

Before them was a wide street lined with shops, bustling with a crowd of tourists and shoppers. No one paid any attention when a woman with a boy arrived just in front of a few chipped dummies with their wigs askew, standing behind the window at random and modeling fashions at least ten years out of date. Bruno was outside a large, old-fashioned, red brick department store called Purge and Dowse Ltd. 

Olivia gently but firmly grabbed Bruno's hand as a group of shoppers rushed past them dangerously close. She led him along the route she had planned. The London tour took up a good part of the day. By lunchtime, Bruno had already acclimated and was now pulling his mother towards places he had often visited, or so he assumed.

"I thought of you more like some American person. Didn't expect you know these places." Olivia said.

"Yeah? Oh, sure, judging by the way I jabber sometimes it might be true, but who knows? Just got this gut feeling like I've been wanderin' 'round London for a bit," Bruno retorted.

After skipping the British Museum, they had a blast chilling on its steps, engaging in conversation. Following that, they decided to give the London Eye a go - a massive observation wheel providing a sweeping vista of London from its capsules. And from that vantage point, the iconic Big Ben was quite the sight to behold.

Olivia didn't hesitate to spend a little extra to have the cabin all to themselves, so they could talk in peace. It seemed that Muggle money wasn't too highly valued among wizards, so such expenses didn't strain her too much.

"How much they askin' for a house-elf these days?" Bruno asked, recalling one he saw at the hospital.

"You must understand that house-elves are not sold as commodities. In Diagon Alley, there is the 'House-Elf Placement Agency,' which deals with the placement of newborn house-elves, but it's not the same as it used to be. All the applications for getting a house-elf have long been taken by other wizarding families, who often have to wait for years for their turn. House-elves have a long lifespan but an extremely low birth rate, so their numbers are significantly lower than in the past. Occasionally, a wizarding family may be in urgent need of improving their current financial situation and sell a house-elf through an auction, but it happens very rarely. And, of course, the price would be unreasonably high in such cases," Olivia explained.

Bruno snorted and leaned closer to the cabin's window, now reaching the highest point of the wheel. Anyone who read those Harry Potter books should've gotten a clue about how handy house-elves could be. Getting an elf wasn't a walk in the park, that's for sure. Now it seemed reasonable why these critters didn't pop up left and right in the canon. It's all starting to click, like solving one of those head-scratching riddles.

"I ain't shocked by any of this. Just wanted one," Bruno said, peering out from his cabin at the jumble of rooftops, cars, and swarming Muggles. "Yeah, yeah, I know that slavery's an awful thing, but who's gonna turn down a magical butler, huh?"

"Slavery is a bit of an exaggerated expression," Olivia said thoughtfully. "House-elves' magic is very different from ours and seems to have a parasitic nature, somehow connected to their loyalty. They draw strength from wizards. I've heard from a squib that having one elf hardly affects a wizard, but having two will have negative consequences. It's like carrying a school backpack; you can get used to having one, but carrying two will always weigh heavily on your shoulders."

"What about Dobby then? Remember, I told you Harry gave that little guy his freedom. So, why wouldn't anyone want to hire elf for a galleon per month?" Bruno asked.

"You should know that a disobedient house-elf will take slightly more effort to manage than an obedient one, although it would still be within the norm. Only inheriting an elf or obtaining one through a deal with another wizard doesn't affect at all. However, making a free elf a slave again, will draw much more magic from its new owner than usual. Elf has to desire it, but he can't do it, because he will be still loyal to the old master. This is the main drawback of freeing a house-elf. The defiance of such an elf would further increase the costs, and if the elf demands a salary, it would probably be a full house. No wonder Dobby could only find work at Hogwarts, as the castle itself serves as a source of magic."

This provided food for thought. Perhaps this is why Voldemort never had his own house-elf. The idea of sharing his magic with such a lowly creature must have disgusted him.

As they exited the cabin, Bruno's stomach growled.

"We can head to the Leaky Cauldron now," Olivia suggested. "Charing Cross Road is nearby."

"Works for me, my stomach's already complaining," Bruno replied.

"I thought we could find a better place to have lunch. Although the rooms in the hotel are quite decent, the bar isn't very presentable."

"Don't bother me none. I'm just itching to dive into Diagon Alley pronto," Bruno answered.

The sun was high, and they hurried to seek refuge from the heat inside the wizarding bar. Bruno's open shirt was already partially wet in places. It must be acknowledged that Olivia was quite knowledgeable about fashion, so Bruno didn't stand out among the Muggles. He was wearing regular jeans and sneakers. Olivia confessed that she often bought clothes from a specific shopping center. She herself was decked out in some fancy summer getup, looking all classy as usual.

"We'll buy you more clothes later. But for underwear, it's better to visit a Muggle store. It's not very pleasant when unknown charms are placed on such things. Besides, the Muggles sometimes have much more interesting choices."

"But is it alright if we stroll into Diagon Alley not wearing robes?" Bruno asked.

"Wizards don't have a strict dress code. Of course, it's customary to wear robes, but it's more of a tradition," Olivia said, stopping. "And here's our Leaky Cauldron."

A tiny, unremarkable bar – that was an appropriate description. Wizards always designed their habitats that way. Bruno immediately noticed the Muggle-repelling charms in action. People passing by paid absolutely no attention to the place.

Inside, it was lively, despite the bar being dim, shabby, and not very cozy. As they entered, Bruno noticed a group of old wizards in robes laughing loudly while glancing at a lone old woman with a steaming mug in her hand. She seemed unfazed by their looks, engrossed in reading some magazine. Tom, the bald, wrinkled, and almost toothless owner of the pub, was engaged in a conversation with a young couple, probably discussing room rentals.

Bruno was about to find a free table when Olivia suddenly gripped his hand tighter and stopped him. A male voice and a faint smell of garlic reached them.

"P-p-professor Green!" stammered the young man. "Wh-what a surprise to see you here."

"Professor Quirrell," Olivia introduced him, though Bruno already figured out who he was. "You should understand that I am no longer a professor, so there's no need to address me as one. Bruno, Professor Quirrell is one of your future teachers."

"S-s-so this is your s-s-son!" said Quirrell, stammering, and greedily grabbed Bruno's hand. "I read your amazing story in the Prophet."

"What area of magic do you teach, Professor Quirrell?" Bruno inquired, though he was trying to suppress his revulsion from their touch.

"D-defense against the D-d-dark Arts," Quirrell mumbled, as if he didn't like what he just said. "I just r-r-returned from a s-s-small trip, after which I felt the need for change."

"A quite radical change, considering you used to teach Muggle Studies," Olivia remarked, pretending to be surprised. "You must remember the rumors about the curse on that position? The previous professor even fled in the middle of the school year and didn't tell anyone anything."

"Not that the rumors had much effect on you at the time, did they, Miss Green?" The professor nervously chuckled.

"It did affect my relationship with Dumbledore," Olivia replied coldly, causing surprise not only in Professor Quirrell but also in Bruno. "He was not at all willing to help me with my research. It seemed that my curse was not to find any hidden artifacts at Hogwarts. When I left, I thought it was all a waste of time. I was incredibly lucky that Bruno's godmother found a solution that apparently made him wake up."

"V-very glad to hear that. I d-don't think I read about that in the Prophet," Quirrell said, though Bruno noticed that his tone somehow changed.

"She doesn't like attention very much," Olivia replied casually, pushing Bruno forward. "And now, please excuse me, Professor Quirrell. You understand, I still need to make up for lost time with my son."

"Y-yes, of course," Quirrell replied, returning to the table where he had apparently been sitting before.

Relieved to leave Quirrell behind, Olivia led her son out of the bar into a small yard surrounded by walls. There was nothing there except a rubbish bin and a few weeds. Anticipating Bruno's question, Olivia adjusted her glasses and silently mouthed the words:

"Not here."

She took out her wand and tapped the wall three times.

The brick she touched trembled, then twitched, and a small hole appeared in it, which quickly began to grow. After a second, an arch appeared before them, leading to the winding cobblestone street. 

In the sunlight, cauldrons glistened outside the nearest shop. The sign read: "Cauldrons. All Sizes. Copper, Bronze, Tin, Silver. Self-Stirring and Collapsible." 

"I didn't imagine this moment like this," Olivia said. "But here we are, in Diagon Alley."

Bruno nodded in response, but the encounter with Quirrell still lingered in his mind, distracting him from fully appreciating the magical world around him. 

The fact that Quirrell immediately took up the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor meant that he had met with Voldemort. The lack of a turban was the only indication that nothing was currently attached to the back of Quirrell's head. It was likely that this would change when the attempted robbery took place. The likelihood of Quirrell leaving Voldemort in his accommodations at the Leaky Cauldron appeared to be quite slim. It was more plausible that Quirrell was in the process of meticulously strategizing everything before embarking on the mission to break into Gringotts alongside his master.

As the arch behind them turned into a solid wall again, Olivia spoke up, "Now you can ask."

Feeling the need to clarify, Bruno immediately inquired, "Why'd you bring up the godmom?"

Olivia sighed, "I needed to tell him about your godmother so he wouldn't think I found some artifact at Hogwarts. You said that our dark acquaintance has a thirst for possessing unique magical items. You also said he can feel when someone lies, so I had to give him something. I think that's why Quirrell lost interest after learning that I found nothing."

"You sense his lurking presence?" Bruno asked, catching onto the need for caution.

"No, but on his chair was definitely some strange distracting magic around his bag. I sensed hints of garlic. Perhaps that smell is involved somehow. No wonder Dumbledore didn't expose him immediately. If you don't know about the hidden magic, it's impossible to notice. I barely restrained myself from casting an exploding spell at him for how he was staring at you," Olivia said.

"Come on, Mom... No worries now. Why'd you bring up ol' Dumbie anyway?" Bruno prodded further.

"I wanted to establish our position as neutral to avoid any premature conflicts with Dumbledore's enemies. We might get involved eventually, but it's best to be cautious for now," Olivia explained.

As they stood there, the door to a nearby Apothecary opened with a cheerful ring. Stepping out from the shop were two boys, their faces alight with excitement.

"Saw that?" one boy nudged the other.

"They've got dragon eggs for sale!" said the second one, joining in the laughter.

Of course, they weren't discussing the kind of eggs that hatch into tiny dragons. Any other day, Bruno might have found it amusing, but not this time.

"Time to pick up the pace," Bruno muttered abruptly, his tone as sharp as his focus.

He took Olivia's hand and pulled her along, heading down the winding cobblestone street. They passed by the owl shop, where hooting could be heard. In the corner of his eye, Bruno noticed a shop window with displayed brooms.

"Where are you in such a hurry?" Olivia asked.

"Gringotts," Bruno replied, and then added discreetly, "But first, I gotta get the lowdown on goblins. Give me the quick and dirty version, will ya?"

Olivia raised an eyebrow, understanding his need for brevity. She must have remembered the prophecy's words about only Bruno having the power to change everything. It was comforting to know that his mother supported his endeavors, even without knowing the full plan.

"Sly and proud," she simply answered. "What? You asked for a brief answer, after all."

"Okay, I mean, how much pressure can I put on 'em during negotiations? Can they go all explode-y if I accidentally tick 'em off with something I blurt out?" Bruno said.

They passed by shops selling robes, telescopes, and strange silver instruments. Bruno's stomach growled again as they reached Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. It was cute to see another store next to it with a facade covered in various flowers and plants.

"Well, they do have their own traditions, but it mainly works between them. Treat goblins as equals, and there shouldn't be any problems. In any case, no one will harm you while I'm with you," Olivia reassured him.

Bruno nodded, appreciating the advice. Olivia's knowledge was invaluable, and he wanted to be well-prepared for his encounter with the goblins. It only confirmed that most of what was presented in fanfics was nonsense and not to be trusted. More of that the canon world was much wider. They reached a cluttered shop with extravagant tables, chairs, cabinets, and beds glued to the building's facade. A sign on the dresser read: "Future Furniture Features."

"That makes things easy," Bruno concluded as Gringotts came into view.

"I don't know what you have planned, but just don't try to deceive them. Especially, they don't like parting with their gold," Olivia cautioned.

"Sly and proud," Bruno repeated with a mischievous grin as he observed a passing house-elf following some wizard. "Let's see how they handle a salesman from a whole other universe."


In the next episode…

"Ah! Nasty Goblinses! Better than no Bones, precious. Better than nothing."

Alright, hold onto your wands, my fellow witches and wizards, and stay tuned, 'cause this book ain't all about that Sorcerous Stone – there's something else cookin'. We're diving in with some fresh magic in the mix. Sound intriguing? Let's ride on this Hippogriff together. Cheers!

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